Number of Core’s vs CPU Hz Speed. What give fastest and most efficient rendering

In summary, the conversation is about building a new workstation with a focus on rendering speed and stability. The question is raised whether having more CPU cores or a higher CPU GHz speed would result in better performance. Different sources have provided conflicting information, leaving the person confused. They are seeking advice and experiences from others. The discussion also touches on the use of graphics cards for rendering and the potential benefits of having multiple cheap single processor machines networked together. It is mentioned that CPU frequency is usually the determining factor, but the architecture and other factors can also play a role.
  • #1
Dear members,

I am going to build a new ws, and priority for this is rendering speed and 2nd stability.

Prior to selection of hardware i sit with the following question.
What will give max/ optimum speed and performance while rendering, as many number of cpu core’s as possible or highest possible operation CPU GHz speed. ?

After reading some information and material from different sources i get input that point in both directions. I am more confused now after reading a lot, than before starting to get info about what to select.

I hope members here will find this question interesting and share their experiences with me.

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  • #2
Rendering is inheriently parallel - assuming your render package supports multiple CPUs.
Check if the renderer can use any of the graphics card features for rendering, the GPU HW is so much faster than the CPU.

If your package supports it and you have a lot of rendering to do you could actually get best value for money by having many cheap single processor machines networked together, especially if you are running Linux so don't have to pay for a windows licence/machine.
  • #3
It depends on more than just CPU speed and number of cores. Number of cores does not scale up exactly proportionally with performance.

CPU frequency is usually the decider but a Pentium 4, say, at 4GHz will still be destroyed by an AMD running at 3GHz or a Core 2 @ 2.6GHz.
  • #4
How does the 3GHz AMD destroy the 4GHz Pentium 4, does it have multiple cores?
  • #5
Clock speed offers only diminishing returns. Processor and software manufacturers are turning to parallelism for the next generation of computing platforms instead.

- Warren
  • #6
EnumaElish said:
How does the 3GHz AMD destroy the 4GHz Pentium 4, does it have multiple cores?

The architecture differences but it obviously depends what you want to do. I think that's a bit too far of a comparison (i.e. 3GHz AMD may outperform a 3.5GHz P4). Core for core, those outperformed Pentiums a fair amount. And AMD's sales back then sure said it.

Anyway there are a lot more factors to really say anything without specifics. I mean, AMDs have higher memory bandwidth so they should surely be better for memory intensive tasks (like possibly rendering?).
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FAQ: Number of Core’s vs CPU Hz Speed. What give fastest and most efficient rendering

1. What is the relationship between the number of cores and CPU Hz speed?

The number of cores and CPU Hz speed have an inverse relationship. As the number of cores increases, the CPU Hz speed decreases. This is because the clock speed of the CPU is divided among each core, so the more cores, the lower the Hz speed for each core.

2. Which is more important for rendering, number of cores or CPU Hz speed?

Both the number of cores and CPU Hz speed are important for rendering, but the number of cores is generally more important. This is because rendering involves multiple tasks running simultaneously, so having more cores allows for better multitasking and faster rendering.

3. Can a higher CPU Hz speed make up for a lower number of cores?

In some cases, a higher CPU Hz speed can make up for a lower number of cores. This is because a higher Hz speed allows for faster processing of individual tasks, so if the rendering software is not optimized for multiple cores, a higher Hz speed can improve rendering speed.

4. What is the ideal balance between number of cores and CPU Hz speed for rendering?

The ideal balance between number of cores and CPU Hz speed for rendering depends on the specific software and type of rendering being done. Generally, a higher number of cores is preferred for complex and multi-tasking rendering, while a higher CPU Hz speed may be more beneficial for simpler and single-tasking rendering.

5. Is there a limit to the number of cores that can be used for rendering?

Yes, there is a limit to the number of cores that can be used for rendering. This limit is determined by the software being used and the capabilities of the computer's hardware. Additionally, having too many cores can actually decrease rendering speed due to increased overhead and competition for resources.
