Semiconductor has electron and hole, why not conductor has hole?

In summary, the conductivity of intrinsic semiconductors can be calculated using the equation σ=2neμ, where n is the number of electrons per cubic meter, e is the charge of an electron, and μ is the electron mobility. However, in conductors, the conductivity can be calculated using the equation σ=neμ because the electrons responsible for electrical conduction are already in the conduction band. Some conductors, like tin, support hole conduction and are termed semimetals.
  • #1
For intrinsic semiconductor, the know its conductivity=2 neμ , where his the number of electron per cubic meter, e is the charge of an electron, μ is the electron mobility.
But if I want to calculate the conductivity of a conductor= neμ.
Why not consider the hole in? Electron leaves its original place to conduction band will leave a hole behind, this is not true in conductor?

Thank you.
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  • #2
The electrons in conductors responsible for electrical conduction are already in the conduction band even at 0K (ie the Fermi level is in the conduction band). That's why we call them "conductors" to begin with.
  • #3
Thank you^^
  • #4
Some do

Some conductors, like tin, do support hole conduction. They are termed semimetals. The classic semimetallic elements are arsenic, antimony, bismuth, α-tin (gray tin) and graphite, an allotrope of carbon.
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  • #5
I appreciate your curiosity and interest in understanding the concept of conductivity in semiconductors and conductors.

To answer your question, it is important to first understand the fundamental difference between semiconductors and conductors. In semiconductors, the valence band (the highest energy band occupied by electrons) and the conduction band (the lowest energy band available for electrons to move into) are separated by a small energy gap. This gap is small enough that at room temperature, some electrons can acquire enough energy to jump from the valence band to the conduction band, creating a flow of charge and allowing the material to conduct electricity.

On the other hand, in conductors, the valence and conduction bands overlap, meaning that the electrons are free to move throughout the material, resulting in a high conductivity. In this case, there is no need to consider holes because the electrons themselves are responsible for conducting electricity.

In semiconductors, the concept of holes arises due to the movement of electrons from the valence band to the conduction band. When an electron moves, it leaves behind a positively charged "hole" in the valence band. This hole can then be filled by another electron, creating a chain reaction and contributing to the flow of charge.

However, in conductors, the overlapping of the valence and conduction bands means that there are no distinct energy levels for electrons to jump to. Therefore, there is no need to consider holes in the calculation of conductivity.

In summary, the presence of holes is a unique characteristic of semiconductors, and it is not applicable to conductors. The conductivity of a conductor can be accurately calculated using the formula neμ, which takes into account the number of electrons and their mobility. I hope this explanation helps clarify the concept for you. Keep asking questions and exploring the world of science!

FAQ: Semiconductor has electron and hole, why not conductor has hole?

1. Why do semiconductors have both electrons and holes?

Semiconductors have a unique atomic structure that allows for the existence of both electrons and holes. In a semiconductor material, the valence band is filled with electrons, while the conduction band is empty. This creates a band gap, which is the energy difference between the two bands. When an electron from the valence band is excited to the conduction band, it leaves behind an empty space or "hole" in the valence band. This hole behaves like a positively charged particle and can move through the material, just like an electron.

2. Why don't conductors have holes as well?

Unlike semiconductors, conductors have a completely filled valence band, meaning there are no available energy states for electrons to move into. Therefore, there are no holes that can be created in the valence band. Additionally, in conductors, the conduction band overlaps with the valence band, allowing electrons to easily move through the material without the need for holes.

3. How do holes contribute to the conductivity of semiconductors?

Holes play a crucial role in the conductivity of semiconductors. When an electron moves from the valence band to the conduction band, it leaves behind a hole in the valence band. This hole can then be filled by another electron from a neighboring atom, creating a "chain reaction" of electron movement. This movement of electrons and holes is what allows for the flow of electricity through a semiconductor.

4. Can holes be considered as actual particles?

While holes are often described as positively charged particles, they are not actual particles in the same sense as electrons. Holes are actually the absence of an electron in a specific energy state, rather than a physical particle. They are a helpful way to visualize and understand the movement of electrons in a semiconductor material, but they do not have a physical presence.

5. How do impurities affect the presence of holes in semiconductors?

Impurities, or dopants, can greatly affect the presence of holes in semiconductors. When a semiconductor is doped with an element from the third column of the periodic table (such as boron or aluminum), it creates a p-type semiconductor. In this type of semiconductor, the dopant atoms have one less valence electron than the semiconductor material, creating holes in the valence band. This increases the number of available holes and can greatly enhance the conductivity of the semiconductor.

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