Digital System Design Course - Lab Info & Reviews

In summary: The class was more about designing circuits and building them than it was about math.The labs in this course will involve a lot of practical work building circuits and debugging them. The goal is to get you comfortable with the process of designing and debugging circuits.
  • #1
Hi everyone,
i am taking digital system design this coming semester, but they also call it digital logic. It has a lab, what kind of stuff would the lab be about?
I scanned the textbook and it looks awfully mathematical rather than engineering.
Anybody have taken this course?
I did well in circuits theory class, but this looks a bit scary even though I do like mathematics (omit the DIFF-EQs! )

just curious :rolleyes:
Engineering news on
  • #2
If you have a good textbook and a good instructor, it shouldn't be tough at all. In fact, it will probably be fun.

  • #3
Yeah, I am kind of excited after i looked more through the book (Wakerly) and they say the prof teaching it is quite good. But labs generally scare me, because I am slow and never sure my results are correct. We'll see, i guess... :bugeye:
  • #4
Digital logic having to do with a lot of mathematics? I don't remember that when I took my Digital electronics class. There is a bit of binary algebra, but I don't recall much else o.o
  • #5
EvLer said:
Yeah, I am kind of excited after i looked more through the book (Wakerly) and they say the prof teaching it is quite good. But labs generally scare me, because I am slow and never sure my results are correct. We'll see, i guess... :bugeye:
In my first digital logic class, we designed a simple computer and spent the labs building it block by block. Are your labs building digital logic blocks like adders, MUXes, LFBSRs, etc? There's a little bit of binary math involved, but really not much. What kind of math did you see in the textbook? The only digital class where you'll get into a lot of math is digital filters, and it doesn't sound like your upcoming class will cover those yet...

As for the labs, don't let them worry you. The reason that they are included in the class is to get you to be more comfortable and familiar with the practical aspects of building and debugging circuits. Just be attentive and careful as you build stuff, and double-check everything. Heck, that's how you'll do it in the real world, so get used to it. You can also develop some good habits that will help you with the labs, and will also carry over into your future work building circuits. Like, once you draw a circuit that you're going to build, make a photocopy of it, and then highlight each net (wire) on the photocopy as you make the connection on your prototype board. That helps you to keep track of what you've wired and what you still have left to do. Also, when you plan where to put the parts on your prototype board, think about how you are going to wire them up, and place the parts in a good floorplan so that the wiring is easier without a lot of confusing crossover wires or long runs of wire. And if possible, use different color wires for different functional blocks and for different signals, etc.

And learn good practical debugging techniques and tools, like how to use a logic probe or DVM or oscilloscope to work your way through a logic block to find a problem. If it looks like the right signals are going into the block, but the output is behaving badly, then work your way step-by-step from inputs to output to find where a logic term is stuck or messed up somehow.

Good luck, and have fun! -Mike-
  • #6
Thanks for the tips ... from a real engineer, silicon :bugeye:
  • #7

There is a lot of boolean algebra and karnaugh maps which are so cool, we did hundreds of these.
  • #8
Yeah... I don't remember Digital Logic being very mathematically oriented. Computations were mostly limited to Boolean algebra and Karnaugh map -- which are very cool!

FAQ: Digital System Design Course - Lab Info & Reviews

1. What is the purpose of a digital system design course?

The purpose of a digital system design course is to teach students the fundamentals of designing and implementing digital systems. This includes understanding the principles of logic design, digital circuits, and computer architecture, as well as developing skills in using software and hardware tools for system design and analysis.

2. What topics are typically covered in a digital system design course?

Topics covered in a digital system design course may include Boolean algebra, logic gates, combinational and sequential circuits, memory design, microprocessors, and hardware description languages. Some courses may also cover topics such as system testing and verification, design methodologies, and project management.

3. What are the main skills that students can expect to gain from a digital system design course?

Students can expect to gain skills in designing and analyzing digital systems, using hardware description languages and simulation tools, and understanding the principles of computer architecture. They may also develop skills in problem-solving, critical thinking, and project management through hands-on lab work and projects.

4. Are there any prerequisites for taking a digital system design course?

Prerequisites for a digital system design course may vary depending on the institution and level of the course. Generally, students should have a strong foundation in mathematics, including algebra and trigonometry. Familiarity with programming languages and basic computer hardware and software concepts may also be helpful.

5. How are digital system design courses typically evaluated?

Digital system design courses are typically evaluated through a combination of exams, quizzes, lab assignments, and projects. These assessments may test students' understanding of concepts, ability to design and analyze digital systems, and skills in using software and hardware tools. Some courses may also include group projects or presentations to assess students' teamwork and communication skills.

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