NASA CME Video Captures Object Hiding Behind Mercury

In summary, NASA's satellite images of a mysterious object near Mercury were explained by lead ground system engineer Nathan Rich as artifacts in the background resulting from the way the images are processed. Additional information can be found in an MSNBC article, which offers a more detailed explanation. However, some people believe it is a spaceship and discredit the explanation.
  • #1
Ok fellas, what is it?
Physics news on
  • #2
Your article already explains it:

The answer, according to Nathan Rich, lead ground system engineer at the United States Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC, is in the way the images are post-processed.

Talking to Life's Little Mysteries' Natalie Wolchover, Rich said that these are "artifacts in the background where the planet was on the previous day" which then show up as residual pixels in the processed image:

The pixels which form the two parallel lines are where the circle from the planet and the bleeding pixels (cross-like features) overlap as it progresses across the field.
  • #4
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  • #5
micromass said:
Your article already explains it:
I read that, but was curious why it would show up from both satellites. The MSNBC article does a better job explaining why it's there.
  • #6
cowmoo32 said:
I read that, but was curious why it would show up from both satellites. The MSNBC article does a better job explaining why it's there.

MSNBC is a liberal media pawn of the Illuminati. It's a space ship, don't believe their lies.
  • #7
OK, the OP has been answered.

FAQ: NASA CME Video Captures Object Hiding Behind Mercury

1. What is a CME?

A CME, or coronal mass ejection, is a large release of plasma and magnetic field from the sun's corona. These events can cause geomagnetic storms and disrupt satellite and communication systems.

2. How does NASA capture CME videos?

NASA uses a variety of instruments, including the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), to capture images and videos of the sun and its activity. These instruments use special filters and techniques to capture different wavelengths of light emitted by the sun.

3. What is the object seen in the video behind Mercury?

The object seen in the video is likely a planet or a star. It is not uncommon for other celestial objects to be visible in videos or images of the sun, as these instruments have a wide field of view.

4. Why was the object behind Mercury not visible in earlier images?

The object may have been in a different position in its orbit, making it visible in this particular video but not in earlier images. It is also possible that the object was not emitting enough light to be captured in previous videos.

5. Could this object be evidence of extraterrestrial life?

No, there is no evidence to suggest that the object seen in the video is of extraterrestrial origin. It is most likely a natural celestial object, such as a planet or star. NASA has not confirmed any evidence of extraterrestrial life in our solar system.
