Calculate density of neutrons in a beam

In summary: In that case, we can use the formula F=\frac{1}{4}\rho\bar{v} to calculate the density of neutrons in the beam.In summary, the problem involves calculating the density of neutrons in a beam emerging from a nuclear reactor with a Maxwell-Boltzmann energy distribution at a temperature of 300 K. The solution involves using the formula F=\frac{1}{4}\rho\bar{v} to account for the difference in average velocity of the particles inside the reactor and those emerging from the opening. The factor of 1/4 arises from the fact that the distribution of speeds and directions of particles making it through the opening is shifted compared to the Maxwellian distribution.
  • #1

A flux of 10^12 neutrons/m^2 emerges each second from a port in a nuclear reactor. If these neutrons have a Maxwell-Boltzmann energy distribution corresponding to T=300 K, calculate the density of neutrons in the beam.


The average velocity of neutrons coming from the detector is [itex]\bar{v}=\sqrt{\frac{8kT}{πm}}[/itex].

Substituting the following,

k=1.38x10-23 J/K
T=300 K
m=1.675 x 10-27 kg

yields a velocity [itex]\bar{v}=2509 m/s[/itex]

A flux F is given by [itex]F=\rho\bar{v}[/itex] [itex]\Rightarrow \rho=\frac{F}{\bar{v}}[/itex]

Substituting F=10^12 m^-2 s^-1 and the obtained value above for [itex]\bar{v}[/itex] yields,

ρ=4 x 10^9 /m^3

However this disagrees with the value in my books which says the correct answer is 1.6 x 10^9 /m^3. I think it's a pretty straight-forward problem. Where did I go wrong?
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  • #2
There's a complication due to the fact that the average velocity of the neutrons emerging through the port is not the same as the average velocity of the neutrons inside the reactor. This causes a modification in the formula ##F = \rho \overline{v}##. See the middle of page 2 of these notes.
  • #3
I see that the end result of the analysis yields a factor of 1/4. Using this modified formula, I then get the correct answer for the density.

However, it's not exactly clear from where the 1/4 arises. Could you please elaborate?
  • #4
Consider all particles moving toward the opening in a certain direction. Particles with greater speed are more likely to make it through the opening during a fixed time interval dt than particles with less speed. So, the distribution of speeds of particles making it through the opening is shifted somewhat towards higher speeds compared to the Maxwellian distribution.

Also, if you look at particles moving toward the opening from different directions, then those moving in a direction roughly perpendicular to the hole will have a greater chance of getting through than those moving almost parallel to the opening. So, the distribution of directions of the particles making it through the hole will not be isotropic.

You cannot expect the average speed of particles moving through the hole to be the same as the average speed ##\overline{v}## of particles in the Maxwellian distribution.

The only way that I can see why the factor is 1/4 rather than some other factor is to carry through the calculation as shown in the link.
  • #5
There is one thing that confuses me about the statement of the problem. The density ##\rho## that you calculate using the formula ##F = \frac{1}{4} \rho\overline{v}## is the number density of the neutrons while they are inside the reactor in a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. But the problem is asking for the density in the "beam". The particles will emerge from the opening ("port") in all polar directions from θ = 0 to θ = ##\pi/2## radians and all azimuthal directions from 0 to ##2\pi## radians. So, they will spread out and the density will vary with position.

So, I wonder if I am understanding the statement of the problem.
  • #6
The answer I arrive at using [itex]F=\frac{1}{4}\rho\bar{v}[/itex] agrees with the answer listed in my textbook. Perhaps, for an infinitesimal moment after passing through the opening, the constituent neutrons of the beam are roughly of the same average speed as the neutrons in the Maxwellian distribution inside the reactor.
  • #7
xatu said:

A flux of 10^12 neutrons/m^2 emerges each second from a port in a nuclear reactor. If these neutrons have a Maxwell-Boltzmann energy distribution corresponding to T=300 K, calculate the density of neutrons in the beam.


The average velocity of neutrons coming from the detector is [itex]\bar{v}=\sqrt{\frac{8kT}{πm}}[/itex].

Substituting the following,

k=1.38x10-23 J/K
T=300 K
m=1.675 x 10-27 kg

yields a velocity [itex]\bar{v}=2509 m/s[/itex]

A flux F is given by [itex]F=\rho\bar{v}[/itex] [itex]\Rightarrow \rho=\frac{F}{\bar{v}}[/itex]

Substituting F=10^12 m^-2 s^-1 and the obtained value above for [itex]\bar{v}[/itex] yields,

ρ=4 x 10^9 /m^3

However this disagrees with the value in my books which says the correct answer is 1.6 x 10^9 /m^3. I think it's a pretty straight-forward problem. Where did I go wrong?

Use this formula:
molecular flux = density* av(velocity)/4
  • #8
Check this pdf


  • Molecular_theory.pdf
    256.9 KB · Views: 42
  • #9
Vinil said:
Check this pdf
Thank you for your contributions. Please note that this thread is almost 11 years old. The OP has not been seen since March 25, 2016 and is unlikely to profit from your suggestion.

FAQ: Calculate density of neutrons in a beam

1. What is the equation for calculating the density of a neutron in a beam?

The equation for calculating density is mass divided by volume. In the case of a neutron beam, the mass would be the total number of neutrons in the beam and the volume would be the area of the beam.

2. How do you measure the mass of a neutron in a beam?

The mass of a neutron is typically measured in atomic mass units (amu). This can be done using a mass spectrometer or by comparing the mass of the neutron to that of a known reference particle.

3. What units are used to express neutron density?

The density of a neutron beam is typically expressed in units of neutrons per cubic centimeter (n/cm3). Other common units include neutrons per cubic meter (n/m3) and neutrons per liter (n/L).

4. How does the density of a neutron beam affect its behavior?

The density of a neutron beam can affect its behavior in a number of ways. For example, a higher density beam will have a greater intensity and can penetrate deeper into materials. It can also affect the scattering and absorption of the neutrons as they interact with the material.

5. Can the density of a neutron beam be controlled?

Yes, the density of a neutron beam can be controlled through various means such as adjusting the energy of the neutrons, shaping the beam using collimators, and varying the beam intensity. These controls are important for optimizing the beam for different applications and experiments.
