Relativity train and clock synchronization

In summary, the relativity train thought experiment involves the concept of synchronized clocks at the front and back of a moving train, necessary for a beam of light to reach both simultaneously from the perspective of an observer on the train. However, using a rigid rod to synchronize the clocks would not produce the same results due to the speed of sound being less than the speed of light. Therefore, the clocks would not be synchronized from the perspective of an outside observer.
  • #1
I'm trying to understand the relativity train thought experiment. One of the key concepts seems to be that the clocks at the front and back of the train are "synchronized" such that the clock at the front of the train is running slightly behind the clock at the back of the train (as seen by an observer outside the train). As I understand it, this is necessary in order for a beam of light shined toward the front of the train, and a beam of light simultaneously shined toward the back of the train to arrive at their respective destinations simultaneously (as seen by an observer on the train).

I've also read that if the two clocks are synchronized together at the middle of the train, the clock that is then taken to the front of the train will lose some time (due to its having run slower as it traveled at the combined speed of the train plus that of moving the clock forward) while the clock at the back of the train will gain some time (due to its having run faster as it traveled at the reduced speed of the train minus that of moving the clock rearward)--which results in the forward clock running slightly behind the after clock.

So far, so good.

But what if a different method is used to synchronize the two clocks, say a mechanical rod extending forward and backwards to both clocks, which is used to start both clocks running at the same time. If the train is stopped, when the two clocks are brought together at the middle of the train, they'll show the same time. But if the train is moving at near the speed of light, wouldn't they show different times? And wouldn't this violate one of the postulates of special relativity?

I'm sure I'm missing something, and I'd appreciate your enlightening me.
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  • #2
Welcome to Physics Forums!

BHollis said:
But what if a different method is used to synchronize the two clocks, say a mechanical rod extending forward and backwards to both clocks, which is used to start both clocks running at the same time.

A rigid rod can't be used to transmit signals instantaneously from one place to another. If you apply a force to one end, the effect propagates along the rod at the speed of sound in the material the rod is made of, which is less than the speed of light.
  • #3
bcrowell said:
Welcome to Physics Forums!

A rigid rod can't be used to transmit signals instantaneously from one place to another. If you apply a force to one end, the effect propagates along the rod at the speed of sound in the material the rod is made of, which is less than the speed of light.

Thanks for replying.

But even so, wouldn't the effect be the same at both the front and back of the train--with the net result that the clocks would be tripped "simultaneously," and thereby "synchronized?"
  • #4
I don't think synchronization of the two clocks (which are in same inertial frame) of the train is such a difficult task. I present some methods.

Since the train is moving at constant speed, we (who are inside train) can in every respect assume that everything is stationary. (This isn't necessary but helps to avoid confusion)

1. Place two clocks at respective positions then mark out the mid-point. Flash out a beam of light from there in both direction. Pre-arrange the clock to be started at 0, when a light beam shines off.

2. Press a button, that both starts first clock at 0 and throws a light beam from the fist clock to the second. Pre-arrange the second clock to start at --> distance/c <-- time when beam of light reaches.

Now after the clock is synchronized, To do the experiment: shine off a beam of light from midpoint, just as in 1. But this time prearrange the clock to be paused when the light beam reaches them.
Now you can take your time, bring the clock together and compare there time.
Happy experimenting. :)
  • #5
BHollis said:
Thanks for replying.

But even so, wouldn't the effect be the same at both the front and back of the train--with the net result that the clocks would be tripped "simultaneously," and thereby "synchronized?"
In the frame of the train, yes. But not according to our outside observer.

You have to take into account the addition of velocities in Relativity:

[tex]w =\frac{v+u}{1+\frac{uv}{c^2}}[/tex]

If we say that the velocity of the train is v, and the speed of sound through the rod is u, then the outside observer will see the sound travel with respect to himself at

[tex]w =\frac{v+u}{1+\frac{uv}{c^2}}[/tex]

in one half of the rod and

[tex]w =\frac{v-u}{1-\frac{uv}{c^2}}[/tex]

in the other.

If v is .5c and u is .1c, this gives results of




or 0.071c and 0.79c with respect to the train. One impulse will reach its clock and start it before the other.
  • #6
Janus said:
In the frame of the train, yes. But not according to our outside observer.

You have to take into account the addition of velocities in Relativity:

[tex]w =\frac{v+u}{1+\frac{uv}{c^2}}[/tex]

If we say that the velocity of the train is v, and the speed of sound through the rod is u, then the outside observer will see the sound travel with respect to himself at

[tex]w =\frac{v+u}{1+\frac{uv}{c^2}}[/tex]

in one half of the rod and

[tex]w =\frac{v-u}{1-\frac{uv}{c^2}}[/tex]

in the other.

If v is .5c and u is .1c, this gives results of




or 0.071c and 0.79c with respect to the train. One impulse will reach its clock and start it before the other.

Thanks very much for the response. I'm going to have to think about that.

FAQ: Relativity train and clock synchronization

1. What is the theory of relativity?

The theory of relativity is a fundamental concept in physics that explains the relationship between space and time. There are two main theories of relativity: special relativity and general relativity. Special relativity deals with objects moving at a constant speed, while general relativity takes into account the effects of gravity.

2. How does relativity affect train and clock synchronization?

According to special relativity, time is relative and can be affected by the speed at which an object is moving. This means that as a train moves at a high speed, the time on the train will appear to pass slower compared to a stationary observer. This can lead to differences in the synchronization of clocks on the train and on the ground.

3. What is the "twin paradox" in relativity?

The "twin paradox" is a thought experiment that demonstrates the effects of special relativity on the aging of twins. In this scenario, one twin stays on Earth while the other travels through space at high speeds. When the traveling twin returns, they will have aged less than the twin who stayed on Earth due to time dilation.

4. Can the speed of light be exceeded?

According to the theory of relativity, the speed of light is the maximum speed at which energy, information, or matter can travel. This means that it is impossible for any object to exceed the speed of light. As an object approaches the speed of light, its mass increases and requires more energy to accelerate further, making it impossible to reach the speed of light.

5. How does general relativity explain gravity?

According to general relativity, gravity is not a force between masses, but rather a curvature of space and time caused by the presence of massive objects. This means that the more massive an object is, the more it warps the fabric of space-time, causing other objects to move towards it. This explains why objects fall towards the Earth and why the planets orbit the sun.

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