How can you calculate density from : altitude temperature and absolute humidity

In summary, the conversation discusses various ways to calculate density using different variables such as altitude, temperature, absolute humidity, due point, pressure, and specific volume. The use of a standard atmospheric table and NIST's publication are suggested methods for obtaining accurate density calculations.
  • #1
How can you calculate density from : altitude temperature and absolute humidity
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  • #2
The easiest way is to use a standard atmospheric table like the one here: you want to get down and dirty with density calculations, look around for NIST's publication NBSIR 77-1278 The Air Density Equation and the Transfer of the Mass Unit.
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  • #3
from humidity u can find due point

due point and temp u can find pressure

if the fluid is ideal u can find volume by PV=nRT

if u know pressure and temp u can find spc. volume

from spc.volume and volume u can find mass

from mass and volume u can find density...
  • #4
If you know specific volume, you know the density.

FAQ: How can you calculate density from : altitude temperature and absolute humidity

What is density?

Density is a measure of how much mass is contained in a given volume of a substance. It is typically measured in units of grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³) or kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m³).

How is density calculated?

Density is calculated by dividing the mass of a substance by its volume. The equation for density is: density = mass / volume.

How can altitude affect density?

As altitude increases, the air pressure decreases, which in turn affects the density of the air. This is because at higher altitudes, there are fewer air molecules per unit of volume, resulting in a lower density.

How does temperature impact density?

Temperature has an inverse relationship with density. As temperature increases, the particles in a substance have more energy and spread out, resulting in a decrease in density. As temperature decreases, the particles have less energy and become more tightly packed, increasing the density.

Can absolute humidity affect density?

Absolute humidity, which measures the amount of water vapor in the air, can indirectly affect density. This is because at higher levels of humidity, there is less space for air molecules, leading to a decrease in air density. However, the effect of absolute humidity on density is typically smaller compared to the effects of temperature and altitude.

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