Grad School Requirements for High School Students

In summary, the requirements for getting into a grad school are that you have a strong background in the natural sciences, and you should also include courses in government, economics, and social and behavioral sciences in your pre dental education. Additionally, you should try to do your best in your undergrad and go from there, and be concerned about the requirements to practice in your state.
  • #1
These are the requirements for the grad school which I want to go to.
I'm a high school student at the moment.

Subject and semester hours

Biology 8
English 6
Inorganic Chemistry 8
Organic Chemistry 8
Physics 8
All courses in the sciences must include both lecture and laboratory instruction.

Advanced placement courses will not be accepted.

On the website it also says
A strong background in the natural sciences is essential, both as a criterion for admission and as a basis for successful performance in dental school. In addition, students are urged to include courses in government, economics, and social and behavioral sciences in their pre dental education, since the dental practitioner must combine technical competence with an awareness of and sensitivity to factors which bear on the patient and the community, such as education and socioeconomic status.

I been wondering if it would be better to take Physics B in high school and take the AP test, and take Physics C in college or take Physics B and take it again in college.

Also, I been wondering what other classes I should take in college to improve my chances to get into grad school.
Physics news on
  • #2
For clarificaton, professional degrees like dentistry and medicine are not generally considered "grad school." Usually when someone is talking about graduate school they're referring to master's or doctoral degrees in an academic field - in north america anyway.

If dentistry is your goal, you simply need to make sure that you read the admission requirements carefully and make sure the classes that you decide to take will qualify you for admission.

Otherwise, I personally thinks it's best to pursue subjects that you are the most interested in, as opposed to what you think you will get the highest marks in - largely because it would not feel good to struggle in a course you have no interest in simply because you thought it might be easy.
  • #3
Your requirements for getting into a master's degree program are going to depend on which school you decide to go to. The important thing is to try to do your best in your undergrad and go from there. You should also be concerned about the requirements to practice in your state. Here's a link to the dental board of California site, but if you don't live in California, it's very easy to find similar sites for other states.
When I first decided to strive for my dental degree, I found another site that was really great and informative. It's, and there's tons of information on the different types of degrees you can get and where you can get them.
I hope all this helps you in your future. Good Luck!

FAQ: Grad School Requirements for High School Students

1. What are the typical requirements for high school students to be admitted to graduate school?

Graduate school requirements for high school students vary depending on the program and institution, but typically include a strong academic record, standardized test scores (such as the SAT or ACT), letters of recommendation, and a personal statement or essay.

2. Do high school students need to have completed specific courses or majors to be eligible for graduate school?

While certain undergraduate courses or majors may be preferred for specific graduate programs, they are not always required. It is important for high school students to focus on building a strong academic foundation in a variety of subjects to keep their options open for graduate school.

3. Can high school students apply for graduate school before completing their undergraduate degree?

It is uncommon for high school students to apply to graduate school before completing their undergraduate degree, as most graduate programs require a bachelor's degree as a prerequisite. However, some accelerated programs may allow high-achieving high school students to begin graduate coursework while they are still completing their undergraduate studies.

4. Are there any specific extracurricular activities or experiences that can improve a high school student's chances of being accepted into graduate school?

While extracurricular activities and experiences can demonstrate a well-rounded applicant, they are not typically a major factor in graduate school admissions. Instead, high school students should focus on developing strong academic skills, conducting research, and gaining relevant experience in their field of interest.

5. What other factors should high school students consider when preparing for graduate school?

In addition to meeting the academic and admissions requirements, high school students should also consider the cost of graduate school, the location and reputation of the institution, and the potential career opportunities after completing the program. It is also important for students to research and understand the specific program requirements and expectations before applying.

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