What is the Magnetic Field of a Bent Wire at the Focus?

In summary: You take the x component of r and subtract x1 from it, then add y1 to it. Then you do the same for x2 and y2. The sum of these two will be r.
  • #1

Homework Statement

An infinite wire of parabolic shape carries a current I, find the magnetic flux density B, at the focus

Homework Equations

B=(μ0*I)\(2∏r) I know this is for a straight wire, I'm not sure what i would use for a U shaped wire

The Attempt at a Solution

Well I figure the current is running for one end to the other and the B field around the wire but I don't know what at the focus means, and I'm not sure what the bent U shape/parabolic effects the B field
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  • #2
First, draw a parabola y = x2 and draw the d l and r vectors at some point up the parabola on both sides. The focus in this case is at (0, 0.25).

Express the d l and r vectors in Cartesian terms. Wind up with everything in terms of x, with no y terms. Then integrate the Biot-Savart expression for dB from x =-∞ to +∞.

I must say the math looks awful. Perhaps someone else has a better approach.
  • #3
oh great
  • #4
Awful, not impossible! In fact, looking at it again, may not be bad at all.

First, notice that you only need to address the parabola for x >= 0, then multiply by 2.

You know you need dl and r going from a point on the parabola (x,y). You also have y = x2.

dl = dx i + dy j and points upwards & to the right (assume current flows in the +y direction).
r= -x i + (0.25 - y) j and points from a point (x,y) on the parabola to the focus.

That should get you going.
  • #5
alright cool thank you
  • #6
why is the focus at 0, 0.25? and would i use this? even though it for a closed curve?
  • #7
or this http://pms.iitk.ernet.in/wiki/images/math/5/c/8/5c8f0ff0e0d4749758d0abaf2faa2af2.png
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  • #8
Octavius1287 said:
why is the focus at 0, 0.25? and would i use this? even though it for a closed curve?

You have the right formula, aka the Biot-Savart law.

The expression for a parabola with vertex at the origin and open end upward (along the y axis) is
y = x2/4p
where p = distance along y from the vertex to the focus. So if you choose y = x2 then p = 1/4.

You can choose p to be any positive real number you want. The problem did not specify p so presumably it makes no difference to the solution.

BTW the "C' by the integral sign does not belong. This is not a contour integration. You are integrating d B to get B at one point.
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  • #9
Octavius1287 said:
or this http://pms.iitk.ernet.in/wiki/images/math/5/c/8/5c8f0ff0e0d4749758d0abaf2faa2af2.png


This is the differential form of Biot-Savart. The " k " indicates that B wound up in the +z direction, just as it will in your case. θ is the angle between d l and r.

However, I earlier suggested vector forms for d l and r and I suggest you ignore this formula and retain the vector format for dB which is

d B = (μ0/4π)d l x r / r3.
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  • #10
i guess ,y last question would be, how did you figure the
dl = dx i + dy j
r= -x i + (0.25 - y) j
  • #11
the first is just pythagoras: you have a vector dl with x component dx and y component dy. keep in mind dl is a differential stretch along the parabola.

The second is derived by the usual formula for a vector going from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2). (The direction is important).

FAQ: What is the Magnetic Field of a Bent Wire at the Focus?

1. What is a magnetic field?

A magnetic field is a region in space where a magnetic force is exerted on charged particles, such as electrons or protons. It is created by electric currents, permanent magnets, or moving electric charges.

2. How is the magnetic field of a bent wire produced?

The magnetic field of a bent wire is produced by the flow of electric current through the wire. As the electric current moves through the wire, it creates a circular magnetic field around the wire.

3. Does the strength of the magnetic field change when the wire is bent?

Yes, the strength of the magnetic field changes when the wire is bent. The magnetic field is strongest at the point where the wire is bent, and it decreases as you move further away from the bend.

4. How does the direction of the magnetic field change when the wire is bent?

The direction of the magnetic field changes when the wire is bent. At the bend of the wire, the direction of the magnetic field is perpendicular to the direction of the wire. As you move away from the bend, the direction of the magnetic field gradually aligns with the direction of the wire.

5. Can the strength of the magnetic field be increased by bending the wire multiple times?

Yes, the strength of the magnetic field can be increased by bending the wire multiple times. This is because each bend adds to the overall strength of the magnetic field, creating a more complex and stronger field. However, at a certain point, the strength will reach its maximum and will not increase any further.
