Could a moving object become a black hole?

In summary, the person is new to the forum and has limited knowledge of general relativity, but is familiar with special relativity and has participated in discussions in their native language. They are interested in the concept of mass increasing with speed and if a moving object can become a black hole. They are grateful for the resources provided and are looking forward to learning more from the forum.
  • #1
it's my first time here. frankly, i have to say that I have limit knowledge of general relativity. as to special relativity, just walk a step after opening the door of relativity theory. meantime, I always take part in some discussions in another forums which is hold with different language in my country. we had lots of fun and get some progress too. I hope it is a good chance for me to communicate with u guys with different education background. and thanks to u all...

back to the topic:

we all know that the mass of an object increases when it moves faster. according to the general relativity, a black hole could be formed if the mass of an object approaches beyond a certain mass point. here is my question, could a moving object become a black hole, when the speed is large enough?:confused:
Physics news on
  • #2
Fast rockets

Hi, erocket, welcome to PF!

erocket said:
we all know that the mass of an object increases when it moves faster.

Kinetic energy, actually, just like in Newtonian physics. (Except that KE increase faster with v in relativity, indeed blows up as [itex]v \rightarrow 1[/itex].)

erocket said:
could a moving object become a black hole, when the speed is large enough?:confused:
  • #3
thx very much.
I am reading the articles u proposed to me ...

I think I come to the right place i can see and learn much things that I like//

FAQ: Could a moving object become a black hole?

Could a moving object become a black hole?

The answer to this question is yes, a moving object can become a black hole under certain conditions.

What conditions are necessary for a moving object to become a black hole?

In order for a moving object to become a black hole, it must have a mass greater than the critical mass, also known as the Chandrasekhar limit. This is approximately 1.4 times the mass of our sun.

How fast would a moving object need to be moving to become a black hole?

The speed of the object does not determine whether it will become a black hole or not. It is solely based on the object's mass and the conditions necessary for it to become a black hole.

What happens to an object when it becomes a black hole?

When an object becomes a black hole, it undergoes a process called gravitational collapse, where the object's mass is compressed into an infinitely small point known as a singularity. The gravity of this singularity is so strong that not even light can escape, thus creating the black hole.

Can a moving object that is not a star become a black hole?

Yes, any object with a mass greater than the Chandrasekhar limit can become a black hole, regardless of whether it is a star or not. This includes objects such as planets, asteroids, or even dust particles. As long as the mass is large enough, the object can collapse into a singularity and become a black hole.

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