Curvatue Cosmology for a static stable universe

In summary: Crawford have any affiliation with the Flat Earth Society?)No, David Crawford does not have any affiliation with the Flat Earth Society.
  • #1
David Crawfor
Curvature Cosmology is a cosmology based on two hypotheses. The first,
curvature redshift, is an interaction between photons and curved spacetime
and produces the observed Hubble redshift. It can also explain the
anomalous Pioneer 10 acceleration.
The second, curvature pressure, is a reaction between spacetime and a hot
plasma such that the hotter the plasma the higher the pressure that tries
to flatten the space curvature. This pressure provides a stable static universe.
The net result is a tired light cosmology that is in excellent agreement
with observations without needing expansion, inflation, dark matter or dark energy.
All of the standard objections to tired light models are fully overcome.
The basic model has one free parameter, the average density of the universe.
The model predicts a Hubble constant of 64.4 km/s/Mpc and a cosmic microwave
background temperature of 2.62 K.
Much of the theory has been published in major journals. In 2006 I wrote a
book "Curvature Cosmology", Brown-Walker Press, which describes this cosmology.
Since then I have corrected some theoretical errors and greatly expanded the
observations that have been used to test the model.

A free copy of this second edition is available on my web site:
The pdf document has 150 pages and its size is 1.14 Mbytes.
I would be delighted to receive comments or criticisms especially
after you have read the book.
Space news on
  • #2

Dr. Crawford, thanks for telling us about the revised edition of your book. You have a substantial list of publications in professional journals plus unpublished papers available on arxiv. I noticed that the list includes some published and unpublished writings on your static universe concept, so I went through and picked out what I thought might be relevant to this discussion. Please point me to any I missed, especially if they are available on arxiv, or are otherwise online.

D.F. Crawford, "Photon Decay in Curved Space-time", Nature, 277(5698), 633-635 1979.

D.F. Crawford, "Photons in Curved Space-Time", Aust. J. Phys. 40, 449-457 1987.

D.F. Crawford "A New Gravitational Interaction of Cosmological Importance" Astrophys. J. 377 1-6 1991.

D.F. Crawford "A Static Stable Universe" Astrophys. J.410 488-492 1993.

D.F. Crawford "Angular Size in a Static Universe" Astrophysics J.440 466 1995.

D.F. Crawford "The Quasar Distribution in a Static Universe" Astrophys. J. 441 488 1995.

D.F. Crawford "Curvature Pressure in a Cosmology with a Tired-light redshift" Aust. J. Phys. 52 753 1999.

D.F. Crawford "Curvature Cosmology", (BrownWalker Press), 2006.

D. F. Crawford “No Evidence of Time Dilation in Gamma-Ray Burst Data” arXiv:0901.4169.

D. F. Crawford “Type 1a supernovae agree with a static universe” arXiv:0901.4172

I am not familiar with this static universe model, or perhaps only through second-hand hear-say. It gets my attention and respect your having published in NATURE and in ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. I will take a look, though I may not have anything intelligent or enlightening to say (since it is pretty unusual, somewhat out of my ken, I suspect.)
Good luck with it.
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  • #3
Does your model predict/explain the CMB power spectrum?
  • #4

Dr. Crawford, I had a look at your recent arxiv posting
and was surprised by this in section 11, on page 13:
"Curvature-cosmology (Crawford, 2006, 2009a) is a complete cosmology that
shows excellent agreement with all major cosmological observations without
needing dark matter or dark energy."

You see since the whole thing is quite unfamiliar to me, I had assumed right off that it was a "tired light" type of model where, because of some curvature effect the photons lose energy and become redshifted as they travel over long distances. But if you propose to dispense not only with expansion but also with dark matter, then it seems to be a more ambitious program.
You will have had to address observed phenomena such as gravitational lensing by clusters, the bullet cluster collision and such, the mapping of dark matter clouds by weak gravitational lensing, the stability of clusters and so forth. I suppose this is covered in the online (second) edition of your book. I intend to have a look at the book as time permits.
  • #5
nicksauce said:
Does your model predict/explain the CMB power spectrum?
Yes it does. Please see Chapter 6
  • #6

1) Of the resources available on the subject, which would you recommend for the layman?
EDIT: After reading the first 6-pages of the introduction, I see that 1) the book is the most updated, relevant resource and 2) it is written in very simple language that should not loose a layman willing to do additional research as needed. I will have to skip some of the math sections. Based on the introduction, the book seems to be very organized and like it will lead the reader through these new ideas easily.

2) Do any of the resources address the reasons so many people are saying, per the WMAP, that spacetime is flat and not curved?
EDIT: I'm still curious about this question.

(And, just out of personal curiosity, does a "static, stable universe" imply a spacetime that existed before the big bang? :-p)
EDIT: After reading the first 6-pages, I see that the question of "emergence" is moot in curvature-cosmology because there was no "bang" in curvature-cosmology for spacetime to either preceed or emerge from.
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  • #7
Whats about entropy? If Universe exists forever, then we face old Boltzman questions about the heat death... Where do you take supply of Hydrogen in the Enternal Universe?
  • #8
David Crawfor said:
Curvature Cosmology is a cosmology based on two hypotheses.
The first:curvature redshift, is an interaction between photons and curved spacetime
and produces the observed Hubble redshift. It can also explain the
anomalous Pioneer 10 acceleration.

The second: curvature pressure, is a reaction between spacetime and a hot
plasma such that the hotter the plasma the higher the pressure that tries
to flatten the space curvature. This pressure provides a stable static universe.

David, could you explain simply the second hypothesis?

I understand hot plasma to have positive density, pressure and energy contents, all of which under GR would 'increase curvature', not flatten it. the Einstein static model would require either a cosmological constant (unstable) or negative pressure [itex]p = -\frac{1}{3}\rho [/itex].

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  • #9
Dmitry67 said:
Whats about entropy? If Universe exists forever, then we face old Boltzman questions about the heat death... Where do you take supply of Hydrogen in the Enternal Universe?

This topic is covered (I hope fully) in the book. I believe that the standard argument
about increase in entropy is flawed when applied to the universe.
All the elements are continually recycled. The very high temperature inter-galactic
plasma breaks down heavier elements into lighter ones.
  • #10
Garth said:
David, could you explain simply the second hypothesis?

I understand hot plasma to have positive density, pressure and energy contents, all of which under GR would 'increase curvature', not flatten it. the Einstein static model would require either a cosmological constant (unstable) or negative pressure [itex]p = -\frac{1}{3}\rho [/itex].


This is a very speculative hypothesis and rather than give a brief glib statement I would rather you to chapter 4 in the book. Don't hesititate to call me if you find any inconsistencies or
bad arguments.
  • #11
Hoku said:

2) Do any of the resources address the reasons so many people are saying, per the WMAP, that spacetime is flat and not curved?
EDIT: I'm still curious about this question.

(And, just out of personal curiosity, does a "static, stable universe" imply a spacetime that existed before the big bang? :-p)
EDIT: After reading the first 6-pages, I see that the question of "emergence" is moot in curvature-cosmology because there was no "bang" in curvature-cosmology for spacetime to either preceed or emerge from.

In curvature cosmology the cosmic background radiation has a completely different origin. Hence the conclusions drawn from WMAP about flat spacetime, etc. are not relevant.
  • #12
David Crawfor said:
This topic is covered (I hope fully) in the book. I believe that the standard argument
about increase in entropy is flawed when applied to the universe.
All the elements are continually recycled. The very high temperature inter-galactic
plasma breaks down heavier elements into lighter ones.

Then, where did matter come from in the first place. can you speculate? time is concrete in your system, or is it? does you theory imply that the universe goes dead(matter disperses) and then somehow comes alive. What about colapse of the universe, or that is also irrelevat to your theory. Like you stated, static universes have been proposed before, does yours have any strong philosophical implication or your way is just more robust , and that is all.
  • #13
qsa said:
Then, where did matter come from in the first place. can you speculate? time is concrete in your system, or is it? does you theory imply that the universe goes dead(matter disperses) and then somehow comes alive. What about colapse of the universe, or that is also irrelevat to your theory. Like you stated, static universes have been proposed before, does yours have any strong philosophical implication or your way is just more robust , and that is all.

I consider curvature cosmology to be a first order theory in that the universe is static and time is unbounded. Whether or not there is a beginning or end to time requires a deeper and more profound theory.
  • #14

Your question, "then where did matter come from" applies to any cosmological model. Where did matter come from in the Big Bang? That answer is no more easily found. Also, I don't see why his proposal should change the relativity of spacetime. I wouldn't expect it should need to. Finally, the "collapse" of the universe is just as much a mystery with the Big Bang as I would expect it is with Curvature Cosmology. With the Big Bang, we don't know if it will end in a rip, thus ending forever, or if it will cycle back with a "big bounce".

I don't believe Dr. Crawford is trying to promote any "philosophical" ideas aside from the notion that the universe can be better explained without all of these "mysterious forces" like dark matter and dark energy. Curvature Cosmology is testable and, because he wants to know the truth as much as all of us, he welcomes the integriy of the idea to be challenged.

Dr. Crawford is highly educated and published where it counts. He has provided a link to the first 150 pages of his book, free of charge. It is written very clearly. Let's be grateful that Dr. Crawford has reached out to us and make him feel welcome. Once we've read his book, I think he is open to productive confrontations that have direct relevance to specific ideas in the book.
  • #15
Whats about Black Holes?

You can say that they are recycled too via Hawking radiation. However, the rate of such evaporation is extremely very low. In static universe the rate of formation of Black Holes and their evaporation must be in equlibrium, while in the part of our universe we observe they are not balanced. How it is explained?

Thank you
  • #16
I fail to see how you can dismiss dark matter, for example - the bullet cluster.
  • #17
The standard and most powerful argument against 'tired light' theories is that they are inconsistent with evidence of so-called 'time dilation' of elapsed time between certain events of relatively standard duration, such as supernova durations, which increases in proportion to emission distance (z+1). See, e.g.," .

Dr. Crawford disagrees with the analsyses that have confirmed the existence of such time dilation, and has extensively documented his counter-analysis. However, to date there seems to be no acceptance of his counter-analysis as discrediting the primary research. The counter-analysis is far too complex for me (and I suspect most of us) to offer any independent judgment as to whether it has merit. So it will have to be sorted out by the experts. If there is in fact an increase in measurement times of 'standard events' which is proportional to distance (z+1), then it appears to me to be fairly conslusive proof that the universe is expanding and that Dr. Crawford's theory must be incorrect.

By the way, I personally don't like the use of the term 'time dilation' in this context because it evokes the concept of SR time dilation which is irrelevant to the actual phenomenon. The effect is more aptly described as a time delay in receiving the second any two serially-emitted photons. That delay should increase exactly in the same proportion as the expansion of the universe between the times of emission and reception; this coincides with the physical stretching of the radial length of the 2-photon string itself, as measured in the observer's rest frame.
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  • #18
Dmitry67 said:
Whats about Black Holes?

You can say that they are recycled too via Hawking radiation. However, the rate of such evaporation is extremely very low. In static universe the rate of formation of Black Holes and their evaporation must be in equlibrium, while in the part of our universe we observe they are not balanced. How it is explained?

Thank you

As I have explained in my book I don't believe in black holes. I fully support General Relativity but I argue that curvature pressure not only prevents the ultimate collapse but can produce the jets that are seen in quasars etc.
  • #19
nutgeb said:
The standard and most powerful argument against 'tired light' theories is that they are inconsistent with evidence of so-called 'time dilation' of elapsed time between certain events of relatively standard duration, such as supernova durations, which increases in proportion to emission distance (z+1). See, e.g.," .

Dr. Crawford disagrees with the analsyses that have confirmed the existence of such time dilation, and has extensively documented his counter-analysis. However, to date there seems to be no acceptance of his counter-analysis as discrediting the primary research. The counter-analysis is far too complex for me (and I suspect most of us) to offer any independent judgment as to whether it has merit. So it will have to be sorted out by the experts. If there is in fact an increase in measurement times of 'standard events' which is proportional to distance (z+1), then it appears to me to be fairly conslusive proof that the universe is expanding and that Dr. Crawford's theory must be incorrect.

By the way, I personally don't like the use of the term 'time dilation' in this context because it evokes the concept of SR time dilation which is irrelevant to the actual phenomenon. The effect is more aptly described as a time delay in receiving the second any two serially-emitted photons. That delay should increase exactly in the same proportion as the expansion of the universe between the times of emission and reception; this coincides with the physical stretching of the radial length of the 2-photon string itself, as measured in the observer's rest frame.

Please read the chapter on supernovae which refutes the standard analysis.
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  • #20
Chronos said:
I fail to see how you can dismiss dark matter, for example - the bullet cluster.

My main argument about dark matter is that nearly all arguments for it rely on the virial theorem which computes the mass from velocity dispersion. However it explicitly requires that the velocities used are actual velocities. I argue that the observed redshifts can be corrupted by curvature redshift and are not true measurements of the actual velocities. I must re-look at the bullet cluster.
  • #21
Hoku said:

Your question, "then where did matter come from" applies to any cosmological model. Where did matter come from in the Big Bang? That answer is no more easily found. Also, I don't see why his proposal should change the relativity of spacetime. I wouldn't expect it should need to. Finally, the "collapse" of the universe is just as much a mystery with the Big Bang as I would expect it is with Curvature Cosmology. With the Big Bang, we don't know if it will end in a rip, thus ending forever, or if it will cycle back with a "big bounce".

I don't believe Dr. Crawford is trying to promote any "philosophical" ideas aside from the notion that the universe can be better explained without all of these "mysterious forces" like dark matter and dark energy. Curvature Cosmology is testable and, because he wants to know the truth as much as all of us, he welcomes the integriy of the idea to be challenged.

Dr. Crawford is highly educated and published where it counts. He has provided a link to the first 150 pages of his book, free of charge. It is written very clearly. Let's be grateful that Dr. Crawford has reached out to us and make him feel welcome. Once we've read his book, I think he is open to productive confrontations that have direct relevance to specific ideas in the book.

Big Bang/inflation theory has a very specific time line for creation of matter from inflaton-in that sense-. The collapse that I was taking about is the gravitational attraction in a static universe and not the collapse of the whole universe, since the whole theory is about that. I was just interested in his philosophical ideas since he is so involved with cosmology.

Of course we should wellcome him. I try to get Ideas from any source, even crackpots, let alone from a reputable scientist.
  • #22
David Crawfor said:
All the elements are continually recycled. The very high temperature inter-galactic
plasma breaks down heavier elements into lighter ones.

Again, this process must be balanced with the burning of the Hydrogen.
We observe massive amounts of nuclear reactions in all stars.
Where I can find areas where equal amounts of heavy elements disintegrate back into hydrogen?

FAQ: Curvatue Cosmology for a static stable universe

1. What is curvature cosmology?

Curvature cosmology is a branch of cosmology that studies the shape and geometry of the universe. It explores the curvature of space and how it affects the expansion and evolution of the universe.

2. How does curvature affect the stability of the universe?

In curvature cosmology, a positive curvature (closed universe) leads to a stable universe, while a negative curvature (open universe) can lead to an unstable universe. This is because the positive curvature creates a gravitational pull that counteracts the expansion of the universe, while a negative curvature allows for the expansion to continue indefinitely.

3. Is the universe considered to have a static or dynamic state in curvature cosmology?

In curvature cosmology, the universe is considered to have a static state. This means that the overall shape and geometry of the universe is not changing, but the objects within it are still moving and evolving.

4. How does the concept of dark energy relate to curvature cosmology for a static stable universe?

Dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy that is thought to be responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe. In curvature cosmology, dark energy plays a crucial role in determining the overall curvature of the universe and whether it is stable or unstable. It is believed that a positive curvature can be counteracted by the presence of dark energy, resulting in a stable universe.

5. What are the implications of a static stable universe in curvature cosmology?

A static stable universe has significant implications for our understanding of the universe. It suggests that the universe is eternal and unchanging, with no beginning or end. This challenges some traditional theories about the origin and fate of the universe and opens up new avenues for exploration and research in the field of cosmology.
