Exploring Sound and Light Interactions with Air Molecules

In summary, sound is transmitted by air molecules bumping into each other. This is done through waves, which can be created by anything that has movement (solid, liquid, or gas). The ebow is a device that uses an electromagnet to wiggle the guitar string, which makes metal waves. These waves can then make air pressure waves, which makes the eardrum vibrate. This in turn causes the brain to perceive sound.
  • #1
I am researching sound at Concordia University, Quebec. Recently, my mind was wondering and I thought about sound being produced by the air molecules bumping into each other. I began to wonder what else could do the same thing.
Does light have contact with the air molecules in this same way?
Or does a "laser"?
There is this tool guitarists use called a an "ebow" which is a sort of "lazer" that is placed over the string and ends up vibrating the string. This is the sort of thing I would like to understand better?

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  • #2
Sound is not produced by air molecules bumping into each other; sound is transmitted by air molecules bumping into each other.

A laser ordinarily cannot be used to push air molecules around to get sound. The best you can do with a laser is randomly scatter electrons.

And the EBow is not, in any respect, a laser. It's a purely electronic device that uses an electromagnet to wiggle the guitar string.

- Warren
  • #3
Alright, my mistake in over generalizing the way we percieve sound. But is there anything else that could act in the same means as the way sound is transmitted?
  • #4
inadaze said:
Alright, my mistake in over generalizing the way we percieve sound. But is there anything else that could act in the same means as the way sound is transmitted?
Pretty much anything that works the way sound does (a longitudinal pressure wave) is also a sound wave. Some types of earthquakes, for example.
  • #5
Hello everyone. Intrestting question. From what i know, sound isn't the bumping of air molecules, because air molecules are randomly colliding with each other as we speak, according to the kinetic molecular theory. Sound is areas of high and low pressure of air molecules, which is basicly the wave. About the light...I don't think it can cause sound, because of basicly what i said in the biginning. Since light can simply give more kinetic energy to the molecules; making them have a faster rms, and therefore colliding more often. So basicly you're affecting the bumping of the molecules, not really affecting them in a wave to transmit sound. Anyways, that's how i see it. :D
  • #6
Sound transmission is the bumping of air molecules in a coordinated manner, which translates in alternating regions of high and low air pressure. Such alternating regions are called waves. Such waves can happen in any kind of solid : gaz (air), liquid (water), or solid (metal, wood, eardrum).

The ebow makes magnetic waves, which makes metal waves (string), which makes air-pressure waves, which makes eardrum waves, which makes waves in the internal ear liquid, which makes cells vibrate and tell our brain something is going on (noise). Any time any solid moves, there is a wave, that can potentially reach our ear and thus make a noise, be it whatever solid you can imagine (including earth, in the case of earthquakes).

As for light and lasers, here is how it can produce sound waves:

- A high-energy laser pulse hitting metal can cause is to quickly heat up and rapidly expand, causing a high pressure air zone that will wave its way to your ear, making a loud "CLING" noise. This is cool (but annoying).

- An sufficiently-high power laser pulse can ionize air molecules at the beam's focal point. As for lightning, this causes rapid expansion and makes a loud "THWACK" noise (for one pulse, lightning is a series of such "THWACK's", corresponding to a large distance rather than a focal point).

- Light has momentum. It is thus possible (it's been done) to use laser light to lift a tiny (100 microns) sphere of glass in mid air. I suppose you could push it against a drum and make a small noise...

FAQ: Exploring Sound and Light Interactions with Air Molecules

1. How do sound waves travel through air?

Sound waves are created when an object vibrates and causes a disturbance in the surrounding air molecules. These vibrations cause the air molecules to bump into each other, creating a chain reaction that results in a wave of energy traveling through the air.

2. How does the density of air molecules affect the speed of sound?

The speed of sound is directly related to the density of the medium it is traveling through. In general, the denser the medium, the faster the speed of sound. This means that sound travels faster through solids and liquids than through gases like air.

3. How does the frequency of a sound wave affect its pitch?

The frequency of a sound wave is directly related to its pitch. The higher the frequency, the higher the pitch of the sound. This is because a higher frequency means more vibrations per second, which our ears perceive as a higher pitched sound.

4. Why do different materials absorb or reflect sound differently?

The ability of a material to absorb or reflect sound is related to its density and elasticity. Materials with high density and low elasticity, such as concrete, tend to absorb sound waves, while materials with low density and high elasticity, such as metal, tend to reflect sound waves.

5. How is light affected by air molecules?

Light is an electromagnetic wave, and it can be affected by air molecules in several ways. When light travels through air, it may be scattered or absorbed by the air molecules, causing it to appear less intense or change direction. Additionally, the density of air molecules can affect the speed of light, causing it to travel slower than in a vacuum.

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