What do you do on a typical weekend?

  • Thread starter Dr Lots-o'watts
  • Start date
In summary, Ivan is a summarizer and enjoys spending weekends doing activities such as hanging out at home or going to the movies or going to the library. He enjoys camping and skiing trips occasionally.
  • #1
Dr Lots-o'watts
What do you like to do, have to do, or usually do, on a typical weekend?

Just wondering.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Chores, errands - since it's difficult to do those things during the week :frown:.
  • #3
Fri, go out to the bar or go to a friend's house. Sat, movies or restaurant maybe a sporting event. Sun, cook all day for an amazing dinner and watch football.
  • #4
Mountains, mountains, mountains.

I moved closed to the Alps about 11 years ago, essentially for the mountains. I enjoy them at every season. Whether we go hiking in the summer, or skiing in the winter, I try to go to the mountains every weekend.

  • #5
lisab said:
Chores, errands - since it's difficult to do those things during the week
Pretty much the same here. Chores like yard work (mowing the lawn, trimming trees or removing them when necessary) and gardening, taking bottles, cans and plastics to recycling, cleaning the house, sometimes maintenance (plumbing or electrical), . . .

This weekend I did a hike with a friend.
  • #6
Yard-work, chores, etc (trash transfer-recycle center is open weekends), work in garden or on woodpile. My neighbor works rotating shifts, so his off-days vary, and when he is off, I often help him with logging, sawing logs into boards and framing lumber, etc. We are now starting 2nd week of his 3-week vacation, and are building a large (3-story) addition on his house so his daughter and two grand-daughters will all have bedrooms and personal space. No "weekends" for me for another couple of weeks.
  • #7
Sunday evening for a PF chat, other than that - chores && (walks || biking).
  • #8
i get a lot of homework on weekends:frown:... probably spend 3 hrs doing that:frown:... other than that well, play anythin i want to or go attend weekend classes... or something, well, out of the blue! :biggrin:
  • #9
Family stuff.

On Friday night, my wife, daughter, and I go out for supper and then to the largest mall in the area. On Saturday mornings, we go to the public library, which has story time and crafts. A number of families go to the library on Saturday mornings, and both the parents and kids get a chance to socialize. After storytime, many families get coffee/tea and goodies from Tim Hortons, and socialize and play some more in the three-story atrium (including fountain) outside the the library, which is located in another mall. On Sundays, we have brunch at a different Tim Hortons, and then we take our daughter for swimming lessons. On Saturday or Sunday, we often go to the provincial museum (we have a family membership), which is located off the same atrium as the libray (and right on a Bay of Fundy harbour), and which also has supervised crafts for kids.

We also often do chores, like grocery shopping.
  • #10
I do my chores during the week, so my weekends are free. I try and do something every weekend, seasonal activities, museums or fairs.
  • #11
I usually sleep, do homework, if any, go to the beach, relax...
  • #12
I infuse cheap vodka with inedible materials and pack saw-dust into my ears. At the end of the festival, I soak the saw-dust with the now toxic vodka and light it all aflame. I rock back and forth over the fire, arms around my knees... weeping soundlessly.

Oh, and I read, family time, etc. :smile:
  • #13
nismaratwork said:
I infuse cheap vodka with inedible materials and pack saw-dust into my ears. At the end of the festival, I soak the saw-dust with the now toxic vodka and light it all aflame. I rock back and forth over the fire, arms around my knees... weeping soundlessly.

Oh, and I read, family time, etc. :smile:


You sound like a "http://galleries.burningman.com/" " fan to me... hehe, but I am betting 50/50 that you never heard of it. If not you should do a little reading on it, watch a few video's. They bury large generators under the desert for power. It is for the creative, truly independent, artistic, eclectic crowd. It is on my to do list, but the heat and dust is a challenge for my lungs, nonetheless there is enough cool stuff/people that I may attend someday. It is getting to be a bit pricey as well, but may be worth a one time trip with friends.

As for myself, about every two months, a 3/4 day trip for camping, ski trips in winter, and this weekend to see Pink Floyd (Roger Water's), then the usual around the house projects, mowing, painting, ripping up decks, etc... then at least an hour or two here and there for PF.

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  • #14
I like to hang around PF and ban people.
  • #15
Ivan Seeking said:
I like to hang around PF and ban people.
Me too. Hang around PF that is. Seeing a line-out ever now and then adds a little ... Thanks Ivan. :approve:
  • #16
This past weekend I spent writing. The weekend before I was on a four-day river-rafting trip.
  • #17
Ivan Seeking said:
I like to hang around PF and ban people.


Off topic quick question, amongst the mentor's, what is the record for most number of people banned in a single day from the collective hive of all mentors combined ?

  • #18
rhody said:

Off topic quick question, amongst the mentor's, what is the record for most number of people banned in a single day from the collective hive of all mentors combined ?


Hard to say. Before we got anti-spam protection, whoever was up late, which was often me, would sometimes engage in a ban-a-thon with a spamster or troll. I've probably banned the same person as much as ten times in one night. I often wondered if they wondered if this was automatic, or if some idiot was stupid enough to sit up all night playing cat and mouse. :biggrin: But I'm not aware of anyone keeping score. Also, in the early days, PF was much wilder and we banned far more people per capita. Things have changed a lot since then, so we don't ban people nearly as often, relatively speaking.
  • #19
Usually on the weekends I'll go out one night to a bar or club (if I'm really feeling energized) otherwise it's filled with hanging around the city or relaxing, all depending on the weather
  • #20
Urgh! I prepare for next week's lectures.

But I do sleep a lot during weekends, I mean A LOT. :biggrin:
  • #21
Typical weekend is as follows:

Nights - watch a movie with the wife after the kids go down. One of the mornings we (wife, kids + me) go get coffee and pastries for breakfast, then do our weekly shopping. The other morning we relax and let the kids destroy part of the house (or if it is nice send them outside) while we clean the other half very leisurely. When the kids nap around noon, we clean the part they destroyed. Try to get that done ASAP and have some quiet time while the kids are napping. Since it is Fall now, there are a ton of festivals in my area going on, so we usually pack the kids up after nap and head out to one on Saturday - typically grab dinner at the festival and let the kids dance and play until they are done and we head home.

My wife or I makes a nice Sunday dinner. Sunday evening is spent reading, playing with the kids, bathing the little ones and trying not to fall asleep before the kids go to bed.
  • #22
Study, play guitar, find someone I can jam with. Failing that, randomly play the guitar till I can't stand the sight of it anymore. Then study some more till I'm in a semi catatonic state, and watch whatever's on TV.
  • #23
I work, at a minimum, half of the weekends per year.
  • #24
I used to go hiking on weekends, can't do that since my surgery though.

Now, Saturdays, try to sleep late and watch food TV, hang out at PF.

Sundays, try to sleep late, get on PF Chat and watch Food TV.
  • #25
Watching food... I once tried to watch a sandwich, but it was boring, so I ate it.
  • #26
lol. I've started watching 'Chopped' at breakfast - it gets my appetite going and gets me super energised for the day! haha.
I don't really have weekends anymore - the days just blend... jobseeking, resting, lazying, jobseeking...
  • #27
rhody said:

You sound like a "http://galleries.burningman.com/" " fan to me... hehe, but I am betting 50/50 that you never heard of it. If not you should do a little reading on it, watch a few video's. They bury large generators under the desert for power. It is for the creative, truly independent, artistic, eclectic crowd. It is on my to do list, but the heat and dust is a challenge for my lungs, nonetheless there is enough cool stuff/people that I may attend someday. It is getting to be a bit pricey as well, but may be worth a one time trip with friends.

As for myself, about every two months, a 3/4 day trip for camping, ski trips in winter, and this weekend to see Pink Floyd (Roger Water's), then the usual around the house projects, mowing, painting, ripping up decks, etc... then at least an hour or two here and there for PF.


I've never been to one, but when I was younger it appealed to me. :-p

Your itinerary sounds like a delight.
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  • #28
I spend Sunday mornings sticking my nose in other people's business, just like an old person.

This morning, I arrived at my daughter's house to babysit the grandson at 6:00 in the morning and there was a car parked very strangely on the curb. In fact, it was hard to tell if they parked it like that or wrecked it.

After the grandson went down for a nap, I walked outside and there was a woman around 20-years-old at the back passenger side door of the car urinating in the street. After she was done, she staggered around to the driver's door and nearly fell down trying to open the door.

I think she tried to start the car, since the back lights came on, but she wound up passing out, slumped at the wheel. So I called the police.

I think she did wreck since she was parked on top of a small tree. An ambulance let her get out of the car on her own, but they put her on a stretcher and carted her off in the ambulance. The police managed to start the car and back it off of the tree (which was the first I'd even noticed the tree). The guy that owned the tree came out and stood the tree back up, but I'll be surprised if it lives.

Then the police parked the car in my daughter's parking spot.

I think she's going to be ticked off when she gets home.
  • #29
study -_-
  • #30
Borek said:
Watching food... I once tried to watch a sandwich, but it was boring, so I ate it.

  • #31
I like to be more creative about research topics I'm working on and try new approaches to current research questions or just come up with more questions or research other interesting papers in my field.

I'll occasionally go outdoors for the weekend, hunting, canoeing, blew my knee out hiking, so don't do that anymore.

Posting on your iPhone instigates tersness.
  • #32
mugaliens said:
This past weekend I spent writing. The weekend before I was on a four-day river-rafting trip.

I forgot to mention the other weekend I camped out with a bunch of engineers, rocket scientists, and writers. Seemed like the think to do...
  • #33
I'll either play video games, go to the gym, do homework, watch football, drink, or stay up late reading about physics-related things [:
  • #34
mugaliens said:
I forgot to mention the other weekend I camped out with a bunch of engineers, rocket scientists, and writers. Seemed like the think to do...

Wow, anything interesting came out of that?

FAQ: What do you do on a typical weekend?

1. What types of experiments do you typically conduct on the weekends?

As a scientist, my experiments vary depending on my field of study. Some weekends I may be conducting laboratory experiments, while other weekends I may be collecting data in the field.

2. Do you work on weekends or do you take time off?

It depends on the nature of my research and any upcoming deadlines. I try to maintain a healthy work-life balance and take breaks when needed, but sometimes experiments or data collection require me to work on weekends.

3. How do you balance your personal life with your work on the weekends?

Balancing personal life and work can be challenging, but I make sure to prioritize my tasks and plan my weekends accordingly. I also try to make time for hobbies and activities outside of my work.

4. Do you collaborate with other scientists on the weekends?

Collaboration is an important aspect of scientific research, and it can happen on weekends as well. I may work with other scientists on joint projects or discuss research ideas and findings.

5. What do you do if an experiment fails on the weekend?

Experiment failures are a common occurrence in science, and I have learned to handle them with patience and resilience. If an experiment fails on the weekend, I may troubleshoot the issue or make a note to try again during the week.

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