What Determines the Characteristics and Dynamics of a Wave?

In summary, the wave formula y(x,t) = Asin(kx-wt) includes parameters such as amplitude (A), angular frequency (w), and wave number (k), which contribute to the characteristics of the wave. The wavelength is determined by 2pi/k and the period is determined by 2pi/w. The speed of propagation (v) can be found by taking the time derivative of the formula and is affected by the values of w and A. It is important to understand the properties of each element in order to fully grasp the behavior of the wave. Additional resources, such as online calculators and graphs, can also aid in understanding wave functions.
  • #1
Wave forumla: y(x,t) = Asin(kx-wt)

[] Which variables (x, t, A, k, w) are independent?

Would k be the only independent variable since it is a constant?
However I am not too sure what exactly does the k represents.
Can someone please clear that up for me?

[] Which of the following are parameters that determine the characteristics of the wave? x only, t only, A only, k only, w only, x and t, w and t, A and k and w.

Would A and k and w determine th characteristics of the wave?
I know that A is the amplitude of the wave and w is the angular frequency
of the wave so those 2 has to be characteristics of the wave.

[] What is the phase of the wave?

That would be (kx-wt) right?

[] What is the wavelength of the wave?

Would that be 2pi/k?

[] What is the period of this wave?

Would that be 2pi/w?

[] How do I find the speed of propagation v of this wave?

Thank you for your help.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
please anyone?
  • #3
WAve function components.

hotmail590 said:
Wave forumla: y(x,t) = Asin(kx-wt)

A can be a function of both time, and space(A(x,t)) unless specifically stated otherwise. It is typically the amplitude, or height of the wave form.
w (omega) is a radian/second-- angular velocity-- function.
k is the restoring force component for an oscillation. It is also noted to be the wave # in optics. In standard oscillations, it's the above stated item.
I.e., it has the property of pulling the oscillation back to zero. We call is the "spring Constant."

l is the wavelength. It is defined by the values-- 2pi*nu/w

[] Which variables (x, t, A, k, w) are independent?

Would k be the only independent variable since it is a constant?
However I am not too sure what exactly does the k represents.
Can someone please clear that up for me?

[] Which of the following are parameters that determine the characteristics of the wave? x only, t only, A only, k only, w only, x and t, w and t, A and k and w.

Would A and k and w determine th characteristics of the wave?
I know that A is the amplitude of the wave and w is the angular frequency
of the wave so those 2 has to be characteristics of the wave.
Each of the items create a specific aspect to the wave. If any of them are different, you'll have a different form on some level.

[] What is the phase of the wave?

That would be (kx-wt) right?

[] What is the wavelength of the wave?

Would that be 2pi/k?--
look at the units of each element

[] What is the period of this wave?

Would that be 2pi/w?

[] How do I find the speed of propagation v of this wave?

Take the time derivative of A*sin(kx-wt)= -w*A cos(kx-wt)
remember, w = rad/sec. Radians are unitless. A has units of length. the sine function is also unitless. Therefore, -w*A... has units of m/s. In this case, the velocity is negative because the angular velocity is negative.

Thank you for your help.
Each element has specific properties that contribute to the entire wave form. Go back and reread the text you're using.
If it does not adequately describe the wave, locate another source.
Do you have the capacity to graph this wave? Calculator, Maple, Mathmatica, Matlab, etc..?
Pick values for each element, and insert into graph. Change them one at a time, and you'll see how much each affects the total form.

FAQ: What Determines the Characteristics and Dynamics of a Wave?

What is the formula for calculating the frequency of a wave?

The formula for calculating the frequency of a wave is f = 1/T, where f is the frequency in hertz (Hz) and T is the period in seconds (s).

What is the formula for calculating the wavelength of a wave?

The formula for calculating the wavelength of a wave is λ = v/f, where λ is the wavelength in meters (m), v is the wave's velocity in meters per second (m/s), and f is the frequency in hertz (Hz).

How can I calculate the amplitude of a wave using its formula?

The amplitude of a wave can be calculated using the formula A = (ymax - ymin)/2, where A is the amplitude, ymax is the maximum displacement from the equilibrium position, and ymin is the minimum displacement from the equilibrium position.

What is the relationship between frequency, wavelength, and wave speed?

The relationship between frequency (f), wavelength (λ), and wave speed (v) is given by the formula v = fλ. This means that as frequency increases, wavelength decreases, and vice versa. Wave speed is constant for a given medium.

How can I use the wave formula to solve real-world problems?

The wave formula can be used to solve a variety of real-world problems, such as calculating the frequency of a sound wave or the wavelength of a light wave. It can also be used to determine the speed of a wave given its frequency and wavelength, or to find the amplitude of a wave. Understanding the wave formula is essential for studying and predicting the behavior of waves in various fields, such as physics, acoustics, and optics.
