Can Matter Be Transferred Between Universes?

In summary, the concept of transferring matter from one universe to another is highly speculative and not supported by any evidence. It is also difficult to determine if our universe has any "valve" or means of allowing matter to enter or leave the system. Theories and alternate explanations for the nature of the universe suggest that it is a closed system, but the possibility of multiple universes or dimensions adds complexity to this concept. Ultimately, there is no definite answer to this question.
  • #1
i wish to know if matter can be transferred from one universe to other universe? does our universe have valve like thing to let the matter in or out of the system?
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  • #2
"Other universe" is highly speculative and is not supported by ANY evidence so your question has no answer.
  • #3
shivakumar06 said:
i wish to know if matter can be transferred from one universe to other universe? does our universe have valve like thing to let the matter in or out of the system?

I think an isolated system is the correct way of thinking about it.
  • #4
phinds said:
"Other universe" is highly speculative and is not supported by ANY evidence so your question has no answer.

What he said, but I sometimes like to speculate that there are many Universes, since the beginning of time we've been wrong about much of the Universe, and when I like to think about it, I say why not, it could be a possibility (Don't count on my words because there is no proof for this), we used to think there was just the solar system, but nope there's billions which is probably an understatement! Also then we discovered that we live in an island of stars which is our galaxy, that was only 1 of billions! So I like to think, why can't there be more than 1 universe or even billions, where they can transfer energy from one universe to the other!

Anyways, I'm getting ahead of myself and phinds has answered your question.
  • #5
shivakumar06 said:
i wish to know if matter can be transferred from one universe to other universe? does our universe have valve like thing to let the matter in or out of the system?
There are two ways of defining "universe". One is anything that we can measure or affect. So, by that definition, the universe is a closed system.

Another way to define the universe is to say that it is the entire three-dimensional space across all of time. That what you're thinking of when you ask your question. I recall one alternate theory to the Big Bang that posits two 3D universes colliding.

From what I read, most basic particle physics seems to live in "Hilbert Space" with as many dimensions as you need. This would argue against little exchanges with other 3D planes - since whatever is holding us to 3D would likely collapse any matter local to our 3D space back into our space right away.

FAQ: Can Matter Be Transferred Between Universes?

1. Is the universe a closed system?

The answer to this question is not definitive. Some scientists argue that the universe is a closed system, meaning that energy and matter cannot enter or leave the system. Others believe that the universe is an open system, with matter and energy constantly being exchanged with other systems.

2. What evidence suggests that the universe is a closed system?

One piece of evidence is the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed. This suggests that the total energy within the universe remains constant, supporting the idea of a closed system.

3. How does the concept of entropy relate to the idea of a closed system?

Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness within a system. In a closed system, entropy tends to increase over time as energy is transferred and transformed. This supports the idea of a closed system, as energy is not entering or leaving the system to decrease the entropy.

4. Could the universe have started as an open system and then become a closed system?

It is possible that the universe was once an open system, but as it expanded and cooled, it became a closed system. However, this is still a topic of debate among scientists and more research is needed to fully understand the origins of the universe.

5. How does the concept of a closed system relate to the Big Bang theory?

The Big Bang theory suggests that the universe began as a singularity, a point with infinite density and temperature. As the universe expanded, it cooled and became a closed system, with matter and energy constantly being exchanged within it. This is one explanation for the current state of the universe as a closed system.
