Experiencing the Arrogant Homeless

  • Thread starter fileen
  • Start date
In summary, the homeless gentleman was rude and insistent on receiving money from the person he was begging.
  • #1
I was in Toronto with my boyfriend heading down to union station when a homeless gentleman steps in front of me and holds out his hand. I searched my pockets and came up empty handed. I looked him in the eye and said "Im sorry, but I've nothing to spare." When I attempted to go around him he stepped in front of me again and said, "You know how many times I hear 'Im sorry' in a day, it means nothing to me, what's it mean to you huh?" I am sure at this point my boyfriend saw me simmering away and I was about to say something to the effect of "how about sorry you don't have a job and stand out here mooching all day!" but did not get the chance as he grabbed me by the arm and dragged me away saying "time to go" I recognize that many homeless people have mental illness etc, which keep them from working or functioning in society, but I was shocked by how rude he was. I don't spend a tremendous amount of time in the cities, but I have spent enough time to have a little experience with the homeless, and perhaps because I usually give them something, I have never experienced this sort of arrogant attitude before. I guess I expect people who beg to be humble and happy when they are given something for nothing. Has anyone else had a similar experience with the homeless?
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  • #2
It is Toronto and he was probably a merchant banker this time last week!
  • #3
fileen said:
I was in Toronto with my boyfriend heading down to union station when a homeless gentleman steps in front of me and holds out his hand. I searched my pockets and came up empty handed. I looked him in the eye and said "Im sorry, but I've nothing to spare." When I attempted to go around him he stepped in front of me again and said, "You know how many times I hear 'Im sorry' in a day, it means nothing to me, what's it mean to you huh?" I am sure at this point my boyfriend saw me simmering away and I was about to say something to the effect of "how about sorry you don't have a job and stand out here mooching all day!" but did not get the chance as he grabbed me by the arm and dragged me away saying "time to go" I recognize that many homeless people have mental illness etc, which keep them from working or functioning in society, but I was shocked by how rude he was. I don't spend a tremendous amount of time in the cities, but I have spent enough time to have a little experience with the homeless, and perhaps because I usually give them something, I have never experienced this sort of arrogant attitude before. I guess I expect people who beg to be humble and happy when they are given something for nothing. Has anyone else had a similar experience with the homeless?

To refer to a Bill Hicks quote:

(Paraphrasing a little here)

"And they always say "hey buddy, you don't know what it's like to be broke!" Yeah, that's why I have a job."
  • #4
One thing you need to understand about homeless people is that there are tons of places for them to get free food. "Soup kitchens" actually have really good food, and every homeless person knows where they are located. Every dollar you give to a homeless person goes towards alcohol or drugs, sometimes cigarettes, especially if they are approaching you and asking for a hand out. I know because I spent a couple of months homeless once when my girlfriend kicked me out. I never panhandled a cent, but I saw tons of people do it. The homeless have a community of their own and everyone knows everyone else. They all gather together at the soup kitchens every day and that's how they get nourishment. Every penny panhandled is for booze and drugs, never food.
  • #5
I do not encounter many homeless people, but one paraffin lamp i used to see often was a proper gent, i could talk with him for ages as he knew far more than i did, so i would bung him a fiver with no regrets.
I have not seen my proper gypsy mate for three years now, he is into old Brit bikes and loves to talk about them, i do miss him him as his tea is the the best ever, i hope he is okay.
The worst beggars i encountered was in Bolognia, they knew the word for money in every language and would have their hands in your pockets quick as a flash.
  • #6
I bought a homeless guy shoes once. I don't care what they spend it on, once I give it to them its theirs. I just don't like rudeness from someone who is asking me to give him the money I've worked hard to earn. I was surprised, is it common for them to behave in this manner?
  • #7
It's becoming more common.
The funny thing about the homeless is that a lot of them are very smart, likable people until you add alcohol or drugs. I'm always amazed when I see how much drugs and alcohol can control a persons life.
  • #8
tribdog said:
It's becoming more common.
The funny thing about the homeless is that a lot of them are very smart, likable people until you add alcohol or drugs. I'm always amazed when I see how much drugs and alcohol can control a persons life.

It ruins your life before you even realize youve got a problem
  • #9
I know a person who on a trip to NYC and saw a homeless person tossing an imaginary coin in the air. This person who is very witty, reached out quickly and snatched the coin away from the homeless person.
I don't know if this makes you feel any better, but there are ways to retaliate if you can run fast.
  • #10
Shoshana said:
I know a person who on a trip to NYC and saw a homeless person tossing an imaginary coin in the air. This person who is very witty, reached out quickly and snatched the coin away from the homeless person.
I don't know if this makes you feel any better, but there are ways to retaliate if you can run fast.

hahaha while in toronto my dad and I were approached by a junky clearly all drugged up, she ran up to us and in a panic yelled "do you see the birds?" my dad cleverly looked around himself and yelled back "I know! theyre everywhere" The woman went berzerk! she ran off and lord only knows what became of her
  • #11
I saw one guy who was terrified that the helicopters followed him at night with their spotlights. He pointed to one in the sky in said watch it follow me then he took off running down the street. See its following me he yelled. Unfortunately it wasn't a helicopter he was pointing at, it was a star. I said, "Oh my god, it is following you. run down the street again see if it follows you the other way."
  • #12
fileen said:
hahaha while in toronto my dad and I were approached by a junky clearly all drugged up, she ran up to us and in a panic yelled "do you see the birds?" my dad cleverly looked around himself and yelled back "I know! theyre everywhere" The woman went berzerk! she ran off and lord only knows what became of her

That must be the fine line. Living in midtown Manhattan, I got so tired of trying to deal with the nuts that I just joined the lot of em.
Now they cross the street to avoid ME!~
  • #13
fileen said:
I was in Toronto with my boyfriend heading down to union station when a homeless gentleman steps in front of me and holds out his hand. I searched my pockets and came up empty handed. I looked him in the eye and said "Im sorry, but I've nothing to spare." When I attempted to go around him he stepped in front of me again and said, "You know how many times I hear 'Im sorry' in a day, it means nothing to me, what's it mean to you huh?" I am sure at this point my boyfriend saw me simmering away and I was about to say something to the effect of "how about sorry you don't have a job and stand out here mooching all day!" but did not get the chance as he grabbed me by the arm and dragged me away saying "time to go" I recognize that many homeless people have mental illness etc, which keep them from working or functioning in society, but I was shocked by how rude he was. I don't spend a tremendous amount of time in the cities, but I have spent enough time to have a little experience with the homeless, and perhaps because I usually give them something, I have never experienced this sort of arrogant attitude before. I guess I expect people who beg to be humble and happy when they are given something for nothing. Has anyone else had a similar experience with the homeless?

They are always there all the time. I went once with my friend at 6 AM they were there and I returned back there at 10 PM .. and they were still there.

IMO it's a really scary place... too crowdy for me.
  • #14
I like crazy people, the good type at least that don't get too violent, etc.
  • #15
crazy doesn't bother me, I don't like when they follow you around, or get angry when you politely refuse them
  • #16
fileen said:
crazy doesn't bother me, I don't like when they follow you around, or get angry when you politely refuse them

There's a surefire way to avoid that: Don't politely refuse them. Get rude from the start!

FAQ: Experiencing the Arrogant Homeless

1. What is the definition of an "arrogant homeless" person?

An "arrogant homeless" person is someone who is experiencing homelessness and also displays an attitude of superiority or entitlement. This type of behavior often stems from a sense of frustration, anger, or resentment towards society and can manifest in various ways such as refusing help or being confrontational.

2. What factors contribute to someone becoming an "arrogant homeless" person?

There are many factors that can contribute to someone becoming an "arrogant homeless" person. These include a history of trauma or abuse, mental illness, substance abuse, lack of support or resources, and negative experiences with society or authority figures. It is important to remember that every individual's situation is unique and there is no one-size-fits-all answer.

3. How can society address the issue of "arrogant homeless" individuals?

Addressing the issue of "arrogant homeless" individuals requires a multi-faceted approach. This includes providing access to mental health resources, addressing systemic issues such as poverty and discrimination, and offering support and resources for those experiencing homelessness. It is also important for society to educate themselves on the complex issues surrounding homelessness and to treat individuals with empathy and understanding.

4. Are there any effective ways to communicate with an "arrogant homeless" person?

Communicating with an "arrogant homeless" person can be challenging because of their defensive or confrontational behavior. It is important to approach them with empathy and understanding, and to avoid being judgmental or confrontational. It can also be helpful to acknowledge their experiences and validate their feelings, while also setting boundaries for appropriate behavior.

5. What are some potential long-term solutions to addressing the issue of "arrogant homeless" individuals?

Some potential long-term solutions to addressing the issue of "arrogant homeless" individuals include providing affordable housing and access to healthcare, increasing job opportunities and skills training, and addressing systemic issues such as poverty and discrimination. It is also important for society to shift towards a more compassionate and understanding attitude towards those experiencing homelessness and to address the root causes of this issue.

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