Acceleration and velocity of cart travelling down an inclined plane.

In summary: Vi = 0 and the theoretical acceleration.In summary, the individual is experiencing difficulties in calculating the acceleration and velocity of a cart traveling down an inclined plane. They have attempted to use two different formulas, but have gotten varying results. They are also struggling with calculating Sin theta and have provided measurements for different heights of the plane. They are seeking assistance in finding the velocity of the cart and have been stuck on this problem for a week. They are open to using a spreadsheet to organize their data and calculations.
  • #1
I'm having problems of calculating the acceleration and velocity of a cart traveling down an inclined plane. I also need help calculating Sin theta. I've used 2 formulas to try calculating the acceleration and i get different answers. the first formula is a=2s/t2(squared), the 2nd formula was a=gsintheta. As for the angle sintheta i used the height of the plane/length of the board but i get ridiculous answers.

Length of inclined plane: 150.5cm
Point at which the cart is released: 115cm
Weight of cart: 784.30g

1st, height of the plane was 10 cm, avg time was 2.573 a=? v=?
2nd, height 20cm, avg time 1.483 a=? v=?
3rd, height 30cm, avg time 1.1783 a=? v=?
4th, height 40cm, avg time 0.973 a=? v=?
5th, height 50cm, avg time 0.8716 a=? v=?
6th, height 60cm, avg time 0.783 a=? v=?
7th, height 70cm, avg time 0.723 a=? v=?
8th, height 100cm, avg time 0.58 a=? v=?

Would appreciate it very much if someone could help me. I've been stuck at this for a week now and its getting really frustrating. Thank you!
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  • #2
Welcome to PF, tranced!

When the height is 10 cm, sin(θ) = 10/150.5
Have to do inverse sine of each side to get θ = inverse sin(10/150.5).
That works out to about 4 degrees for θ.
Looks like the theoretical g*sin(θ) formula gives an acceleration about twice as great as the experimental a=2s/t². This is not surprising; in practise friction and rotation of the wheels will reduce the expected acceleration.

You could get the average velocity easily with v = d/t, but I think you need the final velocity. Do you know how the final velocity is related to the average velocity for constant acceleration problems?
If not, you can probably see it on a sketch of the velocity vs time graph.

You have quite a few measurements; I suggest a table with columns for d, t, θ, g*sin(θ) and 2s/t². You could do it on a spreadsheet to have the calculations done automatically.
  • #3
Thanks very much for your help Delphi. Appreciate it. You been great help :)
  • #4
I'm still unsure how i can find the velocity. The cart's initial velocity is 0. But i have the acceleration, time and distance. which formula should i apply to find our the velocity?
  • #5
The velocity increases steadily so the v vs t graph is a straight line from (0,0) to (t,Vf). The triangular area under this graph is
d = ½*b*h = ½*t*Vf
so Vf = 2d/t to calculate the final velocity from your time and distance measurements.

The theoretical final velocity is found from the usual
Vf = Vi + a*t

FAQ: Acceleration and velocity of cart travelling down an inclined plane.

1. What is the difference between acceleration and velocity?

Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity over time. It is a measure of how quickly the velocity of an object is changing. Velocity, on the other hand, is the rate of change of displacement over time. It is a measure of how quickly an object is moving in a particular direction.

2. How does the angle of the inclined plane affect the acceleration and velocity of a cart?

The angle of the inclined plane affects the acceleration and velocity of a cart by changing the gravitational force acting on the cart. The steeper the angle of the plane, the greater the gravitational force and thus the greater the acceleration and velocity of the cart.

3. What is the relationship between mass and acceleration on an inclined plane?

According to Newton's Second Law of Motion, the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. Therefore, on an inclined plane, a cart with a larger mass will experience a smaller acceleration compared to a cart with a smaller mass due to the greater force of gravity acting on it.

4. How does friction affect the acceleration and velocity of a cart on an inclined plane?

Friction is a force that opposes the motion of an object. On an inclined plane, friction acts in the opposite direction of the cart's motion. This means that friction will decrease the acceleration and velocity of the cart as it moves down the inclined plane.

5. Can the acceleration and velocity of a cart on an inclined plane ever be equal to zero?

Yes, the acceleration and velocity of a cart on an inclined plane can be equal to zero if the net force acting on the cart is equal to zero. This can occur if the cart is at rest or if it is moving at a constant speed with no change in direction. It is important to note that the cart may still experience friction and other forces, but their effects will cancel out, resulting in a net force of zero.
