Understanding the Relationship between Planck's Constant and Frequency

  • Thread starter petr1
  • Start date
In summary, Planck's constant, denoted by h, is the ratio of energy to frequency in a model where energy can only come in discrete lumps. This means that higher frequencies correspond to higher energy. However, the frequency itself is continuous, and it is light which comes in quantized packets of energy, or photons. In everyday life, the large number of photons in a beam of light makes it appear continuous, but the energy of each individual photon is too small to be perceived.
  • #1
Could you please explain me, what's the relationship between Planck's constant and frequency. Why does higher frequency mean higher energy? Maybe I'll need some explaining on Planck's constant too.

Someone explained me that h is an energy of a 'packet' and you could think frequency as amount of those packets in a photon. But this creates the problem that frequency could be only an integer because you couldn't divide h into smaller energy packets.
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  • #2
Welcome to PF;
You do need to read up on Plank's constant - it is the ratio of the energy of a wave to it's frequency in the model that energy can only come in discrete lumps. The value of h is something you measure experimentally.

So - on the face of it, asking why h=energy/frequency for light is a bit like asking why pi=circumference/radius for a circle.

But you should be able to see why higher frequencies must mean higher energy just by experience - wave your arms vigorously. You get tired don't you. If you wave your arms just as high but you do it faster (same amplitude, higher frequency) you get tired faster. Thus it should come as no surprise that waves that oscillate at higher frequencies have more energy.
  • #3
petr1 said:
Someone explained me that h is an energy of a 'packet' and you could think frequency as amount of those packets in a photon. But this creates the problem that frequency could be only an integer because you couldn't divide h into smaller energy packets.

Probably it would be better to call it a "quantum" instead of a "packet", as they have different meanings in physics.

The point is that actually the frequency ##\nu## is continuous. It is light which comes quantized in an integer number of these quanta, instead than as a continuous flux of energy.

Therefore what you have is that if you take a monochromatic (assume perfect monochromaticity for simplicity, like a laser for example, meaning that you have light with only ONE frequency) beam of light, each photon (i.e. quantum of light) of the beam has an energy given by ##h\nu##, and the beam has an energy which is the sum of the energies of all photons, and therefore it is given by ##Nh\nu## where ##N## is the number of photons in the beam.

The point is that in everyday life a beam of light has a really large number of photons, and the energy of a single photon is so small, that we cannot perceive this quantized nature and we see light as continuous; indeed the difference of energy when we have one or two photons more or less is so small that it can't be perceived as discrete.
  • #4
Good point - I failed to stress that the size of the discrete lumps of energy depends on the frequency - which can be continuous. Thanks.

FAQ: Understanding the Relationship between Planck's Constant and Frequency

1. What is the meaning of E=hv?

E=hv is an equation that represents the relationship between energy (E), frequency (v), and Planck's constant (h). It is commonly known as the energy-frequency equation and is used in quantum mechanics to describe the energy of a photon.

2. How is E=hv related to light and electromagnetic radiation?

E=hv is used to describe the energy of a photon of light, which is a type of electromagnetic radiation. The frequency (v) in the equation refers to the frequency of the electromagnetic wave, and the constant (h) is known as Planck's constant, which relates to the quantization of energy in these waves.

3. Can you explain the significance of Planck's constant in the equation E=hv?

Planck's constant (h) is a fundamental constant in quantum mechanics that relates the energy of a photon to its frequency. It is an important concept in understanding the quantization of energy and the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level.

4. How does E=hv play a role in the photoelectric effect?

The photoelectric effect is a phenomenon where electrons are emitted from a material when it is exposed to light. E=hv is used to explain this effect by showing that the energy of the emitted electrons is directly proportional to the frequency of the incident light. This equation helps to understand the behavior of electrons in light and has significant implications in technology, such as solar panels.

5. Is E=hv applicable to all forms of energy?

No, E=hv is specifically used to describe the energy of photons, which are particles of light. It is not applicable to other forms of energy, such as mechanical or thermal energy. However, it can be used to describe the energy of any type of electromagnetic radiation, including radio waves, microwaves, and X-rays.

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