What would happen to an object falling towards a black hole?

In summary, an object that is not an integral part of a rotating system can be imagined as being free-falling. However, the rotational speed would prohibit it from reaching its maximum speed.
  • #1
Hi Guys,
I have a problem visualising a free falling object to use as a use as a theoretical reference body. I assume that a geodesic path would be the path that such a body would follow, but surely rotational dynamics would preclude such a situation. If there were theoretically such a body, would it just carry on accelerating forever toward some theoretical gravitational centre or is there some speed limit (light?)
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  • #2
hi pierre

you don´t normally choose an accelerating thing to be a frame of reference. in special relativity you choose an inertial frame of reference, which would be a frame of reference with uniform motion, not undergoing any kind of acceleration.

one could imagine a body which is being accelerated by some (magical) constant force forever. let's say we take a spot in space to be our inertial frame of reference. this body would start up with no velocity relative to the reference frame, then the acceleration would kick in and last forever. this body would gain speed forever, although it could never reach the speed of light. if this body was at almost the speed of light it would seem to us that the acceleration results in ever smaller increases of speed, but(and that might seem strange) the mass of the object would increase, which is accounting for the ever greater kinetic energy.
  • #3
Pierre007080 said:
Hi Guys,
I have a problem visualising a free falling object to use as a use as a theoretical reference body. I assume that a geodesic path would be the path that such a body would follow, but surely rotational dynamics would preclude such a situation. If there were theoretically such a body, would it just carry on accelerating forever toward some theoretical gravitational centre or is there some speed limit (light?)
I don't understand your problem. Why would rotational dynamics exclude free-fall of a non-rotating body ?

There is a limit to the speed that can be attained, as measured by a distant stationary observer. This paper discusses free fall in the Schwarzschild spacetime.

arXiv:gr-qc/0411060v2 (31 Aug 2006)
  • #4
Hi Mentz,
Thanks for the response. Perhaps the qestion should be: is it possible to imagine an object in space that is not an integral part of some or other rotating system? Would the rotational speed not then prevent this object from being "free falling"?

Mentz, please excuse my ignorance of the system, but how do I access this paper you ave referenced fo me above?
  • #5
Hi Pierre,
falling freely means that the object in question has no proper forces ( like rocket engines or solar sails) pushing it. This includes the great majority of astronomical objects, which are either orbiting something ( which is free fall) or being attracted by something else and falling towards them.

However we can 'imagine' what happens if a test particle is released from rest a very long way from a black hole and allowed to accelerate undisturbed towards it. It's called a 'thought-experiment'.

The paper is technical and you need to understand some GR. It can be got here


FAQ: What would happen to an object falling towards a black hole?

What is a free falling reference body?

A free falling reference body is an object or body that is experiencing a state of free fall, where the only force acting on it is gravity. This means that the object is accelerating towards the ground at a constant rate, regardless of its mass or shape.

What is the significance of a free falling reference body in scientific research?

Free falling reference bodies are important in scientific research because they provide a controlled environment for studying the effects of gravity on objects. By removing any other external forces, scientists can accurately measure the acceleration due to gravity and make predictions about the motion of objects in free fall.

How does air resistance affect a free falling reference body?

Air resistance, or drag, can affect the motion of a free falling reference body by slowing it down and changing its trajectory. This is why objects with different shapes or surface areas may fall at different rates, as they experience different amounts of air resistance.

What is the difference between a free falling reference body and an object in free fall?

A free falling reference body is a concept used in scientific research, while an object in free fall refers to an actual physical object experiencing free fall. The difference is mainly in the context and purpose of their use.

Can a free falling reference body ever reach a state of zero acceleration?

No, a free falling reference body will always experience some level of acceleration due to gravity as long as it is in a gravitational field. However, it can reach a state of zero net force, where the force of gravity is balanced by another force, such as air resistance, resulting in a constant velocity rather than acceleration.

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