Fuse current of silicon nanowire

In summary, if you want to use a current that is lower than the melting point of the silicon (1687K), you will need to account for the dissipation by convection, conduction and scattering.
  • #1

I'm studying for a project a rectangular-cross sectionned suspended silicon nanowire.

My question is very simple: at which current will my nanowire break?

The melting point is 1687K and I start at 300K

I don't really know where to start since the resistance, the thermal conductivity and many physical depend upon the temperature and my temperature range is wide.

I've tried the following:

Provided that the heat of fusion of Silicon is: 50.6kJ.mol-1

I have the heat generated by the electrical power = R*I*I*t
R=electrical resistance

I must match the heat generated by the electrical power and heat of fusion

(Heat of fusion)*(Volume*density/molar mass)=R*I*I*t

And I can have my current I

However this model is stupid because I don't take to account the dissipation by convection, conduction and scattering.

how to do it properly?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
tresgog said:
how to do it properly?

My guess is that you don't; you will have to perform the experiment.
That said, you might be able to get some qualitative understanding by performing a numerical simulation using Comsol, ANSYS or similar. But even that is tricky because there are so many parameters involved, some of which might be very difficult to find in the literature (e..g the boundary resistance between the nanowire and the substrate).

Note that I assuming here that you can use "classical" thermal conductivity; if the conductivity is quantized (as it can be in nanowires) it becomes even more complicated.

Thermal conductivity in nanowires is a "hot" topic at the moment, and it is far from trivial.
  • #3
Thank you for your answer.

At some point I was thinking to just go ahead and simulate my nanowire and ANSYS.

Before doing so, I would like to have a rough idea of the current I should put in my wire.

The thing is, I have the nanowire, I don't want to break it just right away so I just want to have an upper limit of the current.

The value I found with the above model is very low (in one hour I should only put 62pA)
  • #4
Yes, but the tricky bit here is to figure out how well the nanowire is cooled via conduction to the substrate. There are ways to estimate this using some fairly simple formulas, but these formulas are only useful if you know the numerical values for all relevant parameters; and these need to be determined experimentally...

Try googling (Google scholar) for information about e.g. hot-electron or transition-edge bolometers and similar devices; they all rely on efficient cooling of a mesoscopic device (sometimes fabricated on a suspended substrate) so you should be able to find quite a lot of information about cooling; some of which should be relevant to your case.
  • #5

There are several factors that need to be considered when determining the fuse current of a silicon nanowire. These include the material properties, temperature, and heat dissipation mechanisms. It is also important to note that predicting the exact current at which the nanowire will break is difficult due to the complexity of the system and potential variations in manufacturing processes.

One approach you can take is to use finite element analysis (FEA) software to model the behavior of the nanowire under different current and temperature conditions. This can provide a more accurate prediction of the fuse current as it takes into account the material properties, temperature gradient, and heat dissipation mechanisms.

Another approach is to conduct experiments using a controlled electrical current and monitoring the nanowire's behavior. This can provide more accurate and reliable results, but may be more time-consuming and resource-intensive.

It is also important to consider the potential impact of defects or impurities in the nanowire, as these can affect its strength and resistance to breaking. Additionally, the length and thickness of the nanowire can also play a role in determining the fuse current.

In summary, determining the fuse current of a silicon nanowire is a complex process that requires careful consideration of various factors. FEA modeling and experimental testing are recommended approaches to obtaining accurate results.

FAQ: Fuse current of silicon nanowire

1. What is the fuse current of silicon nanowire?

The fuse current of silicon nanowire refers to the current required to trigger the fuse effect in a silicon nanowire, causing it to break or fuse. This current is affected by various factors such as the size, shape, and composition of the nanowire, as well as the surrounding environment.

2. How is the fuse current of silicon nanowire measured?

The fuse current of silicon nanowire is typically measured using a technique called electrical breakdown testing. This involves applying a gradually increasing voltage to the nanowire until it reaches its fuse current and breaks or fuses. The voltage and current are then recorded for analysis.

3. What is the significance of the fuse current in silicon nanowire research?

Understanding the fuse current of silicon nanowire is crucial in the development of nanowire-based devices and circuits. It allows researchers to determine the maximum current that can be safely passed through a nanowire before it breaks, which is important for ensuring the reliability and durability of these devices.

4. How does the fuse current of silicon nanowire compare to other materials?

The fuse current of silicon nanowire is typically lower than that of bulk silicon, but higher than other types of nanowires such as carbon nanotubes. This is due to the unique properties of silicon nanowires, such as their high surface-to-volume ratio and high surface reactivity, which can affect the fuse current.

5. Can the fuse current of silicon nanowire be controlled?

Yes, the fuse current of silicon nanowire can be controlled through various means, such as changing the composition of the nanowire, applying an electric field or temperature, or using different substrate materials. This allows for the optimization of nanowire-based devices and circuits for specific applications.
