What is the difference between magnetic dipole moment and torque ?

In summary: If you must make an analogy to a mechanical moment, the one you want is probably "axle".In summary, the magnetic dipole moment is a property of a current loop that allows it to experience a torque when placed in an externally-produced magnetic field. This moment is not the same as torque, and can be thought of as the strength or affinity of the loop to align itself to another magnetic field. However, this understanding may change as you learn more about the topic.
  • #1
imagine a door shaped circuit in the between a south and north pole
such that the long sides are perpendicular to the magnetic field created by the magnet , now
in my physics book , it says that the torque that rotates the door is equal to B * Md where Md is the magnetic dipole moment which equals Intensity * Area * Number of turns * for a coil *
now what is the difference between the magnetic dipole moment ? isn't moment the same thing as torque ?
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  • #2
You have an equation that says: ##\tau=BMd## (making some assumptions about geometry) and you are asking if ##M## is not the same as ##\tau##? Doesn't the equation tell you?

You should be aware that words can be used to mean different things in different contexts.
A "torque" is a "mechanical moment" - when there is no risk of confusion, you get to leave off the "mechanical" part to save typing. Notice that there is also a "moment of inertia" or "inertial moment" - which is also a moment that is not the same as a torque.
  • #3
B4ssHunter said:
Md is the magnetic dipole moment which equals Intensity * Area * Number of turns * for a coil

I think you mean (electric) current, not intensity. Perhaps the symbol I for current is confusing you.

now what is the difference between the magnetic dipole moment ? isn't moment the same thing as torque ?

Magnetic dipole moment is a property of the current loop which is independent of the presence of an externally-produced magnetic field. Because of that property, the loop experiences a torque when placed in an externally-produced magnetic field. That torque depends on both the magnetic dipole moment of the loop, and the strength of the magnetic field.
  • #4
I think you mean (electric) current, not intensity. Perhaps the symbol I for current is confusing you.
The reason the symbol for electric current is "I" is that it used to be called "current intensity" or just "intensity". The use of an archaic term usually signifies someone who is self-taught from old textbooks found for free online.There are other uses for the word moment, for instance we can talk about an event turning or hinging on a particular moment of time. Also not a torque. There are lots of moments that are not torques. :)
  • #5
Simon Bridge said:
You have an equation that says: ##\tau=BMd## (making some assumptions about geometry) and you are asking if ##M## is not the same as ##\tau##? Doesn't the equation tell you?

You should be aware that words can be used to mean different things in different contexts.
A "torque" is a "mechanical moment" - when there is no risk of confusion, you get to leave off the "mechanical" part to save typing. Notice that there is also a "moment of inertia" or "inertial moment" - which is also a moment that is not the same as a torque.

mr simon , i do understand the equation
but what was really bothering me is the word MOMENT , i have been taught that moment is the same as torque , so for me it was like saying
magnetic torque = magnetic * torque * X Magnetic flux density of the field
but now i understand that the the magnetic moment is somekind of an intrinsic property of a magnet * or loop* to align itself to another magnetic field , or to rotate to another magnetic field
more like the affinity or strength of a magnet to align to another magnet field , is that true ?
would it be correct if i think of it as the " arm " of the magnet ?
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  • #6
B4ssHunter said:
mr simon , i do understand the equation
but what was really bothering me is the word MOMENT , i have been taught that moment is the same as torque
Yeah - I got that, which is why I went to some trouble to point out that this is the wrong impression.

The lesson where torque and moment was the same was supposed to be taken in context of mechanical moments only. You are expected to figure this stuff out as you advance - definitions will change as you learn more stuff.

but now i understand that the the magnetic moment is some kind of an intrinsic property of a magnet *or loop* to align itself to another magnetic field , or to rotate to another magnetic field more like the affinity or strength of a magnet to align to another magnet field , is that true ?
That would be one way of thinking about it for now. Be aware that this understanding will have to change later depending on what you end up doing.

would it be correct if i think of it as the " arm " of the magnet ?

FAQ: What is the difference between magnetic dipole moment and torque ?

1. What is a magnetic dipole moment?

A magnetic dipole moment is a measure of the strength and direction of a magnetic field produced by a magnetic dipole, which is a current loop or a pair of poles with opposite polarities. It is usually represented by the symbol μ and is measured in units of ampere-square meters (A m2).

2. What is torque in relation to magnetic dipole moment?

Torque is the measure of the tendency of a force to rotate an object around an axis. In the context of magnetic dipole moment, torque is the measure of the force that a magnetic field exerts on a magnetic dipole, causing it to align with the external field. It is represented by the symbol τ and is measured in units of newton-meters (N m).

3. How are magnetic dipole moment and torque related?

Magnetic dipole moment and torque are directly related to each other. The magnitude of the torque acting on a magnetic dipole is equal to the product of the magnetic dipole moment and the strength of the external magnetic field. The direction of the torque is perpendicular to both the magnetic dipole moment and the external magnetic field.

4. What is the difference between magnetic dipole moment and magnetic moment?

Magnetic dipole moment and magnetic moment are often used interchangeably, but they are slightly different. Magnetic dipole moment is a vector quantity that describes the strength and direction of a magnetic dipole, while magnetic moment is a scalar quantity that describes the strength of any magnetic source, including magnetic dipoles, magnetic fields, and magnetic materials.

5. How is the magnetic dipole moment of a magnet different from its magnetic field?

The magnetic dipole moment of a magnet is a property that describes the strength and direction of the magnetic field it produces, while the magnetic field is the physical manifestation of the magnetic force that surrounds a magnet. In other words, the magnetic dipole moment is a measure of the source of the magnetic field, while the magnetic field is the effect of the magnetic dipole moment.

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