The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2003

In summary, the 2003 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Peter Agre and Roderick MacKinnon for their contributions in discovering channels in cell membranes and studying the structural and mechanistic aspects of ion channels. This discovery was the result of years of hard work and collaboration, which may have led to some jealousy among their peers. However, the fact that they worked together should be celebrated and recognized, rather than causing envy. There was also some controversy surrounding another scientist, Raymond Damadian, who was not included as a co-recipient despite his contributions. This highlights the politics and complexities of the scientific world. Interestingly, the 2003 Nobel Prize in Medicine was also awarded to a chemist, showing the overlap and interdisciplinary
  • #1
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"for discoveries concerning channels in cell membranes"

Peter Agre - Johns Hopkins University "for the discovery of water channels"

Roderick MacKinnon - Rockefeller University "for structural and mechanistic studies of ion channels"

This is so cool, can you imagine being one of their students?
Chemistry news on
  • #2
But I can also imagine people being jealous, since these discoveries are never made alone and usually have taken the sweet blood and tears of students.
  • #3
I don't see why you would/should be jealous. The fact that you worked with these men alone should be enough. Plus it would look awesome on your resume
  • #4
Well, my prediction was right, just look at"

Originally posted by adrenaline
It took a long time because of a controversy about another scientist that probably should have also been a corecipient...Raymond Damadian He was shafted! Whoever thinks science isn't rife with politics is wrong.
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  • #5
2003 Nobel Prize in Medicine was given to a chemist
2003Nobel Prize in Chemistry was given to an M.D.

Just a bit of worthless but unusual peace of info.


FAQ: The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2003

What is the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2003?

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2003 was awarded jointly to Peter Agre and Roderick MacKinnon "for discoveries concerning channels in cell membranes".

Who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2003?

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2003 was awarded jointly to Peter Agre and Roderick MacKinnon.

What was the significance of the discoveries made by the Nobel Prize winners in 2003?

Peter Agre and Roderick MacKinnon's discoveries shed light on how cells transport water and ions through their membranes, which is essential for many biological processes. Their research has had significant implications in the fields of medicine and biotechnology.

How were the Nobel Prize winners in Chemistry 2003 chosen?

The Nobel Prize winners in Chemistry 2003 were chosen by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, based on nominations and recommendations from scientists and experts in the field.

What is the impact of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2003 on the scientific community?

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2003 has had a major impact on the scientific community, as it recognized groundbreaking research in the field of membrane biology and has influenced further studies in this area. It has also brought attention to the importance of understanding cellular processes and their impact on human health.
