What is the Measurement Problem in Quantum Mechanics?

In summary, Schrodingers Cat is an illustration of the measurement problem in quantum mechanics where if you work out all the math using QM to describe the cat's fate, you will get an 'answer' consisting of two components, 'Alive Cat and Dead Cat' (even considering decoherence). Various interpretations of QM then 'trim down' this dual result into only one of its components, for instance by saying that they are actually random probabilities, or that both outcomes occur in parallel realities.
  • #1
I'm not good in quantum but i heard about this cause (cat) what happen to this cat
and why he use cat although quantum used for microscopy system ?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The cat is in a box with a gieger counter. If normal quantum effects (such as a wave function) governs macroscopic systems, then if the geiger counter releases a poisenous gas, is the cat dead or alive? Quantum theory (old quantum theory) would say that the cat is both dead and alive becuase no one has made a weak measurement (observation) on the cat. But decoherence is relatively new concept which was recenently proven in 1996 by Alain aspect that particles in large enough groups begin to decohere, and quantum eigenstates appear. The cat will be dead if the gas goes off, no denying it - macroscopic systems like cats are not in superpositions... these are quantum effects being badly applied to the world at large that we deal with every day.
  • #3
Just in case you didn't know, Schrodingers Cat is simply a thought experiment. It didn't actually happen.
  • #4
thank you very much
  • #5
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this thought experiment is still a good illustration of the unsolved 'Measurement Problem' in QM--
in principle, if you work out all the math using QM to describe the cat's fate, you will get an 'answer' consisting of two components, 'Alive Cat and Dead Cat' (even considering decoherence). Various interpretations of QM then 'trim down' this dual result into only one of its components, for instance by saying that they are actually random probabilities, or that both outcomes occur in parallel realities.
  • #6
I think that is correct rgmcc.
  • #7
rgmcc said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this thought experiment is still a good illustration of the unsolved 'Measurement Problem' in QM--
in principle, if you work out all the math using QM to describe the cat's fate, you will get an 'answer' consisting of two components, 'Alive Cat and Dead Cat' (even considering decoherence). Various interpretations of QM then 'trim down' this dual result into only one of its components, for instance by saying that they are actually random probabilities, or that both outcomes occur in parallel realities.

I guess that it depends on one's mind if one deems it "solved" or "unsolved"... wasn't it the very purpose of Schrodinger's cat example to emphasize that QM only tells us about probabilities of what we will detect, and not about what goes on in the box?

Thus Schrodinger explained:
That prevents us from so naively accepting as valid a "blurred model" for representing reality. In itself, it would not embody anything unclear or contradictory. There is a difference between a shaky or out-of-focus photograph and a snapshot of clouds and fog banks.
See also the discussion here:
  • #8
Yeah, whether state reduction happens at the cat depends on your interpretation of quantum mechanics.
I personally think that state reduction happens at any classical object, so the cat wouldn't be a superposition of dead and alive.
But there are other interpretations which would say the cat was a superposition of alive and dead (for example many-worlds interpretation).
  • #9
BruceW said:
Yeah, whether state reduction happens at the cat depends on your interpretation of quantum mechanics.
I personally think that state reduction happens at any classical object, so the cat wouldn't be a superposition of dead and alive.
But there are other interpretations which would say the cat was a superposition of alive and dead (for example many-worlds interpretation).

I must say your ''hunch'' if I can call it that, concerning that ''I personally think that state reduction happens at any classical object, so the cat wouldn't be a superposition of dead and alive,'' is quite an accurate assumption. Whilst we cannot know the previous state without disturbing a quantum wave, there seems to be a cut-off for energies when particles are bundled into enough entangled states.
  • #10
rgmcc said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this thought experiment is still a good illustration of the unsolved 'Measurement Problem' in QM--
in principle, if you work out all the math using QM to describe the cat's fate, you will get an 'answer' consisting of two components, 'Alive Cat and Dead Cat' (even considering decoherence). Various interpretations of QM then 'trim down' this dual result into only one of its components, for instance by saying that they are actually random probabilities, or that both outcomes occur in parallel realities.

Who says it is unsolved? The measurement problem has been solved by quantum mechanics describing it as a weak measurement on a system. It's no if's or but's... the state of the system is reduced to it's own collapse at a certain measurement: These are of course macroscopic objects, and the cut-off frequency of these information packets has been observed at a molecular level, so it must appear at that level, the level from which an object is real or not.
  • #11
Goldstone1 said:
Who says it is unsolved? The measurement problem has been solved by quantum mechanics describing it as a weak measurement on a system. It's no if's or but's... the state of the system is reduced to it's own collapse at a certain measurement: These are of course macroscopic objects, and the cut-off frequency of these information packets has been observed at a molecular level, so it must appear at that level, the level from which an object is real or not.

I think that your view is not the mainstream consensus.

For example, from Wikipedia:

"The measurement problem in quantum mechanics is the unresolved problem of how (or if) wavefunction collapse occurs. The inability to observe this process directly has given rise to different interpretations of quantum mechanics, and poses a key set of questions that each interpretation must answer."


Brian Greene also says something similar in Fabric of the Cosmos if I recall correctly; decoherence alone does not even really address the fundamental measurement problem.
  • #12
rgmcc said:
I think that your view is not the mainstream consensus.

For example, from Wikipedia:

"The measurement problem in quantum mechanics is the unresolved problem of how (or if) wavefunction collapse occurs. The inability to observe this process directly has given rise to different interpretations of quantum mechanics, and poses a key set of questions that each interpretation must answer."


Brian Greene also says something similar in Fabric of the Cosmos if I recall correctly; decoherence alone does not even really address the fundamental measurement problem.

Surely the classical and the quantum mechanical have been defined quite well at the level of decoherent systems? The issue has been addressed, we have confirmation that the wave function is small for a large configuration of particles, rather than a lone one singing in the rain.

FAQ: What is the Measurement Problem in Quantum Mechanics?

What is Schrodinger cat?

Schrodinger's cat is a thought experiment proposed by physicist Erwin Schrodinger in 1935. It is a paradox that illustrates the concept of quantum superposition, where an object can exist in multiple states at the same time.

How does the Schrodinger cat experiment work?

In the thought experiment, a cat is placed in a sealed box with a vial of poison and a radioactive substance. The release of the poison is determined by the decay of the radioactive substance, which is governed by quantum mechanics. According to the theory, until the box is opened and observed, the cat is both alive and dead simultaneously.

What is the purpose of the Schrodinger cat experiment?

The purpose of the experiment is to highlight the absurdity of applying quantum mechanics to macroscopic objects, such as a cat. It challenges the idea of classical physics and our understanding of reality.

Is the Schrodinger cat experiment possible in real life?

No, the Schrodinger cat experiment is purely a thought experiment and cannot be conducted in real life. It was proposed to illustrate the principles of quantum mechanics and is not meant to be taken literally.

What is the significance of the Schrodinger cat experiment?

The Schrodinger cat experiment is significant in the field of quantum mechanics as it questions our understanding of reality and challenges traditional beliefs about the behavior of particles and objects at the quantum level.

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