Searching for Gluon Radiation Probability Equation for Z Decay Jet Structure

In summary: I think you might want to check your work.And one question... who is OP? Am I OP? What does it mean?You are the original poster of the thread, so you are OP.
  • #1
I am searching for the equation for the radiation probability of a gluon from a quark. I need this for an explanation of the jet structure after a Z decay. Because I heard that hard gluons are radiated with small angles to the quark. This means the energy is focused in the directions of the both quark of the Z decay. Now I need the equation to show this in a talk, but it is unfortunetelly not easy to find the corresponding equation...
does anybody can help me?
best regards
Physics news on
  • #2
The probability is 1.

More specifically, the probability of radiating a gluon of momentum p diverges as p goes to zero. The exact same thing happens with a charged object and photon radiation. I suspect that's why you can't find the equation you want.
  • #3
Vanadium 50 said:
The probability is 1.

More specifically, the probability of radiating a gluon of momentum p diverges as p goes to zero. The exact same thing happens with a charged object and photon radiation. I suspect that's why you can't find the equation you want.
Well, the topic of soft singulatities in QCD is indeed quite involved : there is no way to distinguish between a single quark and a collinear pair gluon-quark for instance, so we do expect collinear divergencies. Although I have no clue who your talk will be given to, I would advise you to check the literature before embarquing on that.

See for instance Quarks, partons and Quantum Chromodynamics (Jiˇr´ı Ch´yla) for a general introduction.
  • #4
Vanadium 50 said:
The probability is 1.

More specifically, the probability of radiating a gluon of momentum p diverges as p goes to zero. The exact same thing happens with a charged object and photon radiation. I suspect that's why you can't find the equation you want.

But it sounds like we're after the hard emission probability -- hard enough to affect the jet structure -- so soft divergences shouldn't be relevant. I doubt there's any fundamental equation, but should be possible to find phenomenological models or empirical data for particular energies and jet algorithms. Searching for Z decay jet structure gives lots of results, some of which may be relevant.
  • #5
daschaich said:
But it sounds like we're after the hard emission probability -- hard enough to affect the jet structure -- so soft divergences shouldn't be relevant. I doubt there's any fundamental equation, but should be possible to find phenomenological models or empirical data for particular energies and jet algorithms. Searching for Z decay jet structure gives lots of results, some of which may be relevant.

You are right, but I think it is relevant to mention this distinction, because the OP probably has not gone through this. There is an ambiguity at the limit between hard and soft, and this is what defines a hard gluon, and in turn, a jet. So those questions are important and should be reviewed by the OP if he really wants to go through them in his talk.
  • #6
Thanks for all replies...
I found something in a book... it concerns to the O(\alpha_s) terms, means the one gluon radiations...
The evaluation of these Feynman diagrams leads to the following form for the three-parton cross-section
\frac{d^2\sigma}{dx_1dx_2} = \sigma_0\frac{\alpha_s}{2\pi}C_F\frac{x_1^2+x_2^2}{(1-x_1)(1-x_2)}
where \sigma_0 is the leading-order cross-section as predicted by the electroweak theory alone, and x_1, x_2 and x_3 = 2-x_1-x_2 are the scaled energies (2E/E_{cm}) of the quark, antiquark and gluon respectively. We note that this cross-section is divergent in two cases:

\item As the energy of the gluon tends to zero (x_3 \rightarrow 0, hence x_1 \rightarrow 1, x_2 \rightarrow 1)(infra-red divergence);
\item As the gluon becomes collinear with the quark or antiquark (in the former case, for example, we have x_1 + x_2 + x_3 = 2 from energy conservation and x_1 + x_3 = x_2 from momentum conservation, hence x_2 \rightarrow 1)(collinear divergence).

The loop diagram also yields a divergent cross-section, but the sum of all O(\alpha_s) contributions remains finite for appropriately defined observables, such as the total hadronic cross-section.
\sigma = \sigma_0\left(1+\frac{\alpha_s}{\pi}\right) + O(\alpha_s^2)

What do you think...
and one question... who is OP? Am I OP? What does it mean?
best regards
p.s. I had a few problems with including latex code, therefore it looks so ugly... sorry
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  • #7
"OP" means "original poster". The creator of the thread if you will. You are an OP. :smile:
florian said:
What do you think...
I think your formula looks correct, but I have not checked. Do you have a reference for your book ? Do you know what terms where included in the calculation ? The reason I ask is that in you first message, you seemed to be concerned with the emission of a real gluon producing and additional jet, but I think other terms have been included as well in your formula, and some divergencies probably cancel each other. I'm saying that on the top of my head, it may be wrong.
  • #8
hi again

yes your right the formula is not exactly what I want...
References: I found the formula in the book "Electron-Positron Physics at the Z" from several authors (M.G.Green, S.L.Lloyd, P.N.Ratoff and D.R.Ward) the derivation of the equation is in "QCD and Collider Physics" Cambridge University Press (1996) from Ellis R. K., Stirling W.J and Webber B.R.
Unfortunately the article of Ellis in not free available, at least I can not find a free version of the paper in the web (therefore I never read the derivation, the reference above is just given in the book of Green)...
The Formula describes the Feynman graphs with the one gluon radiation. There is also another feynman graph (which contributes with O(\alpha_s)), where one final state quark radiates a gluon, and the other quark absorbs it. Together with this graph the cross-section is finite.
I would like to have a equation with an angle, or at least a equation which I understood completely...
I want to explain, why there is a preferred energy direction, means a jet structure. The sentence, that the hard gluon (gluons with much energy) are radiated with small angle is written in each paper, but I can not find a equation for this process...
best regards and thanks for your replies
  • #9
That three-parton cross section looks familiar to me, but it doesn't have all that much to say about jets. At the parton level, a hard gluon radiated from a quark has a significant proportion of the quark's original momentum, and will therefore need to be emitted at a relatively small angle to conserve momentum -- the harder the emission the smaller the angle. This suggests that both quark and gluon will end up in the same jet after hadronization (and the precise angle of emission will never be known).

If it's the angle between a quark jet and a gluon jet that you want to know (my initial impression) I don't think the parton-level cross section will be of much use, which is why I suggested looking at phenomenological models of jet structure. However, reading things again, it sounds more like you want to justify the formation of relatively collimated jets in the first place. In this case, I think the momentum conservation argument is reliable, and easier for the audience to appreciate than an equation would be.
  • #10
Thinking about this briefly, i'd venture to guess there is indeed some heurestic jet model for the scenario as Dasch says. Otoh anything more detailed is most likely computer modeling and probably does not have a nice closed form.

The 3 parton structure eqn gives you a hint at first order analytic behaviour, but its horribly more complex in full detail.

Probably the best bet is to send an email to a specialist and ask them directly.

FAQ: Searching for Gluon Radiation Probability Equation for Z Decay Jet Structure

1. What is the purpose of searching for a Gluon Radiation Probability Equation for Z Decay Jet Structure?

The purpose of this research is to better understand the fundamental processes that occur during the decay of Z bosons, specifically in relation to gluon radiation. By determining the probability of gluon radiation in Z decay jet structure, we can gain insights into the underlying mechanisms of particle interactions and potentially improve our understanding of the Standard Model of particle physics.

2. How is the Gluon Radiation Probability Equation for Z Decay Jet Structure being studied?

This equation is being studied through a combination of theoretical calculations and experimental data analysis. Theoretical calculations involve using mathematical models and principles to predict the probability of gluon radiation in Z decay jet structure. Experimental data analysis involves studying data from particle collisions at high-energy accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider, to compare with the predicted probabilities.

3. What is the significance of understanding Gluon Radiation Probability in Z Decay Jet Structure?

Gluon radiation is a crucial aspect of particle interactions and plays a significant role in the formation and structure of jets, which are collimated sprays of particles that result from high-energy collisions. By understanding the probability of gluon radiation in Z decay jet structure, we can gain insights into the behavior of particles at the subatomic level and potentially discover new physics beyond the Standard Model.

4. What challenges are involved in determining the Gluon Radiation Probability Equation for Z Decay Jet Structure?

One of the main challenges in determining this equation is the complexity of the interactions between particles involved in Z decay. Gluon radiation is just one aspect of these interactions, and it can be difficult to isolate and accurately measure its probability. Additionally, theoretical calculations and experimental data analysis both require advanced mathematical and statistical techniques, making this research highly specialized and challenging.

5. How could the results of this research impact other areas of science?

The results of this research could have a significant impact on our understanding of not only particle physics but also other areas of science. Many technologies and fields, such as astrophysics and materials science, rely on our understanding of fundamental particles and their interactions. Therefore, any new discoveries or insights gained from studying the Gluon Radiation Probability Equation for Z Decay Jet Structure could have far-reaching implications for various scientific disciplines.

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