Dirac's Delta as a derivative of the unit step

In summary: R.You can take the derivative of a discontinuous function, but the derivative may not exist at those discontinuities and thus, the derivative function would not be continuous. In summary, the Dirac delta function is defined as a linear functional that assigns the value of a function at a specific point, and it can be shown that it satisfies certain properties. The derivative of the Heavyside step function can be interpreted as the Dirac delta function under the definition of "derivative" for distributions. However, this does not change the fact that the Dirac delta function is not a true function, but rather a distribution or generalized function.
  • #1
Ali 2
The Dirac detla or unit impulse function is defined as :

[itex]\delta (t) = \left \{ \begin {matrix} \infty \quad \ t = 0 \\ 0 \quad : \ t \neq 0 \end{matrix} [/itex]

and the unit step function :

[itex] u(t) = \left \{ \begin {matrix} 1 \quad \ t \geqslant 0 \\ 0 \quad : \ t < 0 \end{matrix} [/itex]

It is said that the
[tex] \frac d {dt} u(t) = \delta (t) [/itex] ..

but .. if we came to the definition of the derivative , we should find the limit from left and right .. :

[tex] { \displaysytle u'_+ (0) = \lim { h \to 0^+ } \frac { u (0 + h ) - u (0) } h = \lim { h \to 0^+ } \frac {1-1} h = 0 }[/tex]

[itex]{ \displaystyle u'_- (0) = \lim { h \to 0^- } \frac { u (0 + h ) - u (0) } h = \lim { h \to 0^- } \frac {0-1 }h = \infty} [/itex]

We see that the derivative is infinity from left only .. and it is not equal to the right limit , so the derivative doesn't exist .. and it is not an imuplse ..

But IF we define u (0) to be between 0 and 1 , For instance 0.5 , then :

[itex]u'_+ (0) = \lim { h \to 0^+ } \frac { u (0 + h ) - u (0) } h = \lim { h \to 0^+ } \frac {1-0.5} h = \infty[/itex]

Which makes the derivative from both sides infinity , which gives us the impulse ..

As a result , we should chane the definition of the unit step function ..

Do you agree with me ?
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  • #2
No, because you cannot, strictly speaking, take the derivative of a discontinuous function in the first place.
  • #3
Besides, what you have given as a "definition" of the Dirac delta "function" isn't any valid definition, nor is the Dirac delta "function" a function, it's a distribution.
  • #4
- There're even more "bizarre" approach for example the n-th derivative of the delta function is equal to (Fourier transform):

[tex] 2\pi D^{n} \delta (x) =\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}du(iu)^{n}e^{iux} [/tex]

By the way...why can't you differentiate a "discontinous" function?..for example you ca get the formula for the derivative of prime number function:

[tex] \frac{d\pi (x)}{dx}= \sum_{p}\delta (x-p) [/tex] and PNT theorems stablishes the asymptotic equality:

[tex] \frac{d\pi (x)}{dx} \sim 1/log(x) [/tex]

"ramanujan gave the formula"...(Mathworld)[tex] \frac{d\pi (x)}{dx}= \sum_{n>1}\frac{ \mu(n)}{n}x^{1/n}(log(x))^{-1} [/tex]and the derivative of any function that has a "jump" at a real number c the derivative can be interpreted as [tex] f'(x)\delta (x-c) [/tex] that you can check is oo..if we express the derivative in the sense of "distributions" you can define it even with discontinuities.
  • #5
"if we express the derivative in the sense of "distributions" you can define it even with discontinuities."
Evidently, but then you've changed the sense of the term "derivative". :smile:
  • #6
Well, no, that isn't the way the Dirac Delta function is defined. The "Dirac Delta function" is defined as the linear functional that, to every function f in its domain, assigns the value f(0). It can then be shown that the Dirac Delta "function" satisfies those properties. Yes, it is true,that the Dirac Delta function is the derivative of the Heavyside Step Function under the definition of "derivative" for "distributions" or "generalized functions".
  • #7
Isn't the step function already defined as taking the value 1/2 when it's argument is zero anyway?
  • #8
ad absurdum

I would answer by trying to intergrate the Dirac Delta.

The Dirac delta would give a step increase, but of infinite size and I am fairly certain that there would be no good way to determine at what point the step would fall.

That is to say the derivative of the unit step, u(t), or the unit step function times some constant, a*u(t), would yield the Dirac Delta for both:

u'(t) = delta = a*u'(t)

FAQ: Dirac's Delta as a derivative of the unit step

1. What is the definition of Dirac's Delta as a derivative of the unit step?

Dirac's Delta, denoted by δ(x), is a mathematical function that represents an infinitely tall and narrow spike at x=0, with an area of 1 under the curve. It can be thought of as a limit of a sequence of very tall and narrow rectangles, and is defined as the derivative of the unit step function.

2. How is Dirac's Delta related to the unit step function?

The unit step function, denoted by u(x), is a mathematical function that equals 1 for all values of x ≥ 0 and equals 0 for all values of x < 0. Dirac's Delta is defined as the derivative of the unit step function, meaning that it represents the instantaneous change in the unit step function at x=0.

3. What are the properties of Dirac's Delta as a derivative of the unit step function?

Some important properties of Dirac's Delta include: 1) δ(x) = 0 for all x ≠ 0, 2) ∫ δ(x) dx = 1, 3) ∫ f(x)δ(x) dx = f(0) for any continuous function f(x), and 4) δ(ax) = δ(x)/|a| for any real number a.

4. What are the applications of Dirac's Delta as a derivative of the unit step function?

Dirac's Delta is commonly used in engineering and physics to model impulses or instantaneous changes, such as in electric circuits or particle interactions. It is also used in signal processing to represent a signal that is concentrated at a specific point in time or space.

5. Is Dirac's Delta as a derivative of the unit step function a true function?

No, Dirac's Delta is not a true function in the traditional sense, as it is not defined at x=0 and its value at any other point is zero. However, it can be thought of as a generalized function or distribution that has many useful mathematical properties and applications.
