What Is the Probability That Player 1 with More Coins Wins in a Coin Toss?

  • Thread starter Flexington
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In summary, the probability that player 1 will obtain more coins than player 2 when they both throw all their coins simultaneously is always 1/2, regardless of the number of coins each player has. This is due to the fact that coins are fair and have an equal probability of landing on heads or tails, regardless of who throws them.
  • #1
Consider 2 players, of which 1 has one more coin than player 2. Both throw all their coins simultaneously and observe the number of heads.
If all coins are fair what is the probability that player 1 obtains more coins than player 2?
Equal a priori states same probability over all coins, 1/2. And assuming there distinguishable my gut tells me its a half. However, i am much more enclined to agree with solid mathematics, of which i have none..

Thank you
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  • #2
Well, my intuition says that the probability will depend on the number of coins you throw. But let's do some mathematical analysis on the thing.

Let X be Binomial(n+1,1/2) distributed and let Y be Binomial(n,1/2) distributed. The question you ask is the probability P(X>Y). I will do this in two ways:

First we notice that

& = & \sum_{y=0}^n{ P(X>y) }\\
& = & \sum_{y=0}^n{ \sum_{x=y+1}^{n+1}{ P(X=x,Y=y) } }\\
& = & \sum_{y=0}^n{ \sum_{x=y+1}^{n+1}{ P(X=x)P(Y=y) } }\\
& = & \sum_{y=0}^n{ \sum_{x=y+1}^{n+1}{ \binom{n+1}{x}\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{n+1}\binom{n}{y}\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^n } }\\
& = & \left( \frac{1}{2}\right)^{2n+1}\sum_{y=0}^n{ \sum_{x=y+1}^{n+1}{ \binom{n+1}{x}\binom{n}{y} } }\\

Now, if I didn't make a mistake, then this is the exact probability. But calculating the sum is pretty hard (I have no idea on how to simplify it). So, I'll present another way to find the probability, using the Central Limit Theorem.

We wish to find the probability P(X-Y>0). If n is large, then X~Normal((n+1)/2,(n+1)/4), and Y~Normal(n/2,n/4). Thus X-Y~Normal(1/2,(2n+1)/4). So if Z is standard normal, then

[tex]P(X-Y>0)\sim P\left(Z>\frac{-1/2}{\sqrt{(2n+1)/4}}\right)=P\left(Z>-\frac{1}{\sqrt{2n+1}}\right)[/tex]

So, if n is large, then this probability is close to P(Z>0)=1/2, which reinforces your original intuition...
  • #3
Coins don't care who throws them. There is a 1/2 chance of heads on any coin, regardless of who tosses it. If one player has more coins than the other, then his chances of getting more heads than the other player is greater.

Let's say player 1 has 100 coins and player 2 has 10. Expectation is that player 1 gets 50 heads, player 2 gets 5 heads.

"one more" doesn't lead to that extreme a result and I'm sure that micromass's analysis that says that as the number of coins gets very large, the difference gets very small. Still, the odds are that the player with more coins will get more heads.
  • #4
No the probability is always 1/2. Using micromass's definitions put X=Z+B where Z~Y(iid) and B is bernoulli. So

P[X>Y] = (1/2)(P[Z>Y]+P[Z+1>Y])
= (1/2)(P[Z>Y]+P[Z>=Y])
= (1/2)(P[Z>Y]+P[Z<=Y])
= 1/2
  • #5
bpet said:
No the probability is always 1/2. Using micromass's definitions put X=Z+B where Z~Y(iid) and B is bernoulli. So

P[X>Y] = (1/2)(P[Z>Y]+P[Z+1>Y])
= (1/2)(P[Z>Y]+P[Z>=Y])
= (1/2)(P[Z>Y]+P[Z<=Y])
= 1/2

bpet, THINK for a minute. Let's say one guy has 1 coin the other guy has 2 coins. how can you possibly say they will on average flip the same number of heads?
  • #6
phinds said:
bpet, THINK for a minute. Let's say one guy has 1 coin the other guy has 2 coins. how can you possibly say they will on average flip the same number of heads?

That's not what the formula is saying, nor what the original question was asking.
  • #7
can you not read? It says "Consider 2 players, of which 1 has one more coin than player 2"
  • #8
could you explain your reasoning?
  • #9
bpet said:
could you explain your reasoning?

Yeah, sorry I got snippy.

The problem says that there are two players and that one of them has one more coin than the other. Discounting the case where one of them doesn't even HAVE a coin, the lowest case is 1 coin and 2 coins. On the average the 1-coin guy will get 1/2 of a head and the 2-coin guy will get 1 head.

At 100 coins and 101 coins, it's 50 and 50.5, which isn't much of a difference, but of course it IS still technically true that the plus-one-coin guy will get more heads.
  • #10
phinds said:
Yeah, sorry I got snippy.

The problem says that there are two players and that one of them has one more coin than the other. Discounting the case where one of them doesn't even HAVE a coin, the lowest case is 1 coin and 2 coins. On the average the 1-coin guy will get 1/2 of a head and the 2-coin guy will get 1 head.

At 100 coins and 101 coins, it's 50 and 50.5, which isn't much of a difference, but of course it IS still technically true that the plus-one-coin guy will get more heads.

Having a higher expected number of points doesn't make them more likely to win (even though the law of large numbers says they should accumulate more points in total after many games), especially here where the second player wins a tie.

In fact, in the following example, player 1 has a higher expected number of points but less than half chance of winning: player 1 gets 0 points with probability 2/3 and 4 points otherwise; player 2 always gets 1 point.

Back to the 2 vs 1 case, it's easy to verify that P[X>=Y]=P[X=0,Y=0]+P[X=1,Y<=1]=1/2(1/4+3/4)=1/2.

FAQ: What Is the Probability That Player 1 with More Coins Wins in a Coin Toss?

1. What is the probability of flipping a coin and getting heads?

The probability of getting heads on a coin flip is 1/2 or 0.5. This means that there is an equal chance of getting heads or tails on any given flip.

2. Does the probability of getting heads change after multiple flips?

No, the probability of getting heads will always be 1/2 or 0.5 on each flip. Each flip is independent and does not affect the outcome of future flips.

3. What is the probability of getting a specific sequence of heads and tails on multiple flips?

The probability of getting a specific sequence of heads and tails on multiple flips is determined by multiplying the individual probabilities of each outcome. For example, the probability of getting two heads in a row is (1/2) * (1/2) = 1/4 or 0.25.

4. How does the number of flips affect the probability of getting a certain number of heads?

The more flips you do, the closer the results will be to the theoretical probability. For example, if you flip a coin 10 times, you may not get exactly 5 heads and 5 tails, but the more flips you do, the closer you will get to a 50/50 split.

5. Can the probability of a coin flip be affected by external factors?

No, the probability of a coin flip is not affected by external factors such as temperature or the person flipping the coin. As long as the coin is fair and the flips are done consistently, the probability of heads or tails remains 1/2 or 0.5.

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