What is the Physical Significance of Curl and Div Operators in Physics?

In summary, these two operators represent the change in the velocity of a fluid as a point moves away from a source, and the change in the magnetic field around a point.
  • #1
i am having trouble with understanding the physical significance of these two operators.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I've found them easiest to understand in terms of fluid flow. Imagine that you've got a vector field corresponding to the velocity of a fluid. Div gives you the amount that the fluid expands by -- so for most liquids you'd get zero divergence. Curl is more difficult. Imagine tracing out a close loop, and summing how much net fluid flow there is along the loop -- for the case of an infinitesimal loop, that corresponds to the curl.
  • #3
captain said:
i am having trouble with understanding the physical significance of these two operators.

they're somewhat like they sound. Divergence represents change as you get away from a point. Central forces like gravity are divergent: as you get farther away from a source point, the effects change, no matter what direction you go, as long as it's away, in the r-hat direction. (radially outward/inward)

Curl is more synonymous with the magnetic field or turbulent flow. It describes more how things change as you circumnavigate the point. (circumferentially around)
  • #4
to measure divergence at a point, put a little sphere centered at the point ans measure the total flow of your fluid across the surface of the sphere in one unit of time (i.e. dot the velocity vector of the flow with the normal vector of the sphere and integrate), and divide by the volume of the sphere. then let the radius of the sphere go to zero.to measure curl, in the plane, put a little circle centered at the point, and dot the vector field with the tangential vector of the circle, i.e. measure the tendency of the field to rotate around the circle, and integrate, and divide by the area of the circle, then let the radius go to zero.

this seems intuitively pretty much like it anyway.
  • #7
The physics interpretation of divergence and curl,it is possible to be seen very fast going to an infinitesimal cube.

In Cartesian coordinates, supposing an infinitesimal cube, trim in the origin, we can serve to us as the differential of the field to see its meaning:

[tex] \ \vec{\nabla} \cdot \vec{v} =\underbrace{ \frac{1}{\tau} \underbrace{\oint_S \vec{v} \cdot \vec{ds}}_{\text{flow of field through S}}}_{\text{flow per unit volume of field through S}} [/tex]

Considering that the flow is the coordinate of v that is perpendicular to each face of the cube multiplied by their area, we have:

[tex]- v_x dxdz + \left( \underbrace{v_x + \frac{\partial v_x}{\partial x} dx}_{\text{ infinitesimal increase of the field on x-axis}} \right) dxdz [/tex]

If you operate this with all the faces of the cube, you will see that you obtain the divergence.

So, we can conclude, that the physical meaning of divergence, is the flow of the field by volume unit.

For the curl, the reasoning is analogous
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FAQ: What is the Physical Significance of Curl and Div Operators in Physics?

1. What are the curl and div operators?

The curl and div operators are mathematical operations used in vector calculus to describe the behavior of vector fields. The curl operator, denoted by ∇ x, measures the rotational behavior of a vector field at a particular point. The div operator, denoted by ∇ ·, measures the divergence or spreading out of a vector field at a particular point.

2. What is the physical significance of the curl and div operators?

The curl and div operators have important physical interpretations. The curl operator describes the rotation of a fluid or the torque on a rotating object in a vector field. The div operator describes the flow of fluid or the accumulation of charge in an electric field. Both operators are used in many areas of physics, including fluid dynamics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics.

3. How are the curl and div operators related?

The curl and div operators are closely related through the fundamental theorem of vector calculus. This theorem states that the curl of a vector field is equal to the div of its dual field, and vice versa. This duality is important in understanding the behavior of vector fields and solving problems in physics and engineering.

4. What are some real-life applications of the curl and div operators?

The curl and div operators have numerous applications in various fields. They are used in fluid dynamics to model the motion of air and water, in electromagnetism to understand the behavior of electric and magnetic fields, and in computer graphics to generate realistic images and animations. They are also used in geology to study the flow of lava and in meteorology to predict weather patterns.

5. Are there any limitations to using the curl and div operators?

While the curl and div operators are powerful tools in vector calculus, they do have some limitations. They are only applicable in three-dimensional space and cannot be used in higher dimensions. Additionally, the curl and div operations may not always exist for certain types of vector fields, which can make their application more challenging in some cases.
