Black hole bounce-Vandersloot and Böhmer

In summary, at Loops '07, Kevin Vandersloot and Christian Böhmer presented a talk on their upcoming paper, co-authored by both postdoctoral researchers at the University of Portsmouth. The paper, titled "Loop Quantum Dynamics of Schwarzschild Interior," discusses a case of black hole collapse that leads to a bounce and re-expansion to a new classical spacetime region. The talk caught attention due to its intriguing findings and the involvement of renowned cosmologist Roy Maartens at the University of Portsmouth. The paper is yet to be released, but its contents seem promising.
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black hole bounce--Vandersloot and Böhmer

there were quite a few impressive ones among the contributed talks at Loops '07. Some talks were about new research that has not been posted on arxiv yet. Like the one given by Kevin Vandersloot

This refers to a paper he says will appear soon, that he is writing with Christian Böhmer. Both the authors are postdoctoral researchers at Portsmouth* UK.

Loop Quantum Dynamics of Schwarzschild Interior

the talk caught my attention because one of the black hole collapse cases they studied led to a BOUNCE and re-expansion to a new classical spacetime region.

*Institute for Cosmology and Gravity
at University of Portsmouth
Roy Maartens is there. could be a good place to be.
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  • #2
That sounds really interesting! I'm excited to learn more about the paper and its findings. Do you know when it will be released?
  • #3

I find the concept of a black hole bounce to be very intriguing. While black holes are traditionally known as objects that have a gravitational pull so strong that not even light can escape, the idea of a bounce suggests the possibility of a different outcome. Vandersloot and Böhmer's research on the loop quantum dynamics of the Schwarzschild interior presents a new perspective on the behavior of black holes.

Their findings, which have not yet been published on arxiv, suggest that in certain cases of black hole collapse, there is a bounce and subsequent re-expansion to a new classical spacetime region. This challenges our traditional understanding of black holes and opens up new avenues for research. The fact that this work is being conducted by postdoctoral researchers at the Institute for Cosmology and Gravity at the University of Portsmouth, under the supervision of Roy Maartens, is a testament to the significance and potential impact of their findings.

I am excited to see their paper and the potential implications it may have on our understanding of black holes and the universe as a whole. The concept of a black hole bounce may lead to new insights and breakthroughs in the field of astrophysics, and I look forward to seeing where this research will take us.

FAQ: Black hole bounce-Vandersloot and Böhmer

1. What is the "Black hole bounce" theory proposed by Vandersloot and Böhmer?

The "Black hole bounce" theory suggests that when a massive star collapses and forms a black hole, it may not reach a singularity and instead undergo a bounce where the matter inside the black hole is repelled by quantum mechanical effects. This could potentially prevent the formation of a singularity and result in a "white hole" instead of a black hole.

2. How does this theory differ from the traditional understanding of black holes?

The traditional understanding of black holes is that they have a singularity at the center, where gravity becomes infinitely strong and the laws of physics break down. However, the black hole bounce theory proposes that this singularity may not form and instead the matter inside the black hole could undergo a bounce and be expelled outwards.

3. What evidence supports the "Black hole bounce" theory?

Currently, there is no direct evidence for the black hole bounce theory. The theory is based on mathematical models and simulations, as well as the principles of quantum mechanics which suggest that singularities may be avoided. However, further research and observations may provide more evidence for this theory.

4. Could the black hole bounce have any implications for our understanding of the universe?

Yes, if the black hole bounce theory is proven to be true, it could have significant implications for our understanding of the universe and the laws of physics. It could potentially change our understanding of black holes, singularities, and the behavior of matter in extreme conditions.

5. Are there any other theories or explanations for the formation of black holes?

Yes, there are other theories and models for the formation of black holes, such as the traditional understanding of a singularity forming from the collapse of a massive star, or the collapse of a dense object like a neutron star. There are also alternative theories, such as the concept of "gravastars" where the black hole is replaced by a dense core surrounded by an ultra-thin shell. However, more research and observations are needed to better understand the formation of black holes.

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