Dark matter may be an illusion caused by the quantum vacuum

In summary, according to the article, dark matter is made up of matter and antimatter, which are gravitationally repulsive. This hypothesis rests on the key hypothesis that matter and antimatter have different gravitational charges. If this were true, it would be possible that there are antimatter galaxies. If a galaxy were to be found to be made up of antimatter, this would be one of the most astounding discoveries in the history of physics. Additionally, if antimatter existed, it would anhialate regular matter. However, the existence of dark matter is difficult to understand due to its mysterious nature.
  • #1

"His ideas (like those in the previous paper) rest on the key hypothesis that matter and antimatter are gravitationally repulsive, which is due to the fact that particles and antiparticles have gravitational charge of opposite sign. (Though like matter, antimatter is gravitationally attractive with itself.)"

If this were true is it possible there are antimatter galaxies? Could we tell if a galaxy was antimatter?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
I guess we will know soon enough - e.g.,
AEGIS at CERN: Measuring Antihydrogen Fall
ABSTRACT: The main goal of the AEGIS experiment at the CERN Antiproton Decelerator is the test of fundamental laws such as the Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP) and CPT symmetry. In the first phase of AEGIS, a beam of antihydrogen will be formed whose fall in the gravitational field is measured in a Moire' deflectometer; this will constitute the first test of the WEP with antimatter.

The nutjobs are already rattling their free energy sabers over this. An anti gravity result would be . . . one of the most astounding discoveries in the history of physics [i.e., it's incredibly improbable].
  • #3
I always wondered if you held a lb of antimatter in your hand while standing on a scale, would you be a lb lighter?

Also, if antimatter existed, wouldn't it anhialate regular matter? I don't know much of this subject. Dark Matter is so confusing to understand!
  • #4
CosmicEye said:
I always wondered if you held a lb of antimatter in your hand while standing on a scale, would you be a lb lighter?

Also, if antimatter existed, wouldn't it anhialate regular matter? I don't know much of this subject. Dark Matter is so confusing to understand!

Anti-matter exists and we've known about it for decades and they pop up in every high energy experiment done. There's nothing mysterious or unknown about anti-matter outside of a few questions such as the gravitational one and various theoretical issues.

Yes, anti-matter would annihilate with regular matter. So if you grabbed a pound of anti-matter, you're going to explode in an explosion equivalent to some of the biggest thermonuclear weapons ever tested long before you figure out what the gravitational effects would be ;).

If you pretended it didn't explode, you would weigh less... but at the same time the anti-matter would probably try to get away from you just like electric charges of similar polarity would try to separate.
  • #5
CosmicEye said:
I always wondered if you held a lb of antimatter in your hand while standing on a scale, would you be a lb lighter?

Also, if antimatter existed, wouldn't it anhialate regular matter? I don't know much of this subject. Dark Matter is so confusing to understand!

Go through the search function,there's ample amount of information on this sub-forum dealing with the hypothetical DM. It's difficult to understand although which is ironic considering the universe is composed of roughly 23% of it, however it could be less dense at certain regions compared to others.

From what I can recall they're mainly put down into two distinct catagories: WIMP and MACHOS (I think the consensus of the scientific community is increasingly against it ? discarded).The reason why it's tricky is due to it's interaction with gravity only other then the that it's present mainly around regions where we would least expect them to be around (for example: In spiral galaxies they are theorized to answer the nearly non-existing difference in radial velocities at the visible galactic disc/bulge and the furthest part].

  • #6
Pengwuino said:
If you pretended it didn't explode, you would weigh less... but at the same time the anti-matter would probably try to get away from you just like electric charges of similar polarity would try to separate.
Why would it try to get away? The composition of the antimatter was not specified, if it were composed of, e.g., anti-hydrogen it would be neutral on macroscopic scales. So, the issue of its weight would be entirely decided by its gravitational attraction to (or repulsion from) normal matter.
  • #7
moejoe15 said:
If this were true is it possible there are antimatter galaxies? Could we tell if a galaxy was antimatter?

The reason I ask this is that if antimatter has opposite gravity (I like the yin/yang of the theory) clumps would form of both types of matter, galaxies, and repel each other possibly maintaining the formation of the universe with equal amounts of both. They wouldn't have been able to annihilate each other. Could it also explain the expansion of the universe if there is an even distribution of matter and antimatter galaxies? Can't wait to hear the results of that experiment.
  • #8
Pengwuino said:
if you grabbed a pound of anti-matter, you're going to explode

Apparently you may be able to manipulate or exploit it if you first held it confined in a magnetic bottle. And you wouldn't have to go far to acquire antimatter to experiment with, as it's permanently trapped in a magnetic belt around Earth. Some folks may already be scheming to harvest its energy.


A thin band of antimatter particles called antiprotons enveloping the Earth has been spotted for the first time.

The find, described in Astrophysical Journal Letters, confirms theoretical work that predicted the Earth's magnetic field could trap antimatter.

The team says a small number of antiprotons lie between the Van Allen belts of trapped "normal" matter.

The antiprotons were spotted by the Pamela satellite (an acronym for Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics) - launched in 2006 to study the nature of high-energy particles from the Sun and from beyond our Solar System - so-called cosmic rays.

The new analysis, described in an online preprint, shows that when Pamela passes through a region called the South Atlantic Anomaly, it sees thousands of times more antiprotons than are expected to come from normal particle decays, or from elsewhere in the cosmos.

Dr Bruno said that, aside from confirming theoretical work that had long predicted the existence of these antimatter bands, the particles could also prove to be a novel fuel source for future spacecraft - an idea explored in a report for Nasa's Institute for Advanced Concepts.

Respectfully submitted,
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  • #9
So anti-matter and negative matter might be the same thing? I've heard that before.

Well if it's not, and negative matter exists as only negative matter, then I'm sure there's negative anti-matter =P
  • #10
The graviton is believed to be a spin 2 particle in the the particle scheme of things. I fail to see how it can have an anti particle.
  • #11
Well of course assuming it wouldn't blow a crater in the side of the Earth holding a pound of AM. From what sounds logical, AM wouldn't have more energy than regular matter, its when the 2 combine that makes explosive amounts of energy. But hey that just my idea of how it works. I wish I knew more about it.

Thanks for the post ibysaiyan.
  • #12
I am more interested in the implications of the theory, some of which I mentioned.

Another implication of there still being almost equal amounts of matter and antimatter in our present universe is that there could be small chunks of it floating around in our galaxy.

This might explain a couple of things. An intelligent race that has achieved space travel would eventually be able to obtain it and use it as a source of power. It has been speculated before that if UFO's exist they need a high power source like antimatter but the energy required to make it is prohibitive, so where would they get it? Not a problem if it already exists. I am assuming that even if it has opposite gravity that small amounts would be relatively unaffected by our gravity since gravity is such a weak force.

It might also explain the Tanguska event. It probably wouldn't take much antimatter to produce that explosion.
  • #13
moejoe15 said:
It might also explain the Tanguska event. It probably wouldn't take much antimatter to produce that explosion.

If antimatter is gravitationally repelled by matter, wouldn't Earth repel antimatter asteroids? I guess it would be like coulomb scattering on a bigger scale. The antimatter asteroid would have to approach Earth very fast to make contact at all. I was curious about this and searched wikipedia. It doesn't say anything about the gravitational repulsion, but it says if a clump of antimatter fell on the earth, it would have annihilated up high above the atmosphere and wouldn't get as low as the epicentre of the Tunguska event.
  • #14
I would think not. The force of gravity is weak and for small objects it would be almost negligible relative to their velocity which could be the same relative to the Earth as regular meteorites, about 40,000 mph (maybe a lot more considering where they are coming from). Also the amount of antimatter required for the Tanguska explosion would be very small (less than a pound?). The amount of repulsive force on something that size at high velocity would not affect its trajectory very much.

The repulsive force could keep regular matter from interacting with antimatter as it enters the atmosphere. That article didn't take into account the possibility of antigravity antimatter.
  • #15
The idea here is not that there is a bunch of antimatter floating around, and certainly not that there is the same amount of antimatter as normal matter. Instead, the idea is that there is both virtual antimatter, and virtual matter, popping in and out of existence almostly instantly but staying around only long enough that it can get polarized by the gravity of the real matter. So it's a kind of vacuum modification to real gravity. What I don't get is how it could be relevant on the large scales of a galaxy but not the small scales of a solar system. Certainly the dielectric analogy would not satisfy that constraint, so either his calculations involve more than was reported in that article, or they are not so well thought out.
  • #16
Maybe, but if the theory is true and there was initially equal amounts of both matter and antimatter as some theories suggest, they would interact differently in the beginning. I would think that this would affect the quantities of both in the present universe.

FAQ: Dark matter may be an illusion caused by the quantum vacuum

1. What is dark matter?

Dark matter is an invisible and mysterious substance that makes up about 27% of the universe. It does not emit or absorb light, and its existence is inferred through its gravitational effects on visible matter.

2. What is the quantum vacuum?

The quantum vacuum is a concept in quantum mechanics that describes the lowest energy state of a quantum system. It is not empty, but rather filled with virtual particles that constantly pop in and out of existence.

3. How could the quantum vacuum create an illusion of dark matter?

According to some theories, the virtual particles in the quantum vacuum could interact with ordinary matter and create an apparent gravitational effect that mimics the behavior of dark matter. This effect is known as the "quantum vacuum polarization."

4. Is there evidence to support this theory?

There is currently no direct evidence to support the theory that dark matter is an illusion caused by the quantum vacuum. However, some scientists believe that it is a plausible explanation and are conducting further research to test its validity.

5. How does this theory impact our understanding of the universe?

If the theory that dark matter is an illusion caused by the quantum vacuum is proven to be true, it would significantly change our understanding of the composition of the universe. It would also have implications for our current models of gravity and could potentially lead to new discoveries in the field of physics.

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