How to make water splash less?

  • Thread starter dotancohen
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In summary, someone is having a problem with water splashing high when a body falls into it. There is a solution involving disposable baffles to reduce the height of the splash. Another solution is to lower the falling body slowly by a rope. Finally, talcum powder can also be added to the input stream to increase the surface tension.
  • #1
Is there a term for the height that a liquid splashes above it's surface when a body falls into it?

There is a certain system in our house that is designed to drop viscoplastics at quasistatic speeds into a water vessel from a height of about 20 cm. Under normal operating conditions the water in the vessel does not splash onto the receptacle dropping the viscoplastics. However, this week the receptacle is ejecting a water-based substance at high speed, which causes the water in the vessel to splash up higher than normal. This is rather uncomfortable. Are there any common household products which one could add to water to reduce the height of the splash? I tried salt but there is no effective way of mixing it and it settles too quickly.

Physics news on
  • #2
put baffles in the tank.
  • #3
Thanks, Cragar. The tank is actually a toilet, and that would be hard to clean! I did find that draping two layers of toilet paper over the water does help, though.
  • #4
dotancohen said:
Thanks, Cragar. The tank is actually a toilet, and that would be hard to clean! I did find that draping two layers of toilet paper over the water does help, though.
Good solution, you put disposable baffles in the tank :biggrin:

The original post here would make a great entry in a "Guess what is being described here" contest. :smile:

But seriously, hope you're better soon dotancohen.
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  • #5
dotancohen said:
There is a certain system in our house that is designed to drop viscoplastics at quasistatic speeds into a water vessel from a height of about 20 cm. Under normal operating conditions the water in the vessel does not splash onto the receptacle dropping the viscoplastics. However, this week the receptacle is ejecting a water-based substance at high speed, which causes the water in the vessel to splash up higher than normal. This is rather uncomfortable. Are there any common household products which one could add to water to reduce the height of the splash? I tried salt but there is no effective way of mixing it and it settles too quickly.
Excellent description! I hope you feel well soon too.
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  • #6
Redbelly98 said:
Good solution, you put disposable baffles in the tank :biggrin:

The original post here would make a great entry in a "Guess what is being described here" contest. :smile:

That's pretty much the reverse path of how I got to posting: I tried to reduce the problem to something academic-sounding in the hopes that bells would start ringing. But I'm not a chemical engineer.

But it sounds like time for a contest! I'd love to see what others here come up with.

But seriously, hope you're better soon dotancohen.

Finally starting too, thanks.
  • #7

How about increasing the viscosity of receptive fluid.

Maybe Jello . . . .(BTW, the splash phenomenon described in the OP is known as 'Neptune's Kiss')
  • #8
tasp77 said:

How about increasing the viscosity of receptive fluid.

Maybe Jello . . . .

That's a great idea, seeing how unsuccessful I've been in increasing the viscosity of the effluvium. I'll see if I have some gelatin, though I don't know how well it will work without cooling.
BTW, the splash phenomenon described in the OP is known as 'Neptune's Kiss'

I suppose that is a better moniker than "Uranus' endearment".
  • #9
A friend of mine has suggested trying some olive oil, which would float on the surface.
  • #10
Redbelly98 said:
A friend of mine has suggested trying some olive oil, which would float on the surface.

That's a good idea, thanks.

For the interested, talcum powder works as well by increasing the surface tension. Protip: powder it in when you leave so that it will be ready for when you return. You won't have the patience to powder properly when you need it.
  • #11
  • #12
An alternative solution would be to lower the falling bodies slowly by a rope.:confused:
  • #13
As you described the problem is not the operation of the receptacle, it's the input that needs to be altered. May I suggest some sort of additive.

Something similar to this.
Additive technical Specification
  • #14
Dadface said:
An alternative solution would be to lower the falling bodies slowly by a rope.:confused:

I think you missed the point of his post. Reread the original post with more... unsanitary thoughts
  • #15
xxChrisxx said:
As you described the problem is not the operation of the receptacle, it's the input that needs to be altered. May I suggest some sort of additive.

Something similar to this.
Additive technical Specification

Thanks, Chris. Due to problems with the output buffering, the input stream was running on minimum bandwidth.

Things are returning to normal now, though. I think posting about it helped. Oh no, I've become this:

FAQ: How to make water splash less?

1. How does surface tension affect water splashing?

Surface tension is the force that holds a liquid's molecules together. When water splashes, the surface tension is broken, causing the water to separate into droplets. The higher the surface tension, the more easily the water will splash.

2. What can I add to water to reduce splashing?

You can add substances such as soap, oil, or salt to water to decrease its surface tension and make it less likely to splash. These substances disrupt the cohesive forces between water molecules, making it easier for them to break apart and form smaller droplets.

3. How does the shape of the container affect water splashing?

The shape of the container can influence water splashing in two ways. Firstly, a wider container will cause the water to spread out over a larger surface area, reducing the chances of splashing. Secondly, a container with a curved or angled edge will create more turbulence, increasing the likelihood of splashing.

4. Why does water splash more when dropped from a greater height?

When water is dropped from a greater height, it gains more energy and momentum, causing it to hit the surface with more force. This force results in larger and more forceful splashes compared to when the water is dropped from a shorter height.

5. How can I control the direction of water splashing?

The direction of water splashing can be controlled by changing the angle at which the water hits the surface. Angling the container or changing the direction of the stream of water can help direct the splashes in a desired direction. Additionally, placing an obstacle in the water's path can also reduce splashing and change its direction.
