Is the set of infinite strings of {a,b} countable?

In summary, using Cantor's diagonalization method, it can be shown that the set of all infinite strings of the letters {a,b} is not countable. This is done by assuming that the set is countable and reaching a contradiction through the creation of a new string using the diagonal method. No specific numbering scheme is needed, as the assumption of a bijection between the set and natural numbers is equivalent to the set being countable.
  • #1
I am stumpt on this problem:
Use Cantor's diagonalization method to show that the set of all infinite
strings of the letters {a,b} is not countable:

Can I have a hint? :redface:
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  • #2
Do you understand the argument that shows that the set of decimal numbers between 0 and 1 is uncountable? Try running that argument in base two, and you have what you want.
  • #3
Do you know Cantor's diagonal method? The application here is pretty direct. Assume that the set of all infinite sequences of {a,b} is countable. Then you can put them in a numbered list. Create a string z by "if the nth letter in the nth sequence is a, the nth letter in z is b, else the nth letter in z is a". Where is z in the list?
  • #4
I guess my problem is coming up with a numbering scheme of these strings, so that I could see a diagonal. Do i always need to disprove by diagonal? I know it is called diagonalization principle but still...
I think I understand the principle, but sometimes the prof changes a small thing and then we all are lost.
So, yeah, if someone can lead me on numbering, that would be appreciated.
  • #5
You don't need a numbering scheme. The assumption that the set is countable is equivalent to the statement that there exists a bijection between it and the natrual numbers. So if you assume the existence of such a bijection and reach a contradiction, you have disproved the hypothesis that the set is countable.
  • #6
oh, ok.
that makes sense.

FAQ: Is the set of infinite strings of {a,b} countable?

1. What is Cantor's diagonalization?

Cantor's diagonalization is a proof developed by mathematician Georg Cantor in the late 19th century to show that the real numbers are uncountable, meaning that they cannot be put into a one-to-one correspondence with the natural numbers.

2. How does Cantor's diagonalization work?

The proof works by assuming that there is a countable list of all real numbers, and then constructing a new number that is not on the list. This new number is formed by taking the first digit from the first number on the list, the second digit from the second number on the list, and so on, and changing each digit to a different value. This new number will always differ from every number on the list, showing that the list cannot contain all real numbers.

3. Why is Cantor's diagonalization important?

Cantor's diagonalization is important because it is a fundamental result in the field of mathematics that has implications for other areas of study, such as computer science and logic. It also helped to pave the way for further developments in set theory and the understanding of infinite sets.

4. Can Cantor's diagonalization be applied to other sets?

Yes, Cantor's diagonalization can be applied to other sets that are uncountable, such as the set of all irrational numbers or the set of all functions. It is a general proof technique that can be used to show that certain sets are uncountable.

5. Are there any criticisms of Cantor's diagonalization?

Yes, there have been some criticisms of Cantor's diagonalization, particularly in regards to its use in the study of infinity and its implications for the foundations of mathematics. Some argue that it relies on assumptions about the nature of infinity that are not necessarily true. However, it remains a widely accepted and influential proof in mathematics.
