Suggestions for an AI programming project?

In summary, the speaker is looking for ideas for a research project for their C++ class that can be rendered in 3D. They are considering doing something related to AI, specifically pathfinding. They mention the idea of creating a 3D pacman game with different ghost AI algorithms, but are unsure if it's a good idea. Another person suggests that it's a sensible project, but it may be difficult to play unless it's in first person or a demo mode for the class.
  • #1
Hi everyone.
I'm supposed to do a small research project for one of my C++ classes. The only requirement is that it can be rendered in 3D (opengl).
I wanted to do something AI related, like pathfinding or something.
I thought of making a 3D pacman with each ghost following a different pathfinding algorithm, but I'm not really sure.
Do you think that sounds like a good idea or should I do something else?
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  • #2
That's a pretty sensible project. I don't see any problem with it.

Though 3D pacman would be pretty hard to play unless it was first person or something. Might just want to stick with a demo-mode for class.
  • #3

I think your idea of creating a 3D Pacman game with different ghost characters using different pathfinding algorithms is a great idea for an AI programming project. This project would not only showcase your skills in programming and using opengl, but also demonstrate your understanding of different AI techniques such as pathfinding. Additionally, it has the potential to be visually appealing and engaging for users.

However, if you are looking for other ideas, you could also consider creating a 3D maze-solving AI program that navigates through a complex maze using different search algorithms. This would allow you to explore and compare the efficiency and effectiveness of various search algorithms in a visually interactive manner.

Another idea could be to create a virtual pet simulation where the AI learns and adapts to the user's interactions and behaviors. This would involve implementing machine learning techniques and could be a fun and unique project to work on.

Ultimately, the key to a successful AI programming project is to choose a topic that interests you and allows you to explore and demonstrate your knowledge and skills in AI and programming. I wish you all the best in your project!

FAQ: Suggestions for an AI programming project?

1. What are some good ideas for an AI programming project?

There are many potential ideas for an AI programming project, depending on your interests and goals. Some popular options include developing a chatbot, designing a recommendation system, or creating a virtual assistant.

2. How do I get started with an AI programming project?

To get started with an AI programming project, it is important to first familiarize yourself with the basics of AI and machine learning. Then, you can choose a specific programming language or framework to work with and begin learning its syntax and structure.

3. What programming languages are commonly used for AI?

Some common programming languages used for AI projects include Python, Java, and C++. However, there are many other options to choose from, including more specialized languages such as Prolog or LISP.

4. What skills do I need to have to work on an AI programming project?

To work on an AI programming project, it is helpful to have a strong understanding of mathematics, statistics, and computer science. Additionally, skills in programming and problem-solving are essential for developing effective AI systems.

5. Are there any resources available to help with an AI programming project?

Yes, there are many resources available to assist with an AI programming project. Online tutorials, forums, and courses can provide guidance and support for beginners, while more experienced programmers can benefit from research papers, conferences, and open-source libraries.

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