This is so embarrassing (PG-13, promise)

  • Thread starter Deveno
  • Start date
In summary: I want to talk about math stuff.A really nerdy woman would be ideal.Why do looks matter if you won't be seeing one another?It seems that looks matter to you because you want the woman to be attractive.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Well, if it weren't the wee hours, and me being bored as sin, I'd likely not be doing this. But, you only live once, right? Unless the Buddhists are, let's not go there!

So, here it is. I'm looking for a woman. Sort of.

Get your minds out of the gutter, it's not like that! Well, it is, oh bother. Maybe I can explain. I'm looking for a cyber-relationship. No...not one of "those". I mean, err, there's no web-cam involved ok?

This woman, she need not be physically attractive. She can be married, nothing that would violate a wedding vow will be asked of her. I'm not looking for a girlfriend. I have one of those, she's great. OK, maybe just, you know, average, but that's OK. I mean, I'm OK with it, we're happy. Our (just insert what you think goes here) is fine, no worries.

No, I'm looking for something ELSE from a woman. She has to be...mathematically talented. Is this a strange fetish of some sort? Could be, to be honest, I'm not really sure. I just want to talk, ideas. Math stuff. A really nerdy woman would be ideal. But someone stable, I don't want to somehow get involved with anything...strange.

So there it is. Not really something I can see putting in the local classified. Besides, in a town of just 4,000 people, well the statistics just don't look good. On the bright side, I can pretty much assure any potential respondent I'll be dead within 20 years or so, so it's not like I need a lifetime committment.

let me assure you I'm quite serious. Go ahead, laugh if you want to, I don't mind.
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  • #2
i don't know if can find them here , did you try dating websites?
  • #3
queenstudy said:
i don't know if can find them here , did you try dating websites?

Yeah... I tried entering "math" in a dating site once and I got back things like "I hate math" or "I was never good in math" or "You can PM me as long as you don't talk about math". Hmmm :frown:
  • #4
why does it have to a women? the things you are asking about doesn't look like anything exclusive to any gender to me...
  • #5
wukunlin said:
why does it have to a women? the things you are asking about doesn't look like anything exclusive to any gender to me...

i know, right? perhaps it's something to do with rarity.

queenstudy said:
i don't know if can find them here , did you try dating websites?

but then i'd get women looking for romance, which would be awkward, and present its own set of complications. meh, i'll not be too disappointed if this ends in failure, that's just the staus-quo, and my intellectual isolation hasn't killed me yet, and is unlikely to.
  • #6
There is actually a dating website called geek2geek but reviews say its a scam. A real shame.

Who knows - you may get some PM's from our lady math geeks. Actually there are quite a number of female math geeks. More than there are female physics geeks for that matter.
  • #7
I'm wondering why you want it to be a woman too, especially if you already have a girlfriend you're happy with. Are you trying to plug a gap in the relationship? How would she view it even if it's just platonic? If the only thing you're missing is someone to talk math with, this might be a case of watching what you wish for. You might regret it if it ruins a good relationship. Or maybe you are wondering if there is someone better and need to satisfy your curiosity.
  • #8
I'm looking for a cyber-relationship.

I am immature so I lol'd.

I mean, err, there's no web-cam involved ok?

This woman, she need not be physically attractive.

Why do looks matter if you won't be seeing one another?

why does it have to a women? the things you are asking about doesn't look like anything exclusive to any gender to me...

The look of a woman seems to be an exclusive look to me.

I get what you want sort of, I disliked being around men most of the time so I befriended a few females that had 'like' interests. I dunno, but don't men choose other male friends based on physical appeal? Seems to be the case when a male chooses a female friend (in the event that he is doing it strictly for friendship).
  • #9
Uuuh phoenix, he said that she need NOT be physically attractive...
  • #10
Moonbear said:
I'm wondering why you want it to be a woman too, especially if you already have a girlfriend you're happy with. Are you trying to plug a gap in the relationship? How would she view it even if it's just platonic? If the only thing you're missing is someone to talk math with, this might be a case of watching what you wish for. You might regret it if it ruins a good relationship. Or maybe you are wondering if there is someone better and need to satisfy your curiosity.

well, i'll try to put it into words, but i may which case, don't scratch your head too terribly long afterwards.

guys are you know the saying "let's call a spade a spade"? it was obviously a guy who thought of that one. most (maybe not all) women have this mysterious, occult quality. it's part of what i like about math...all is not revealed at first look. i suspect their minds work differently, and it's part of what that difference is, that i seek.

could this ruin my current relationship? sure, it's possible. all kinds of unexpected things might happen. I'm well aware of this. on the other hand, i don't feel like the fact that my current girlfriend isn't interested in math very much, is a very good reason for leaving her, either.

more than likely, nothing will come of this. except maybe some interesting conversations in this thread, and that's a win, too.
  • #11
I've always been skeptical about all the men-and-women-think-differently business. I mean, doesn't all people think differently from one another?
  • #12
wukunlin said:
I've always been skeptical about all the men-and-women-think-differently business. I mean, doesn't all people think differently from one another?

that's just been my experience. I'm willing to admit my experience may be atypical, or that my world-view prejudices my observations (selective filtering), but if something is true for me, in my (limited) world, i may as well act on it as if it is actually true. but...if there are men or women out there who wish to dispute this, I'm certainly willing to hear them out :)
  • #13
I'm a woman. What ideas and math stuff would you like to talk about?
  • #14
UMMM something is wrong with this situation.

How about a picture of a real live math nerd to make it more realistic

  • #15
:smile: the one with the hat on is also female but is only in beginning calculus while the other one has a math major with all sorts of strange math courses and is the one teaching calculus to the other one.
  • #16
netgypsy said:
:smile: the one with the hat on is also female but is only in beginning calculus while the other one has a math major with all sorts of strange math courses and is the one teaching calculus to the other one.

since micromass deleted my terribly witty and eloquent previous reply, let me just say, that the babe with the hat is quite a looker!

oh, and Jimmy, i'd always heard you were a funny guy, but i never knew what they meant until now...

good to know.
  • #17
She'd say thanks but she's the strong silent type.

Example of the difference between male and female thinking


Female: If I kill that dinosaur I'll have to haul it back to the cave, skin it because the lazy guys will be sitting around the fire comparing belches, cut it up, build a fire, haul in the wood, cook it and figure out what to do with the leftovers. I think I'll pass on this one.
  • #18
netgypsy said:
She'd say thanks but she's the strong silent type.

Example of the difference between male and female thinking


Female: If I kill that dinosaur I'll have to haul it back to the cave, skin it because the lazy guys will be sitting around the fire comparing belches, cut it up, build a fire, haul in the wood, cook it and figure out what to do with the leftovers. I think I'll pass on this one.

i'm liking you more by the minute.

funny thing is, when i cook dinner, i'll do stuff like:

turn on the burner, put on a pan, put in some oil/butter, and...

oh shoot...i need to chop some garlic, and while I'm chopping, the kitchen fills up with smoke.

true story.
  • #19
Deveno said:
oh, and Jimmy, i'd always heard you were a funny guy, but i never knew what they meant until now...
I saw your post before they deleted it. It was pretty funny too. I guess you saw right through me. I admit I was just pretending to be a woman. But are you sure you will be able to see through them all. Remember that famous saying: On the net no one knows you're a dog.
  • #20
Jimmy Snyder said:
I saw your post before they deleted it. It was pretty funny too. I guess you saw right through me. I admit I was just pretending to be a woman. But are you sure you will be able to see through them all. Remember that famous saying: On the net no one knows you're a dog.

there's only one thing that smells like bacon, and that's BACON!

(what's in the bag? i can't read!)
  • #21
Deveno said:
guys are you know the saying "let's call a spade a spade"? it was obviously a guy who thought of that one. most (maybe not all) women have this mysterious, occult quality. it's part of what i like about math...all is not revealed at first look. i suspect their minds work differently, and it's part of what that difference is, that i seek.

You might end up disappointed to find women in math and science can be pretty direct too, perhaps because that's a personality trait that attracts us to the field, or perhaps because it's how we've adapted to previously male-dominated fields. But, maybe that's all you need is to have the mystery unveiled to move on and be content with what you already have.
  • #22
Moonbear said:
You might end up disappointed to find women in math and science can be pretty direct too, perhaps because that's a personality trait that attracts us to the field, or perhaps because it's how we've adapted to previously male-dominated fields. But, maybe that's all you need is to have the mystery unveiled to move on and be content with what you already have.

this could be true.

but surely discovery is worth a little disappointment, right?

i'm not as sexist as it might seem. i enjoy talking about math with anyone. and, on the flip side of that coin: I'M not as direct or linear-minded as most men i know.

i used to watch my cat nursing her kittens. it would make me so sad, because looking at her lying there content, i knew i would never know that. it's like being permanently disconnected from something essential about life itself. I'm pretty ambivalent about being born male. it's not a sexual orientation type thing, i never asked to be attracted to women, that just sort of happened. it's not my fault. but I'm OK with it.

but women, even if they are not, and never will be, COULD be mothers. most male mammals are...pfft! it seems like a mistake on somebody's part. there's no mystery to being a man, and all things considered, biologically, i think we got the short end of the stick. that probably explains the social repression of women...over-compensating again for our short-comings by being more brutal and self-serving than necessary.

it's...complicated. my reasons for writing this are 1 part humor, 1 part desperation, 1 part detachment, and 1 part curiosity. it's amusing, interesting, stimulating and depressing all at once to see the replies.
  • #23
Being briefly serious, human males can look to other mammal species and see that there is a very important role for the male. Besides siring new members of the species the male is the protector of the female and their offspring from outside dangers to the family unit.

Transfer this to humans and it means the male "has her back" when she needs help. He's the one who tells her "everything is going to be OK" when the stress is just too much and pitches in without being asked. Today's empowered women don't need a male to earn a living, fix the car, do the lawn or any other formerly typical male jobs but she ENJOYS his company,appreciates input, support, ideas and his confidence that she can successfully accomplish what she sets as her life's goals. (of course she will do the same for him.)

So the human male keeps his lady laughing, is someone she can trust, is there to share the sunset and to hear her say upon waking that seeing him is the highlight of her day. Not a bad deal considering males don't have to go through labor and childbirth either.:wink:
  • #24
netgypsy said:
Being briefly serious, human males can look to other mammal species and see that there is a very important role for the male. Besides siring new members of the species the male is the protector of the female and their offspring from outside dangers to the family unit.

Transfer this to humans and it means the male "has her back" when she needs help. He's the one who tells her "everything is going to be OK" when the stress is just too much and pitches in without being asked. Today's empowered women don't need a male to earn a living, fix the car, do the lawn or any other formerly typical male jobs but she ENJOYS his company,appreciates input, support, ideas and his confidence that she can successfully accomplish what she sets as her life's goals. (of course she will do the same for him.)

So the human male keeps his lady laughing, is someone she can trust, is there to share the sunset and to hear her say upon waking that seeing him is the highlight of her day. Not a bad deal considering males don't have to go through labor and childbirth either.:wink:

i am thankful i don't have the red monthlies to deal with, either. and honestly? i think i couldn't handle the pain of childbirth. maybe god knew that.
  • #25
I like it when men love math. It's a huge turn on and is a sign that they're intelligent! Amazing how when a man is smart, they are more attractive.
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  • #26
Deveno said:
it's...complicated. my reasons for writing this are 1 part humor, 1 part desperation, 1 part detachment, and 1 part curiosity. it's amusing, interesting, stimulating and depressing all at once to see the replies.

I see you got bumped, but anyway. My take. You'll never find out, and as you'll grow older, you'll discover that nothing what you think is true about men/women is true on closer inspection. So you might as well give up on thinking about it.

(Moreover, reducing affection to one -largely irrelevant- trait? Will never work, attraction doesn't work that way.)
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  • #27
Deveno said:
Well, if it weren't the wee hours, and me being bored as sin, I'd likely not be doing this. But, you only live once, right? Unless the Buddhists are, let's not go there!

So, here it is. I'm looking for a woman. Sort of.

Get your minds out of the gutter, it's not like that! Well, it is, oh bother. Maybe I can explain. I'm looking for a cyber-relationship. No...not one of "those". I mean, err, there's no web-cam involved ok?

This woman, she need not be physically attractive. She can be married, nothing that would violate a wedding vow will be asked of her. I'm not looking for a girlfriend. I have one of those, she's great. OK, maybe just, you know, average, but that's OK. I mean, I'm OK with it, we're happy. Our (just insert what you think goes here) is fine, no worries.

No, I'm looking for something ELSE from a woman. She has to be...mathematically talented. Is this a strange fetish of some sort? Could be, to be honest, I'm not really sure. I just want to talk, ideas. Math stuff. A really nerdy woman would be ideal. But someone stable, I don't want to somehow get involved with anything...strange.

So there it is. Not really something I can see putting in the local classified. Besides, in a town of just 4,000 people, well the statistics just don't look good. On the bright side, I can pretty much assure any potential respondent I'll be dead within 20 years or so, so it's not like I need a lifetime committment.

let me assure you I'm quite serious. Go ahead, laugh if you want to, I don't mind.

:smile: Your post made me LOL literally.

Just be patient man and she will come around soon enough.

FAQ: This is so embarrassing (PG-13, promise)

What is the meaning behind "This is so embarrassing (PG-13, promise)"?

The phrase "This is so embarrassing (PG-13, promise)" is often used as a humorous way to acknowledge a potentially embarrassing situation. The "PG-13" rating refers to the Motion Picture Association of America's rating system for films, indicating that the situation may not be appropriate for young viewers.

Why is this phrase commonly used in a PG-13 context?

The use of the "PG-13" rating in this phrase is meant to add a comedic element by exaggerating the potential embarrassment of the situation. It also serves as a way to warn others that the topic being discussed may not be suitable for all audiences.

Is "This is so embarrassing (PG-13, promise)" meant to be taken seriously?

No, this phrase is typically used in a joking manner and is not meant to be taken seriously. It is often used to lighten the mood or make light of an awkward situation.

Can this phrase be used in any context?

While this phrase is commonly used in a PG-13 context, it can also be used in other contexts as well. However, it is important to be mindful of the audience and the appropriateness of using this phrase in different situations.

What is the purpose of adding "promise" to the end of the phrase?

The addition of "promise" at the end of the phrase is often used as a way to reassure others that the situation is not as embarrassing as it may seem. It is also used to emphasize the lighthearted and humorous nature of the phrase.

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