Work as Change in Kinetic Energy vs Change in PE

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between net work, change in kinetic energy, and change in potential energy. It is clarified that net work is equal to the change in kinetic energy, and that potential energy can also be equal to the work done by the force(s) that change the height of the object. It is also noted that in order to calculate work, the force and object must be specified. The work-energy theorem is introduced and applied to the situation of lifting a book, where both the work of the applied force and the work of gravity contribute to the change in kinetic energy and potential energy. It is mentioned that lifting a book without changing kinetic energy is possible, but requires the book to already be in motion at a constant speed
  • #1
Net Work = Change in Kinetic Energy. What about potential energy?

Homework Statement

When we say net work = change in kinetic energy, does that mean that if the height of an object changes (and its initial and final velocity) do not change, then the work done also equals the potential energy?

Sometimes I see texts saying work = change in potential energy, but i thought it was change in kinetic energy. Do they mean change in potential energy = work done by the force(s) that change the height of the object and change in kinetic energy = NET Work done?

Homework Equations

U = mgh
KE = 1/2mv^2

Work = Change in KE OR Change in PE (?)

The Attempt at a Solution

What confuses me is that if i raise a book from a height of 0 m to 5m, then the potential energy definitely changes but the kinetic energy does not change (0m/s initially and 0 m/s final).

So Change in kinetic energy in this case cannot equal change in potential. So here work does NOT equal change in kinetic energy.
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  • #2
When you speak about work, you need to specify the force that does the work and the object the work is done on.
The work-energy theorem states that the change of the kinetic energy of a point mass (particle) is equal to the work of all the forces acting on it. If a vertical upward force F acts on a particle and it rises from h1 to h2 , the work of the applied force is Wa= F(h2-h1) and the work of gravity is Wg = -mg(h2-h1). The work of all the forces is equal to the change of the KE:


If the KE does not change, the net work is zero, so Wa+Wg=0, the applied force is negative of the force of gravity.

We define the potential with respect to a place where the PE is set equal to zero. If it is the ground, the PE of a body at a point A is the work done by the gravitational force while the body moves from A to the ground. It is PE(A)=mghA.

If the body moves from h1 to h2, the potential energy changes by ΔPE=PE(h2)-PE(h1)=mg(h2-h1). That is equal the negative of the work done by gravity: Wg=-ΔPE. You can write the Work-Energy theorem in the form
Wa-ΔPE=ΔKE, that is, Wa=ΔPE+ΔKE. The work of the applied force is equal to the change of the total mechanical energy. In case the KE does not change, the work done by the applied force is equal to the change of the potential energy.

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  • #3
I'd like to add slightly to what ehild has said, at the risk of being a bit confusing:
What confuses me is that if i raise a book from a height of 0 m to 5m, then the potential energy definitely changes but the kinetic energy does not change (0m/s initially and 0 m/s final).
... that action does involve a change in KE ... between 0m and 5m the book must have some non-zero velocity. It follows that you did some work in addition to that against gravity by accelerating and decelerating the book.

It is possible to lift a book through a height without changing KE, and doing work, though.
This requires the book to already be in motion at a constant speed...
  • #4
What Simon said. A human lifting a book is complicated by the fact that a human can't recover the ke during the deceleration phase. In many other systems that energy can be recovered. Humans are also inefficient and consume energy even when not doing work lifting books. Sometimes best not to use humans in examples because they are so non ideal machines.
  • #5

I would like to clarify the relationship between work, change in kinetic energy, and change in potential energy. Work is defined as the force applied to an object multiplied by the distance it is moved in the direction of the force. This work can result in a change in the object's kinetic energy, which is the energy it has due to its motion, or a change in its potential energy, which is the energy it has due to its position in a gravitational field.

In the example given, where a book is raised from a height of 0 m to 5 m, there is indeed a change in potential energy, as the book is now at a higher position in the gravitational field. However, there is no change in kinetic energy because the book's velocity remains constant at 0 m/s. In this case, the work done by the force (your hand) is equal to the change in potential energy of the book.

In general, the work done by a force on an object can result in a change in both kinetic and potential energy. The net work done, or the total work done by all forces on an object, is equal to the change in its kinetic energy. This is because the work done by the force(s) that change the object's kinetic energy is equal to the change in kinetic energy itself.

In summary, work can result in a change in both kinetic and potential energy, but the net work done is equal to the change in kinetic energy. The equation "work = change in potential energy" is only applicable in cases where there is no change in kinetic energy. I hope this clarifies the relationship between work and changes in energy for you.

FAQ: Work as Change in Kinetic Energy vs Change in PE

1. What is the definition of work in relation to change in kinetic energy and change in potential energy?

The concept of work in physics refers to the transfer of energy from one form to another. When an object experiences a change in its kinetic energy, it means that work has been done on the object to increase or decrease its speed. Similarly, when an object experiences a change in its potential energy, it means that work has been done to change its position in a gravitational field.

2. How is work calculated for changes in kinetic energy?

The amount of work done on an object to change its kinetic energy can be calculated using the formula W = 1/2mv2 - 1/2mu2, where m is the mass of the object and v is its final velocity. This formula is derived from the work-energy theorem, which states that the net work done on an object is equal to its change in kinetic energy.

3. How is work calculated for changes in potential energy?

The amount of work done on an object to change its potential energy can be calculated using the formula W = mgh, where m is the mass of the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the change in height. This formula is derived from the definition of potential energy, which is the energy an object possesses due to its position in a gravitational field.

4. How does work as change in kinetic energy differ from work as change in potential energy?

The main difference between work as change in kinetic energy and work as change in potential energy is the type of energy being transferred. In the former, work is done to change the object's speed, while in the latter, work is done to change the object's position in a gravitational field. Additionally, the formulas used to calculate work for each type of energy are different.

5. Can work be negative in the context of changes in kinetic energy and potential energy?

Yes, work can be negative when considering changes in kinetic energy and potential energy. This occurs when work is done against the direction of motion or against the direction of the force of gravity. For example, if a ball is thrown upwards, the work done by the force of gravity is negative as it acts in the opposite direction of the ball's motion, causing a decrease in its kinetic energy and an increase in its potential energy.
