Gravitational Waves, Photons & the Uncertainty Principle

In summary: It would make sense that photons would couple to it as well.In summary, photons can emit gravitons, but it seems strange that energy would come from this. It may be better to think about it in terms of a decay: a photon decays into a graviton and a lower energy photon.
  • #1
If photons emit gravitons, then where does this energy come from? It can't pull it from its kinetic energy or maybe it just redshifts it but this seems weird. In order to emit gravitational waves do i haft to accelerate energy . I am trying to draw an analogy between gravitational waves and an accelerating electron emitting light but this may be too simple. Or maybe the uncertainty principle has something to say about it . Any input will be much appreciated.
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  • #2
To emit gravitational waves you have to 'accelerate energy' in a certain way; but presumably yes, photons could end up emitting gravitons, and the energy would come from the photons---redshifting (in effect). It might be better to think about it in terms of a decay: i.e. a photon decays into a graviton and a lower energy photon, or something like that (there may need to be multiple photons produced, or other details, I have no idea).
  • #3
This can't happen on the mass shell.
  • #4
I cannot see how a photon can emit a graviton. If there is a theory of gravity in which the graviton is the "charge" carrier for gravitational interactions then a photon would have to have a least a quadrupole moment. As Bill points out this could happen off mass shell and a virtual graviton emitted, after all anti-parallel photons do gravitationally attract one another.

EDIT: I should have said anti-parallel light beams attract one another, I'm not sure if this extends to single photons.
  • #5
What do you mean you say a photon has to have a quadrupole moment. The only time I have seen that is in a multipole expansion in electrodynamics.
  • #6
cragar said:
What do you mean you say a photon has to have a quadrupole moment. The only time I have seen that is in a multipole expansion in electrodynamics.

If there were a quantum theory of gravity then the graviton would be gauge particle that carries the gravitational "charge". It would probably have to be spin 2 (only one charge type) and massless (long range). Similarly in Electrodynamics we have a photon which carries the EM charge, spin 1 (two charge types), and massless (long range). Real photons are not exchanged in a static electric field, here we employ the use of virtual photons which live a fairly like existence. Real photons only appear in propagating EM waves which are generated by an accelerating electric charge (dipole moment).

Gravitons are emitted when the centre of mass/energy experiences a change in acceleration (quadrupole moment). A photon cannot accelerate let alone change its acceleration.
  • #8
Naty1 said:
This discussion may be of interest:

The original question would be a good one to post in the quantum mechanics section if you don't get a complete answer that satisfies. Surely light couples to gravity, but I don't know exactly what QM proposes about that.

Yes light beams couple to gravity but since there is no quantum theory of gravity one cannot talk about photons with any certainty. If photons do interact with each other gravitationally they would not use gravitons, they would be virtual gravitons in analogy with the EM case.
  • #9
cosmik debris said:
Yes light beams couple to gravity but since there is no quantum theory of gravity one cannot talk about photons with any certainty. If photons do interact with each other gravitationally they would not use gravitons, they would be virtual gravitons in analogy with the EM case.

Do you mean that one could not talk about gravitons with any certainty?

Also, does it necessarily take energy to emit a graviton?
  • #10
kcajrenreb said:
Do you mean that one could not talk about gravitons with any certainty?

Also, does it necessarily take energy to emit a graviton?

One cannot talk about photons in General Relativity with any certainty and one cannot talk about gravitons in QFT with any certainty as there is no theory which connects them. There are effective field theories of gravity in which the field is comprised of spin 2 particles which are gravitons. String theories do contain both photons and gravitons but are probably not considered main stream.

Yes, if there were gravitons in GR they would carry energy away as gravitational waves, and this has been calculated by Taylor and Hulse.
  • #11
If photons emit gravity, could microwaves also? If they do, and you think about the microwave map of the universe, it may explain dark matter. I don't think their looking for missing matter as much as where is the missing gravity coming from. And being this energy permeates the universe, and I dare say it is the largest single common structure in it, wouldn't it make sense that this could be the missing source of gravity?
  • #12
microwaves are photons, and they gravitate
  • #13
cosmik debris said:
A photon cannot accelerate let alone change its acceleration.
It can have centripetal acceleration.
  • #14
cragar said:
It can have centripetal acceleration.

Sort of, the photon is following a geodesic of spacetime and this type of motion has no quadrupole moment. It is 4-acceleration in the case of a photon that is important not 3-acceleration. In this case the photon's 4-acceleration is zero.
  • #15
so if gravitons existed and we bent one along a geodesic, it would not be able to emit more gravitons because its not quite accelerating from what you said above.
  • #16
cosmik debris said:
Sort of, the photon is following a geodesic of spacetime and this type of motion has no quadrupole moment. It is 4-acceleration in the case of a photon that is important not 3-acceleration. In this case the photon's 4-acceleration is zero.

No, this is incorrect. Both its 3-acceleration and its 4-acceleration can be nonzero.

cragar said:
so if gravitons existed and we bent one along a geodesic, it would not be able to emit more gravitons because its not quite accelerating from what you said above.

I don't understand why you say "bent one along a geodesic." A geodesic is the definition of straight.
  • #17
could gravitons emit other gravitons if a graviton followed a geodesic.

FAQ: Gravitational Waves, Photons & the Uncertainty Principle

1. What are gravitational waves?

Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of space-time caused by the acceleration of massive objects, such as black holes or neutron stars. They were predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity and were first detected in 2015 by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO).

2. How are gravitational waves different from electromagnetic waves?

Gravitational waves are fundamentally different from electromagnetic waves in that they do not require a medium to propagate through. Electromagnetic waves, such as light and radio waves, need a medium like air or water to travel through. Gravitational waves, on the other hand, can travel through empty space.

3. What are photons?

Photons are particles of light, or the smallest unit of electromagnetic radiation. They have no mass and travel at the speed of light. Photons are considered to be both waves and particles and play a crucial role in many physical phenomena, including the photoelectric effect and the emission of light from stars.

4. How does the uncertainty principle relate to photons?

The uncertainty principle, also known as Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, states that it is impossible to know both the exact position and momentum of a particle (such as a photon) at the same time. This is due to the wave-particle duality of photons, where they exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior. Therefore, the more accurately we measure the position of a photon, the less accurately we can know its momentum, and vice versa.

5. Can gravitational waves be affected by the uncertainty principle?

No, the uncertainty principle only applies to subatomic particles, such as photons. Gravitational waves are not considered particles, but rather a form of energy that travels through space-time. Therefore, the uncertainty principle does not apply to them.

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