QM : Transition Prob -> Decay Rate

In summary, quantum mechanics (QM) is a branch of physics that studies the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level and deals with the probabilistic nature of particles and their interactions. QM relates to transition probability, which describes the likelihood of a particle transitioning from one state to another, and decay rate, which describes the rate of decay from an excited state to a lower energy state. The Schrödinger equation is used to calculate transition probability in QM, taking into account various factors such as energy levels, interactions between particles, and external fields. QM also explains the decay rate of particles through Fermi's Golden Rule, which states that the decay rate is proportional to the transition probability and the density of final states
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Homework Statement

Its not a specific homework problem, buta general problem that a friend and I keep arguing about it.

Assume you have a system of:
N Particles.
2 Possible States, A && B
@ t=0 all N particles are in state A (such that c_a*c_a = P_a = 1)
where c_a is the coefficient for state A of a single particle.

Now the coefficient for state B is time varying. Technically it sort of goes like (1/f[t]) Sin^2 [wt], but that should be unnecessary.

If a particle is measured to be in state "B" then let's say that it is taken out of the group and the process is restarted, or it keeps going or whatever. But that particle is taken out. So N-1 particles remain.

My question is, how can I define a rate at which N is changing as a function of time.
dN/dt? How fast is the system degrading?

It seems logically I would have to come up with some way of knowing how often a measurement is taken in order to know how it evolves. (Collapsing the wavefunctions)

If I "set the removal tool on auto, with continuous monitoring", walk away for 10 minutes, is it possible to know how much smaller the group has become? Or is it only possible to know that "At some time "t" there is a probability associated with each possible value of "N" left"

Or is the rate just defined as the change in the probability as a function of time?
Like R = dP/dt = (d(c_b)^2/dt) ??

Any sort of advice would be helpful.

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Thank you for posting your question. I would approach this problem by first defining the system more clearly. It seems like you have a system of N particles, where each particle can exist in one of two states, A or B. At t=0, all particles are in state A.

You mention that the coefficient for state B is time-varying, but it is unclear how this coefficient is changing over time. Is it changing for all particles simultaneously, or is it changing for each particle independently? This information is important in determining the rate at which the system is degrading.

Next, you mention that when a particle is measured to be in state B, it is taken out of the group and the process is restarted. This means that the total number of particles in the system will decrease over time. In order to calculate the rate at which the system is degrading, you will need to know the frequency at which these measurements are being taken. If the measurements are taken continuously, then the rate of change of N would be dN/dt = -λN, where λ is the rate at which particles are being removed from the system.

If the measurements are not taken continuously, then the situation becomes more complicated. You will need to define the probability of a particle being measured in state B at a given time, and use that to calculate the rate of change of N.

In summary, the rate at which the system is degrading can be determined if you have a clear understanding of the system and the frequency at which measurements are being taken. I hope this helps answer your question. Best of luck in your discussions with your friend!

FAQ: QM : Transition Prob -> Decay Rate

1. What is QM and how does it relate to transition probability and decay rate?

Quantum mechanics (QM) is a branch of physics that studies the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level. It deals with the probabilistic nature of particles and their interactions. One of the key concepts in QM is transition probability, which describes the likelihood of a particle transitioning from one state to another. Decay rate, on the other hand, describes the rate at which a particle decays from an excited state to a lower energy state. QM provides a framework for understanding the relationship between these two phenomena.

2. How is transition probability calculated in QM?

In QM, transition probability is calculated using the Schrödinger equation, which describes the time evolution of a quantum system. It takes into account the initial and final states of the system, as well as the energy levels and interaction between particles. The resulting probability is a complex number that represents the amplitude of the transition.

3. What factors affect the transition probability in QM?

The transition probability in QM is affected by several factors, including the energy difference between the initial and final states, the strength of the interaction between particles, and the presence of external fields. The quantum numbers of the particles involved also play a role, as well as the symmetry of the system.

4. How does QM explain the decay rate of particles?

In QM, the decay rate of particles is related to the transition probability by the Fermi's Golden Rule. This rule states that the decay rate is proportional to the transition probability and the density of final states available to the decaying particle. This means that the more probable a transition is, and the more available final states there are, the faster the particle will decay.

5. Can QM predict the exact decay rate of a particle?

No, QM cannot predict the exact decay rate of a particle. Because of the probabilistic nature of QM, the decay rate is described by a probability distribution rather than a single value. This means that while QM can provide the most likely decay rate, there will always be some uncertainty associated with it.
