Light speed in relation to the size of the universe

In summary, the speed of light has not changed since the big bang, and there is no evidence that it will in the future.
  • #1
Can anyone tell me if the speed of light in a vacuum was the same a few seconds after the big bang when the universe was small as it is today? In other words could it be that the speed of light changes as the universe expands?

Also is it actually known why light travels at the speed it does? If not then there is no point in me asking what is so special about that speed at which it travels with no varience.
Physics news on
  • #2
There is no evidence that the speed of light has changed since the big bang.
  • #3
How can there be a doppler effect (red/blue shift) with light when the velocity of light doesn't vary relatively to the motions of source or observer?
  • #4
sinebar said:
Can anyone tell me if the speed of light in a vacuum was the same a few seconds after the big bang when the universe was small as it is today? In other words could it be that the speed of light changes as the universe expands?
It could, but as Mathman said, there's no evidence. Also, the speed can't vary in general relativity, so GR would have to be modified to allow for that.

sinebar said:
Also is it actually known why light travels at the speed it does? If not then there is no point in me asking what is so special about that speed at which it travels with no varience.

Fredrik said:
If you want to know why light moves at c, the answer is that it's a consequence of Maxwell's equations. (You already got that answer).

So why do Maxwell's equations hold? They are a consequence of the fact that the electromagnetic field (the vector potential) is a massless vector field on Minkowski space. Actually that's more of an equivalent formulation of the theory than a reason why it holds, but if we consider quantum electrodynamics, the concept of renormalizability tells us why there are no other interaction terms in the Lagrangian. (There may be other terms, but non-renormalizable terms do not contribute noticeably to experiments at low energies).

Why is the field massless? That question doesn't make much sense, as it is part of the definition of what we mean by "light".

Why is spacetime Minkowski space? It isn't really. General relativity tells us that there's a relationship (expressed by Einstein's equation) between the geometry of spacetime and its matter content. Minkowski space is the particular solution that corresponds to an empty universe: No matter, no gravity, no nothing. But GR also tells us that a spacetime with matter looks like Minkowski space locally. What that really means is somewhat technical, but you can think about it this way: When you look at a small enough region, its geometry will appear to be flat, just as a small region of the surface of a sphere appears to be flat. This property of spacetimes in GR is sufficient to make the speed limit (locally) the same as in SR.

So why does GR hold? No one has an answer to that yet, and even if they did, it would create another why question. This is a problem you'll eventually run into no matter what question you start with.
  • #5
If we assume that light speed is variable over time then asa a consequence GR is no longer correct. GR requires that the local speed of light remains constant.

FAQ: Light speed in relation to the size of the universe

1. What is the speed of light?

The speed of light is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum. This is considered to be a universal constant and is denoted by the letter "c".

2. How does the speed of light relate to the size of the universe?

The speed of light is important in understanding the size of the universe because it is the fastest speed at which any information or energy can travel. This means that the distance light can travel in a certain amount of time can give us an idea of the size of the universe.

3. Can anything travel faster than the speed of light?

According to the theory of relativity, nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. This is because as an object approaches the speed of light, its mass and energy increase infinitely, making it impossible to reach or exceed the speed of light.

4. How long does it take for light to travel across the observable universe?

The observable universe is estimated to be about 93 billion light-years in diameter. This means that it would take approximately 93 billion years for light to travel from one end of the observable universe to the other.

5. How does the expansion of the universe affect the speed of light?

The expansion of the universe does not affect the speed of light itself, but it does affect the distance that light can travel. As the universe expands, the distance between objects increases, making it take longer for light to travel between them. This means that the further away an object is, the longer it takes for its light to reach us.
