Solve Kinematic Problem: Car from A to B at 120km/h & Car from C to B at 80km/h

  • Thread starter Hisanagi
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In summary, the conversation is about two cars travelling from point A to B at different speeds and the question of when the second car needs to leave from point C in order to arrive at point B at the same time as the first car. The suggestion is given to draw a velocity-time graph and use the equations of motion to solve the problem.
  • #1
I am so confused right now. This is porbably a really easy question to answer but I'm just too stupid to understand it...

So onto my question..a car drives 120km/h from point A to B (which is 150km).

When does a second car need to leave from point C (which is in between point A and B and is 76km before B), at 80km/h in order to get to point B at the exact same time as the first car?

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  • #2
Oh my.. Dun have so little confident in urself man.. Perhaps, to easier ur understanding, You may want to draw out ur velocity-time for the two cars. You can then form 2 eqns. I won't write out the full solns.<<<read the guidelines, if u wan to know why?>>>

You know that the area under the velocity-time graph is the distance travelled. By using the eqn of motion. Try figuring out the soln urself. If cha still got prob, can post out ur prob then we can further analyse it. Just at least show some working. hehe. Happy solvin./
  • #3

Don't worry, this can be a bit confusing at first! Let's break it down step by step:

1. We know that the first car is traveling at a speed of 120km/h from point A to B, a distance of 150km. We can use the formula speed = distance/time to find the time it takes for the first car to reach point B.

2. So, time = distance/speed = 150km/120km/h = 1.25 hours.

3. Now, we need to figure out when the second car needs to leave from point C in order to reach point B at the same time. Since the second car is traveling at a speed of 80km/h, we can use the same formula to find the time it takes for the second car to travel from point C to B.

4. We know that the distance from C to B is 76km, so time = distance/speed = 76km/80km/h = 0.95 hours.

5. However, this is just the time it takes for the second car to reach point B from point C. We need to add this time to the time it takes for the first car to reach point B from A.

6. So, the total time for the second car to reach point B at the same time as the first car is 1.25 hours + 0.95 hours = 2.2 hours.

7. Therefore, the second car needs to leave from point C 2.2 hours before the first car reaches point B. We can use this time to calculate the exact time the second car needs to leave from point C, based on the time the first car leaves from point A.

I hope this helps! Just remember to use the formula speed = distance/time and break down the problem step by step. Good luck!

FAQ: Solve Kinematic Problem: Car from A to B at 120km/h & Car from C to B at 80km/h

1. How do you calculate the total distance traveled by the two cars?

The total distance traveled by the two cars can be calculated by using the formula: distance = speed x time. In this case, the distance traveled by the first car would be 120km/h x time and the distance traveled by the second car would be 80km/h x time. The total distance can be found by adding these two distances together.

2. How long will it take for the two cars to reach the same point?

To find the time it takes for the two cars to reach the same point, we can use the formula: time = distance / speed. The distance would be the same for both cars as they are both traveling to point B, so we can set their distances equal to each other. This would give us the equation: 120km/h x time = 80km/h x time. We can solve for time by dividing both sides by the speeds, giving us a time of 1 hour.

3. What is the average speed of the two cars combined?

The average speed of the two cars combined can be found by using the formula: average speed = total distance / total time. We already know the total distance from the first question and the total time from the second question. By plugging these values into the formula, we can find the average speed of the two cars combined.

4. Is it possible for the two cars to overtake each other?

Yes, it is possible for the two cars to overtake each other. This would happen if the first car, traveling at 120km/h, overtakes the second car, traveling at 80km/h. This would occur if the first car started closer to point B than the second car, or if the first car traveled a longer distance.

5. How do the velocities of the two cars affect their arrival times?

The velocities of the two cars directly affect their arrival times. The faster a car is traveling, the shorter the time it will take to reach the same point as a slower car. In this scenario, the car traveling at 120km/h will arrive at point B before the car traveling at 80km/h, as it is traveling at a faster velocity.

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