Derivation of second order system transfer function

In summary, the transfer function for a second order dynamic system with mass-spring-damper is \frac{Y(s)}{X(s)}=\frac{K\omega_n^2}{s^2+2\zeta\omega_ns+\omega_n^2}
  • #1

I am trying to derive the general transfer function for a second order dynamic system, shown below:


In order to do this I am considering a mass-spring-damper system, with an input force of f(t) that satisfies the following second-order differential equation:


Using the following two relationships:



I get this:





Wheras my lecturer has the following in his notes:





This obvisously gives the correct transfer function. So, from the two approaches, I have come to the conclusion that:


But I do not understand the physical reasoning behind this. Can anyone offer any help with this?


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  • #2
That is standard notation. The "trick" is to multiply the right hand side by [tex]\frac{k}{k}[/tex]. As for physical intuition. Perform a unit analysis. You should be able to draw a clear conclusion from that.
  • #3
Ah yes, I completely missed that. Although substituting [tex]\frac{k}{m}=\omega_n^2[/tex] leaves the gain of the system as [tex]\frac{1}{k}[/tex] which is then not dimensionless. I thought this transfer function was supposed to be dimensionless?
  • #4
No transfer functions are hardly dimensionless. Transfer functions are the ratio of system [tex]\frac{output}{input}[/tex]. Thus you can see that the transfer function can hold any units as long as it contains the output-input relationship you are looking for.
  • #5
Ok, thanks for your help viscousflow. It is very much appreciated.


FAQ: Derivation of second order system transfer function

What is a second order system transfer function?

A second order system transfer function is a mathematical representation of the input-output relationship of a second order dynamic system. It describes how the system responds to changes in the input over time.

What are the components of a second order system transfer function?

The components of a second order system transfer function are the numerator and denominator polynomials, which represent the input and output of the system respectively. The coefficients of these polynomials determine the behavior and stability of the system.

How is the transfer function derived for a second order system?

The transfer function for a second order system can be derived using differential equations and Laplace transforms. The differential equation represents the dynamic behavior of the system, and the Laplace transform converts it into an algebraic equation in the frequency domain.

What are the common forms of second order system transfer functions?

The two most common forms of second order system transfer functions are the standard form and the canonical form. The standard form is in the form of a ratio of two polynomials, while the canonical form is written in terms of the system's natural frequency and damping ratio.

What information can be obtained from a second order system transfer function?

A second order system transfer function can provide information about the system's stability, natural frequency, damping ratio, and response to different types of inputs (such as step or sinusoidal).
