Finding the Right Bicycle for Longer Rides

  • Thread starter wolram
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In summary, a bicycle called a "Freestyle" by a company called Mongoose is good for doing interesting acrobatic tricks. A regular "Huffy" (company) bicycle would be an excellent choice for normal riding in England.
  • #1
Gold Member
Dearly Missed
I am thinking if buying one for next summer, but my memories of having on
when i was a kid are not good, cycling any distance left me with a sore bum,
i have looked at some of the modern bicycles and they seem a bit bare, no
mud guards and very little chain guards, the ones i looked had didn't even
have lights, but they do come with shock absorbers, so what make or style of
bicycle should i look for, are there any that come with proper mud guards
and comfy seats ?
Physics news on
  • #2
You can pick up mud guards and lights for relatively little cash- just make sure there's somewhere to attach them. Some of the frame shapes don't have many places for them. I've never really had a problem with saddles, so maybe they are softer than they used to be. I wouldn't recommend one with rear suspension, as half the energy you put into the pedals seems to go into flexing the spring instead. Front suspension is fine though.
  • #3
go for a freestyle mongoose with pegs so you can do all the phat tricks yo.

jk but regular huffy bike (dunno if they have huffy in england) would do good for regular riding
  • #4
Kakarot said:
go for a freestyle mongoose with pegs so you can do all the phat tricks yo.
jk but regular huffy bike (dunno if they have huffy in england) would do good for regular riding

:confused: :confused: Sorry you lost me Kakarot.
  • #5

I recommend a bicycle called a "Freestyle," by a company called Mongoose. Make sure it has cylindrical pieces of metal on the back axle (or front) extending out so you can jump your bike up, and slide down things while balanced on the cylindrical extensions, or stand on them. Do interesting acrobatic tricks with them. I'm just kidding. A regular "Huffy" (company) bicycle would be an excellent choice for normal riding in England.

Example of "pegs," notice the node of the front and back wheels.
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  • #6
Is it this one MK? it seems very inexspensive
  • #7
First ask yourself what kind of riding are you going to do? Are you going to commute to work every day, do you want to leisurely cruise around town, are you going to go off of paved roads at all? This should get you started, next ask yourself how much money you want to spend. As with most things, you get what you pay for. You can spend $150-200 at a department store, or $400-4000 at your typical local bike shop (LBS). In general you will get better service, fitting and product at the LBS. The fitting may be the most important thing, since if you don't fit the bike properly, it will eventually lead to pain.
That Huffy is going to be made with the cheapest materials and techniques possible and will be spec'd out with low end components. Maybe this is fine for you if you don't plan to ride it a lot, but if you do want to put the miles on you're better off with a better bike. Some members of this site know me for my particular choice of a recumbent bicycle for my needs. They are arguably the most comfortable thing you will ever propel under your own power. They are however, not as common and therefore not as cheap, in term of money and quality, as your typical department store bike. The generally start around $600-1000 for a new one and most fall into the $1500-3000 bracket. This may scare you, but they are very high quality, they will last forever (I know people who have put 10,000++ miles and 10+ years on them) and their re-sale value is quite good. If you don't want to go new, there are a lot of used 'bents out there at very reasonable prices.
Having said my thing about 'bents there is also a new category of comfort bikes coming along that may fit your needs better. They are crank-forward, of CF bikes. This refers the the position of the crank (the thing the pedals are attached to) in relation to the seat." , a great site for info, reviews, dealers, used recumbents and yet another message board to become addicted to. Plus, there are quite a few members from the UK, so you can can "hometown" advice If you couldn't tell I'm a bit of a "bike geek" (and I know I'm not the only one here), so don't hold back with the questions.
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  • #8
One thing you should take into account is will the place you are buying from do repairs? Local bike shops often will, but some will do only if you bought your bike from them, so if you bought from a catalogue shop or a large chain that don't do repairs, you could have trouble finding someone that will do it for you. If you're planning on using it a lot, don't buy a bottom of the line less than £100 bike, as these tend not to last very long before they need all manner of things fixing. I paid around £200 for mine, and its lasted me well so far :)
  • #9
Thanks DocToxyn, bent riders are strange contraptions, i am not sure
about traveling feet first, but the seating looks good. :smile:
  • #10
wolram said:
i am not sure
about traveling feet first
It's funny, because I've heard a lot of people say that, but compare her body position to that of a person driving a car... :wink:
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  • #11
I can see your point DocToxyn, i would love a try on one, i think i will see what
is around.

  • #12
Make sure that the chain size is compatible with the sprocket on an electric wheelchair motor. Otherwise you'll have to pedal the stupid thing. :eek:
  • #13
Danger said:
Make sure that the chain size is compatible with the sprocket on an electric wheelchair motor. Otherwise you'll have to pedal the stupid thing. :eek:

That is the idea Danger, i have noticed the odd oz or two of fat i need to get
rid of :smile:
  • #14
I think I have found the bike you are looking for :-p

big chaing guard, mud protectors, reflectors, the whole 9 :-p
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  • #15
mattmns said:
I think I have found the bike you are looking for :-p

big chaing guard, mud protectors, reflectors, the whole 9 :-p

:smile: that is a barbie bike.
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  • #16
I need to get a bicycle too. I'll go for second hand and cheap, it probably will be stolen within a few weeks or I'll lose it among the thousands of other bikes :smile:
  • #17
Wolram, look at - - Raleigh's UK site.

I used to build/repair bikes, particularly Raleighs as well as some highend titanium jobs, about 35 years ago. Raleighs were pretty decent for the money.
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  • #18
Monique said:
I need to get a bicycle too. I'll go for second hand and cheap, it probably will be stolen within a few weeks or I'll lose it among the thousands of other bikes :smile:
Strange i have seen many bicycle wheels chained to iron railings etc, some
one must do a good trade selling wheels.
  • #19
Astronuc said:
Wolram, look at - - Raleigh's UK site.
I used to build/repair bikes, particularly Raleighs as well as some highend titanium jobs, about 35 years ago. Raleighs were pretty decent for the money.

Were they the ones with the huge front wheel :biggrin: sorry Astro.
i will have a look thanks.
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  • #20
If one has quick release wheels/axles, then one must chain the wheel and bike to something relatively immovable, or one might fight a missing wheel.

Yes, the bikes I worked on had a big wheel (26 dia (66 cm) IIRC) in front, and a big wheel in back - hence the name bicycle. :biggrin:

I'd probably go with Airlite or Venture models myself, except that they have 21/24 speeds which is bloody ridiculous. Even 10 speeds is overkill AFAIC. Five speeds is usually sufficient.

Of course, you might prefer DocToxyn's reclining cycle suggestion.
  • #21
Here are my results for suggestions of 'bent dealers near Warwickshire, take into account that I have no idea how close these are to you. Contact Kevin at DTEK in Ely, Cambridgeshire.
Not certain what he's got in at the moment, he did have a linear, if desperate for an American bike.
01353 648 577

Also there's futurecycles down in East Sussex.
(0)1342 822847

Give these a try if you're serious about a 'bent, or if they're not too far and you're just curious check 'em out. Most dealers like to have people come in a ride their bikes and will strive to accommodate you. Good luck.
  • #22
Thanks DocToxyn, i will give them a ring.
  • #23
wolram said:
Strange i have seen many bicycle wheels chained to iron railings etc, some
one must do a good trade selling wheels.
Well, someone found a solution. Someone once stole the front wheel from my bicycle. Someone also once stole my chain-lock from my bicycle (:confused:)
  • #24
Monique said:
Well, someone found a solution. Someone once stole the front wheel from my bicycle. Someone also once stole my chain-lock from my bicycle (:confused:)

Aww, sorry Monique, theft is one thing , but high teck bicycle theft seems
so petty, but the security devices seem to out weigh the cost of the product.
  • #25
wolram said:
Thanks DocToxyn, i will give them a ring.
Here's" to some more shops posted on the British Human Power Club forum, I can't verify that they are all still in business, but the list seemed pretty current.
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FAQ: Finding the Right Bicycle for Longer Rides

1. What type of bike is best for longer rides?

The best type of bike for longer rides is a road bike. These bikes are designed for efficiency and speed on paved roads, making them ideal for covering longer distances. They also have a more aerodynamic riding position, which can help reduce fatigue on longer rides.

2. How important is bike fit for longer rides?

Bike fit is extremely important for longer rides. A poorly fitting bike can lead to discomfort, pain, and even injury. It's crucial to have a professional bike fitting to ensure that your bike is adjusted to fit your body and riding style.

3. What features should I look for in a bike for longer rides?

Some important features to look for in a bike for longer rides include a lightweight frame, comfortable saddle, multiple gears, and a sturdy set of wheels. These features will help you maintain a comfortable and efficient riding experience over longer distances.

4. How can I determine the right size for a bike for longer rides?

The best way to determine the right size for a bike is to get a professional bike fitting. However, if you are unable to do so, you can use a size chart provided by the bike manufacturer. It's important to also consider your inseam and arm length when choosing the right size for a bike.

5. What is the best way to prepare for longer rides on a bike?

To prepare for longer rides on a bike, it's important to gradually increase your mileage and training. This will help you build endurance and strength for longer rides. It's also important to stay hydrated and fuel your body with proper nutrition before, during, and after your ride. Additionally, make sure to have a properly maintained bike and carry necessary tools and equipment for any potential issues that may arise during your ride.

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