Emergent string based space time

In summary, the conversation is discussing the concept of spacetime and its origins, specifically in relation to string theory. One theory proposes that the cosmological constant is zero or negative, but observations have shown that it is actually a positive number. To reconcile this, scientists have proposed the use of branes, which are objects in string theory that wrap around surfaces in extra dimensions and carry discrete units of electric and magnetic flux. By wrapping these branes around six-dimensional spaces, the moduli stabilization of extra dimensions is achieved. However, this theory is still unproven and there are concerns about possible instabilities. Further research is needed to fully understand the role of branes and electromagnetic flux in stabilizing spacetime.
  • #1
What is spacetime? Where does it come from? Oft asked questions here.

I recently posted the summary of a Scientific American article (found by Marcus) under the thread title, Emergent Quantum Spacetime,

Here is another view of how space time that appears to match our universe MIGHT emerge, this time from string theories rather than quantum theory. It is UNPROVEN! These excerpts are from THE TROUBLE WITH PHYSICS, Lee Smolin, 2007, pages 153 to 160, and offers fascinating insights on what it might take to "create spacetime" from string theory.
An interesting feature is that electric and magnetic flux (of branes) stabilizes extra dimensions!

I apologize for the length, but the theoretical insights are worth the read. For one thing, this is the next step past M Theory, from five or so string theories to Maybe 10500 or so!

(parenthetical comments are my own for clarity)
...from string theory (through M theory, I think) one of the few things we could conclude was that the cosmological constant was zero or negative...imagine the surprise,then in 1998 when...expansion of the universe was accelerating meaning the cosmological constant must be a positive number...(How to get string to match this?) ...moduli are the constants that denote the properties of (small) extra dimensions (beyond our four) ...certain aspects of the geometry of the higher dimensional spaces have to be frozen...(moduli stabilization)...otherwise the geometry starts to evolve..to a singularity or fast (unstable) expansion...in time...one way (to freeze extra dimensions) was to find string theories for which every change is a discrete step...Polchinski told us there were such objects in string theory: branes...branes come in discrete units and there are string backgrounds in which branes wrap around surfaces in extra dimensions...such branes carry (discrete) units of electric and magnetic flux...in the 1990's Polchinski and Bousso were able to get theories in which some parameters could no longer vary continuously (with this concept)...

The crucial breakthrough came in early 2003 by a group of scientists from Stanford# ..starting with flat four dfimensional spacetime with a small six dimensional geometry over each point...they wrapped large numbers of electric and magnetic fluxes around the six dimensional (calabi yau) spaces over each point...the discrete units tend to freeze out instabilities...you have to call on certain additional quantum effects...to get all the moduli stable...wrapping huge numbers of fluxes (branes) gets a cosmological constant that is small but still negative...by wrapping antibranes (analogous to antiparticles) energy can be added so as to make the cosmological constant small and positive...at the same time the tendency of string theories to flow into one another is suppressed, because any changes require a discrete step...if we ant a negative or zero cosmological constant, there are an infinite number of string theories...for a positive value there is evidence for
10500 or so...each will give different predictions for the physics of elementary particles and different predictions for the values of the parameters of the standard model...so this LANDSCAPE idea has taken hold...the evidence is based on indirect arguments...we do not know how to describe strings moving in these backgrounds...there is no proof that strings exist in these backgrounds...and Horowitz ( a discoverer of Calabi Yau spaces) and collaborators have recently discovered possible instabilities...in all solutions that involve six dimensional Calabi Yau spaces...

# Renata Kallosh, Andrei Linde, Shamit Kachru and Sandip Trivedi

This explanation has attributes similar to the Emergent Quantum Spacetime in that both seem rather complicated with rather extensive requirments; I'd hope eventually we find a simpler set of emergent conditions from which spacetime can evolve...
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Has anyone seen the research paper discussed? Anyone seen any other reputable information regarding how anti matter might contribute to a positive cosmological constant...that is, repulsive gravity? How about any research/information on how electromagnetic flux might stablize the dimensions of space? Anyone know why branes come equipped with electromagnetic flux?? Is it required to stabilize the brane??
  • #3

I find the concept of emergent string-based spacetime intriguing. Spacetime is the fabric of the universe, the four-dimensional continuum in which all events take place. It is a fundamental concept in physics and has been studied extensively through theories such as general relativity and quantum mechanics. However, the origin of spacetime has been a subject of much debate and speculation.

In the context of string theory, which posits that the fundamental building blocks of the universe are tiny strings, the concept of spacetime emerges from these strings. This idea is still unproven, but it offers a potential explanation for the properties of our universe, such as the cosmological constant and the stability of extra dimensions.

The concept of moduli stabilization, where the properties of extra dimensions are fixed by the wrapping of branes, is a fascinating insight into how spacetime may evolve from string theory. This also ties in with the idea of a "landscape" of string theories, each with different predictions for the behavior of particles and the values of fundamental parameters.

However, as with any scientific theory, there are still unanswered questions and potential instabilities that need to be addressed. I am excited by the potential of emergent string-based spacetime, but I also recognize the need for further research and experimentation to fully understand and validate this concept. Only through continued investigation and testing can we gain a better understanding of the origin and nature of spacetime.

FAQ: Emergent string based space time

1. What is emergent string based space time?

Emergent string based space time is a scientific theory that posits that space and time are not fundamental building blocks of the universe, but rather emerge from a network of interconnected string-like entities. It suggests that space and time are not continuous, but rather discrete and quantized.

2. How does this theory differ from traditional understandings of space and time?

The traditional understanding of space and time is based on the work of Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein, which view space and time as absolute and independent entities. Emergent string based space time, on the other hand, proposes that space and time are emergent properties that arise from the interactions of underlying string-like entities.

3. What evidence supports the idea of emergent string based space time?

One of the main pieces of evidence for this theory comes from string theory, which suggests that the fundamental building blocks of the universe are tiny, vibrating strings. Additionally, recent research in quantum gravity has provided support for the idea that space and time are not continuous, but rather quantized.

4. How does this theory relate to the concept of a unified theory of physics?

Emergent string based space time is closely related to the concept of a unified theory of physics, as it seeks to explain the fundamental nature of the universe by unifying the theories of gravity and quantum mechanics. It suggests that a deeper understanding of space and time may lead to a better understanding of the fundamental forces of the universe.

5. Are there any practical applications of this theory?

While emergent string based space time is still a theoretical concept, it has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the universe and possibly lead to new technologies in the future. It may also have implications for areas such as quantum computing and space travel, as a deeper understanding of space and time could lead to new ways of manipulating and traversing these dimensions.

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