Lattice Gauge Theory - Wilson Action

In summary: This procedure is true because it has been shown through various calculations and experiments. In summary, the Wilson action is a valid approximation of the continuum action due to the smallness of the lattice spacing, allowing for higher order terms to have a smaller effect on the overall result.
  • #1
I have one question, which can be very simple, but i can't answer it.
I have Wilson action for ordinary SU(2) gauge field. In all of the books I had read, the proof, that calculations in lattice theory is true - is equality the Wilson action in continuum limit to the continuum action. We use that exponents in [tex]U_\mu=\exp(iaA_\mu)[/tex] are small (because a is the vanishing lattice spacing) for uniting them into one and so on. And we can derive that [tex] S_W=\sum{1-U_{\mu \nu}} \rightarrow \sum{F_{ \mu \nu} F_{ \mu \nu } } [/tex] . But in real experiments I see that exponents are not small! And I am at a loss how we can use it and why is this procedure true after calculations.
Thank you!
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  • #2
The Wilson action is a lattice approximation of the continuum action. This means that the lattice spacing (a) is chosen to be small enough so that the results of the lattice calculations are close enough to the results of the continuum theory. The exponents in U_mu may not be small, but the difference between the results of the lattice and continuum theories still remains small. This is because the lattice spacing is chosen to be small enough so that the exponentials can be expanded out to higher order terms, which will have a smaller effect on the overall result.

FAQ: Lattice Gauge Theory - Wilson Action

1. What is Lattice Gauge Theory?

Lattice Gauge Theory is a theoretical framework in physics that is used to study the interactions between elementary particles. It is based on the concept of a lattice, which is a discrete grid of points representing space-time.

2. What is the Wilson Action in Lattice Gauge Theory?

The Wilson Action is a mathematical expression that describes the dynamics of the gauge fields on the lattice. It is used to calculate the probabilities of different particle interactions at each point on the lattice.

3. How is Lattice Gauge Theory used in particle physics?

Lattice Gauge Theory is used to study the behavior of elementary particles, such as quarks and gluons, at high energies. It is also used to simulate the strong nuclear force, which is responsible for binding protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.

4. What are the advantages of using Lattice Gauge Theory?

One of the main advantages of Lattice Gauge Theory is that it allows us to perform calculations that would be impossible using other methods, such as perturbation theory. It also provides a way to study the dynamics of particles at high energies without requiring expensive experiments.

5. What are some current applications of Lattice Gauge Theory?

Lattice Gauge Theory is currently being used in many areas of particle physics, including the study of the strong nuclear force, the behavior of quarks and gluons at high energies, and the properties of the Higgs boson. It is also being used to study the early universe and the formation of the first particles after the Big Bang.

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