Chances of acceptance (M.Sc, pure math) / personal statement advice

In summary, this guy's background is not great, but he has strong references and is doing well in his current class. He may be in trouble if it comes down to numbers, but he has a chance if he applies next year.
  • #1

I'm finishing up my personal statement for grad school, and wondering how much the things I'm worried about we also be cause for concern for the admission's committees? Briefly, my background is this: I switched to mathematics late, and did very few of the 1st/2nd year courses. My overall GPA is mediocre: 3.14 (I did crappy, C+, in a wretched chemistry elective I took last semester), and almost all of my grades for advanced math courses (real analysis, complex analysis, measure theory, relativity, abstract algebra) will not be out til April, well after I've applied (by that time, my GPA should rise to 3.45, when these grades are factored in - I'll also probably get the university's award for highest grade in real analysis, unless I have a drastic collapse this semester).

So, I'm worried the admissions committee's will think the following:
1. This guy switched to mathematics late, how committed is he?
2. We have almost no grades for advanced courses to evaluate him on at this point, and the grades we do have are not great.

In my favor, I do have very strong references from two analysts. One taught me real analysis I and I did research with last summer. The other is my current real analysis II prof, whose class I'm doing very well in and will be doing research with this upcoming summer. I also have my own explanations/excuses but I'd like to not dwell on explaining away my negatives too much on my personal statement, for fear of drawing attention to them. Should I be? Any suggestions? I could care less what school I get into. I just want to get in somewhere. If I need to apply to 20 places to ensure that, I'll do it.
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  • #2
Number 1 is not a concern. Number 2 is a big concern. It may be worth thinking about applying next year (if you can do something useful over that year).
  • #3
Vanadium 50 said:
Number 1 is not a concern. Number 2 is a big concern. It may be worth thinking about applying next year (if you can do something useful over that year).

Thanks Vanadium 50,

I know of a few schools with deadlines after April - so I'd have my grades by then, and I think I'll get in. But those would be application deadlines past the funding deadlines, so that's an issue. Either way, I'm going to apply to some schools right now (already finished most of three applications, just need to fill a few details and hit 'submit' online). Applying next year will be a consideration if I get rejected everywhere, but I really hope it doesn't come to that (obviously it is a possibility though).

I wish I had more of a handle on exactly how admissions processes work. If it comes down to a pure numbers game, like sort applicants by GPA and taking X top percent, then I'm in trouble. How much sway do referees have at this point? I've been assuming a lot, and sort of using that as comfort.

FAQ: Chances of acceptance (M.Sc, pure math) / personal statement advice

1. What are the general chances of acceptance for an M.Sc in pure math?

The chances of acceptance for an M.Sc in pure math program can vary depending on the specific university and program you are applying to. However, generally, the acceptance rate for M.Sc programs in pure math tends to be lower than undergraduate programs, as they are more competitive and require a strong background in mathematics. It is important to have a strong academic record and relevant research experience to increase your chances of acceptance.

2. How important is the personal statement in the application process?

The personal statement is a crucial part of the application process for M.Sc programs in pure math. It allows you to showcase your passion for the subject, your academic and research accomplishments, and your future goals. Admissions committees often use personal statements to evaluate a candidate's fit for the program and their potential for success. Therefore, it is essential to write a well-crafted and thoughtful personal statement.

3. What should I include in my personal statement for a pure math M.Sc program?

In your personal statement, you should highlight your academic background in mathematics, including any relevant coursework or research experience. You should also discuss your interest and motivation for pursuing an M.Sc in pure math, as well as any specific research areas or projects that you are passionate about. It is also helpful to mention any relevant extracurricular activities or personal experiences that have shaped your interest in pure math.

4. How can I make my personal statement stand out?

To make your personal statement stand out, it is important to showcase your unique strengths and experiences. Avoid generic statements and instead focus on specific examples and accomplishments that demonstrate your passion and potential for success in the program. Additionally, make sure to proofread your statement carefully and have others review it for feedback.

5. Are there any common mistakes to avoid in personal statements for pure math M.Sc programs?

Some common mistakes to avoid in personal statements for pure math M.Sc programs include being too general, not providing enough specific examples and evidence, and not tailoring the statement to the specific program and university you are applying to. It is also important to avoid any spelling or grammar errors and to ensure that the statement is well-organized and flows logically.

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