How to avoid singularities in AS Gravity? Find non perturbative inflation

In summary, the conversation discussed the use of the renormalization scale µ and density ρ in relation to gravitational collapse and inflation. The authors proposed a relation between µ and ρ similar to that used in Weinberg's paper on asymptotically safe gravity. However, this did not remove the singularity and they concluded that a different equation for G(µ) was needed. The FRGE method also yielded a parameter space dependent on G and the cosmological constant /\, but the authors attempted to find a relation for the entire space which is not possible.
  • #1
Gold Member

"To pursue our analysis further, we must determine more carefully the relationship between the renormalization scale µ and the density ρ. One appealing choice, advocated by Weinberg in his analysis of inflation in asymptotically safe gravity [3], is to take the renormalization group mass scale µ to be

µ ∼ [G(µ) ρ]^1/2 (3.8)

which has the appearance of the inverse of a “gravitational length” related to the energy density ρ andis equivalent to taking µ to be the inverse of the timescale over which the scale factor a(τ) changes."

One should treat G in a non perturbative way to avoid singularity.

So, it is like inflation counters a singularity, when gravitational collapse is treated non perturbatively
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  • #2
Think your confused here a little. Inflation and gravitational collapse are two different physical phenomena. Here what they want to do is relate the RG scale [tex]\mu[/tex] to the density [tex]\rho[/tex] so they use the same relation Weinberg does in his paper(and has been used in other papers).

They then find that this doesn't remove the singularity and conclude that they need a different equation [tex]G(\mu)[/tex] in eq 3.5.
They don't however ask whether 3.8 is right or wrong (though it may be a logical choice)

Anyway by their own definition they don't have a non-perturbative formulation that removes the singularity.
  • #3
Yes, sure, they are different phenomena. And yes, I was a bit confused... Hmm, I guess this is because I read the paper on a smartphone with a very small screen...
  • #4
Smartphones are not asymptotically safe.
  • #5
I wonder why didn't they put the mass renormalization scale depending on the cosmological constant.
  • #6
Finbar said:
Anyway by their own definition they don't have a non-perturbative formulation that removes the singularity.
The whole FRGE method yields a parameter space which depends on 2 parameters, G and /\, with a UV point to where infinite coupling constants of gravity flow to. u is related to /\, and p to G. Notice that eq. 3.8, unless for constant G, is a non linear equation, whose approximate solutions should just work around the vicinity of parameters, yet the authors try to find a relation that should relate u and p through out the whole space.

They shouldn`t conclude that they do not have a non-perturbative formulation, because 3.9 is an example of one. The problem it is that they try to find one for the whole parameter space, which it will never work.
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FAQ: How to avoid singularities in AS Gravity? Find non perturbative inflation

1. How do singularities occur in AS Gravity?

Singularities occur in AS Gravity when the curvature of space-time becomes infinite, resulting in an infinite density and an infinite gravitational force.

2. What is non-perturbative inflation?

Non-perturbative inflation is a theory that suggests a rapid expansion of the universe in the very early stages of its evolution. It is a possible solution to the horizon and flatness problems in cosmology.

3. How can we avoid singularities in AS Gravity?

One way to avoid singularities in AS Gravity is by incorporating non-perturbative effects, such as inflation, into the theory. This can help smooth out the curvature of space-time and prevent the formation of singularities.

4. What are the challenges in implementing non-perturbative inflation in AS Gravity?

One of the main challenges in implementing non-perturbative inflation in AS Gravity is the lack of a complete understanding of the underlying physics at extremely high energies. This makes it difficult to accurately model and predict the behavior of the universe during the inflationary period.

5. Are there any other proposed methods for avoiding singularities in AS Gravity?

Yes, there are other proposed methods for avoiding singularities in AS Gravity, such as modified gravity theories and the use of extra dimensions. However, these methods also face their own challenges and limitations.

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