Real-valued measurable cardinals versus Vitali sets

In summary, the conversation discusses the existence of a real-valued measurable cardinal and its implications on the countably additive extension of Lebesgue measure to all sets of real numbers, including the Vitali sets. The conversation also mentions the proof that a Vitali set is not measurable and questions why this proof would fail under the assumption of a real-valued measurable. The summary concludes that the existence of a real-valued measurable leads to a countably additive total extension of Lebesgue measure, but fails to satisfy the condition of translation invariance.
  • #1
Gold Member
If there exists a real-valued measurable cardinal, then there is a countably additive extension of Lebesgue measure to all sets of real numbers. This would include then the Vitali sets, which are an example of sets that are not Lebesgue measurable for weaker assumptions than the existence of a real-valued measureable cardinal. However, after going over the proof that a Vitali set is not measurable, for example in Wikipedia's "Vitali set", I do not see where the proof would fail under the assumption of a real-valued measureable, i.e., assuming that there exists a cardinal κ so that there is an atomless κ-additive measure on the power set of κ. I presume I am missing something breathtakingly obvious. Could someone point this out to me?
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  • #2
nomadreid said:
If there exists a real-valued measurable cardinal, then there is a countably additive extension of Lebesgue measure to all sets of real numbers. This would include then the Vitali sets, which are an example of sets that are not Lebesgue measurable for weaker assumptions than the existence of a real-valued measureable cardinal. However, after going over the proof that a Vitali set is not measurable, for example in Wikipedia's "Vitali set", I do not see where the proof would fail under the assumption of a real-valued measureable, i.e., assuming that there exists a cardinal κ so that there is an atomless κ-additive measure on the power set of κ. I presume I am missing something breathtakingly obvious. Could someone point this out to me?
The Vitali set proves that there exists no measure on all sets of reals which is:

1. countably additive
2. translation invariant, and
3. assigns [0,1] the measure 1

The existence of a real-valued measurable gives you a countably additive total extension of Lebesgue measure, and since Lebesgue measure assigns a measure of 1 to [0,1], this extension will too. So what must go wrong is that this extensions must fail to satisfy condition 2: translation invariance.

By the way your choice of words "breathtakingly obvious" was pretty amusing. I think you meant "painfully obvious," but then confused "painfully" with "painstakingly," and then "painstakingly" with "breathtakingly" :D
  • #3
AKG said:
The Vitali set proves that there exists no measure on all sets of reals which is:
1. countably additive
2. translation invariant, and
3. assigns [0,1] the measure 1
The existence of a real-valued measurable gives you a countably additive total extension of Lebesgue measure, and since Lebesgue measure assigns a measure of 1 to [0,1], this extension will too. So what must go wrong is that this extensions must fail to satisfy condition 2: translation invariance.

Excellent. Thank you very much, AKG. That answers the question perfectly. :biggrin:

AKG said:
By the way your choice of words "breathtakingly obvious" was pretty amusing. I think you meant "painfully obvious," but then confused "painfully" with "painstakingly," and then "painstakingly" with "breathtakingly" :D

Actually, there was no confusion: I used this combination of words on purpose in order that its incongruity would emphasize the meaning, just as some people use words of bodily functions or religious entities to do the same. I was inspired by my favourite court judgement of all time, whereby a judge in the U.S. called the arguments of Intelligent Design proponents "breathtakingly inane." Anyway, I'm glad it was able to amuse.

FAQ: Real-valued measurable cardinals versus Vitali sets

1. What are real-valued measurable cardinals and Vitali sets?

Real-valued measurable cardinals are large infinite cardinals in set theory that have certain properties related to measure theory. Vitali sets are non-measurable sets that were first constructed by mathematician Giuseppe Vitali in 1905.

2. What is the relationship between real-valued measurable cardinals and Vitali sets?

The existence of real-valued measurable cardinals implies the existence of Vitali sets. However, the existence of Vitali sets does not necessarily imply the existence of real-valued measurable cardinals.

3. How do real-valued measurable cardinals and Vitali sets relate to the continuum hypothesis?

The continuum hypothesis states that there is no set with cardinality strictly between that of the integers and the real numbers. Real-valued measurable cardinals and Vitali sets are used to construct models in set theory where the continuum hypothesis is either true or false.

4. Are real-valued measurable cardinals and Vitali sets important in mathematics?

Yes, these concepts have significant implications in set theory and mathematical logic. They have been used to study the foundations of mathematics and to construct models for various mathematical theories.

5. What are the potential applications of real-valued measurable cardinals and Vitali sets?

Real-valued measurable cardinals and Vitali sets have been used in the study of measure theory, probability theory, and functional analysis. They also have applications in computer science, specifically in the field of computable analysis.

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