Get Pixel Color in VB.Net 2005 Picture Box

In summary, to get the color of a pixel in a picture box in VB.Net 2005, you can use the 'GetPixel' method from the 'Bitmap' object. To get the pixel location of a click on a Picture Box, you can use the "mousedown" callback for the picturebox. Additionally, there are specialized VB forums available for further assistance.
  • #1
Homework Helper
Gold Member

Does anyone know how to get the "color" of a pixel in a picture box, in VB.Net 2005?

I want to encode things into an image, and then later pull the information out of the pixels.
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  • #2
You can get the color of the pixel at position (x, y) by
calling the 'Bitmap' objects's 'GetPixel' method.
  • #3
Greg Bernhardt said:
You can get the color of the pixel at position (x, y) by
calling the 'Bitmap' objects's 'GetPixel' method.

So, what is that? Like this?

  • #5
Greg Bernhardt said:
pf_bitmap = New System.Drawing.Bitmap
pf_bitmap.GetPixel(1, 1)

Thank you!

I'm going to try it out right now.

Oh yeah, what kind of information will it give me? That's another thing. :frown:
  • #6
  • #7
Thank You!
  • #8
I have another question.

Now, what is the code to get the pixel that you clicked on?

So, you have a Picture Box.

If you click on it, how can I get the pixel location of where that click was?
  • #9
If you are in VB then you should have the "mousedown" callback for the picturebox.
  • #10
NoTime said:
If you are in VB then you should have the "mousedown" callback for the picturebox.

I'll look into that.

My program will get better and better. :biggrin:
  • #11
  • #12

I can always use more features.
  • #13
There is a highly specialized VB forum available here

I used it back when I did VB 6.0 developmnet, nowdays I am a Java man.

FAQ: Get Pixel Color in VB.Net 2005 Picture Box

1. How can I get the pixel color of an image in VB.Net 2005 Picture Box?

To get the pixel color of an image in VB.Net 2005 Picture Box, you can use the GetPixel function. This function takes in the coordinates of the pixel you want to retrieve the color for and returns a Color object, which contains the RGB values of the pixel.

2. Can I get the pixel color of a specific location in the Picture Box?

Yes, you can get the pixel color of a specific location in the Picture Box by specifying the x and y coordinates of the pixel using the GetPixel function. This function takes in the coordinates and returns a Color object containing the RGB values of the pixel.

3. How do I use the GetPixel function in VB.Net 2005?

To use the GetPixel function in VB.Net 2005, you first need to create a Bitmap object from the image in the Picture Box. Then, you can call the GetPixel function on the Bitmap object and specify the coordinates of the pixel you want to retrieve the color for.

4. Can I get the pixel color of an image without using the Picture Box control?

Yes, you can get the pixel color of an image without using the Picture Box control. You can use the GetPixel function on a Bitmap object that you create from the image file.

5. Is there a way to get the pixel color of multiple pixels at once?

Yes, you can get the pixel color of multiple pixels at once by using a For loop to iterate through the coordinates of the pixels you want to retrieve the color for. Then, you can use the GetPixel function on each set of coordinates to get the color of each pixel.

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