How Are Quantum Numbers Sequenced in a Three-Dimensional Cubic Well?

In summary, the states in the three-dimensional cubic well are counted based on the quantum numbers n1, n2, and n3. The ground state is E111, with all three quantum numbers equal to 1. The first excited state, E211, has n1 equal to 2 while the other two remain at 1, and this pattern continues for the next states. To construct an energy-level diagram, you can plot the states on three axes and connect them with lines to show the energy levels.
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This is a question relating to Problem 7-1 in Modern Physics (5th ed.) by Tipler and Llewellyn. Find the energies E311, E222, E321 and construct an energy-level diagram for the three-dimensional cubic well that includes the third, fourth, and fifth excited states.

How are these states counted? I don't understand the sequencing for successive excited states. E111 would be the ground state, E211 would be the first excited state - I think I can guess that part. I don't know, however, how the next states are numbered E311, E222, and E321, successively.
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Thank you for your question. The states are counted based on the quantum numbers associated with each state. In a three-dimensional cubic well, the quantum numbers are n1, n2, and n3. The ground state, E111, has all three quantum numbers equal to 1. The first excited state, E211, has the first quantum number, n1, equal to 2 while the other two quantum numbers, n2 and n3, remain at 1. Similarly, the next excited state, E311, has n1 equal to 3 while n2 and n3 remain at 1. This pattern continues, with the fourth excited state being E222, where all three quantum numbers are equal to 2, and the fifth excited state being E321, with n1 equal to 3 and n2 and n3 both equal to 2.

To construct an energy-level diagram for these states, you can draw three axes representing the three quantum numbers, with the energy increasing as you move up the axes. The ground state, E111, will be at the origin (0,0,0) with the next states branching off from it in different directions. For example, E211 would be at (2,1,1) while E311 would be at (3,1,1). You can continue this pattern to plot the other states and connect them with lines to show the energy levels.

I hope this helps to clarify the sequencing for you. Let me know if you have any other questions.

FAQ: How Are Quantum Numbers Sequenced in a Three-Dimensional Cubic Well?

1. What are successive excited states?

Successive excited states refer to the energy levels that an electron can occupy in an atom as it absorbs energy and moves from its ground state to higher energy levels.

2. How are successive excited states created?

Successive excited states are created when an atom absorbs energy in the form of light or heat, causing its electrons to move to higher energy levels.

3. What is the significance of successive excited states?

Successive excited states play a crucial role in determining the behavior and properties of atoms, as well as in many chemical reactions and processes.

4. Can an electron occupy multiple successive excited states at once?

No, an electron can only occupy one energy level at a time. It can move between different successive excited states, but it cannot occupy them simultaneously.

5. How do electrons return to their ground state from successive excited states?

Electrons can return to their ground state by releasing the energy they absorbed through emission of light or heat, or by undergoing a chemical reaction that allows them to move to a lower energy level.
