Physics major vs. mechanical engineer undergrad degree to become an engineer

In summary, the conversation discusses the differences between a physics and mechanical engineering undergraduate degree and how they may prepare someone for a career in engineering. The speaker is considering switching to a physics major due to their interest in theoretical concepts, but is advised to stick with mechanical engineering in order to have a more direct path to becoming a certified Professional Engineer. It is also suggested to take additional pure math courses to complement their engineering education and prepare for graduate school.
  • #1
physics vs. mechanical engineering undergrad degree to become an engineer


i am an intended mechanical engineering major (undergrad) since that's where i would like to end up professionally. I'm still relatively early on in my education, but upon taking physics I'm struck by how much more thorough my understanding is of concepts that we are touching on in my engineering classes like statics. i feel like i learn more theory in physics whereas classes like statics feel much more applied. for example, in statics we briefly touched on Newton's laws and then cranked through problem after problem. even my statics book feels very thin on theory, but heavy on application as compared to my physics book.

i'm a former biologist, so I'm used to more scientific theory. a healthy balance between that and lab/application. I'm wondering if i should investigate an undergrad degree in physics. many classes at my local university look parallel, but separate for engineering and physics majors in areas like mechanics, electrical, etc., but I'm thinking the physics classes will be more thorough in a way that i can appreciate. any advice? anyone do this? i don't want to extend my undergrad education out too far, because I'm getting a second baccalaureate degree and want to move on to graduate education at some point soon - thinking to do the mechanical at that point. just want to make sure I'm well-prepared.


ps - i just realized i mistakingly posted this in the career guidance forum versus the academic one. sorry!
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Physics news on
  • #2
If you know you want to do engineering, definitely go with the engineering degree. It can be difficult to get back to engineering with a physics major. An ABET accredited undergrad engineering degree is required in the US if you want to become a certified Professional Engineer, for example. Many engineering grad programs even require an undergraduate degree in their field. If you have more interest in the physics classes you can try to take some as electives.

My school had a very theoretical engineering focus. Schools vary in how theoretical they are. You may get more into pure calculus and differential equations based ME courses as you get into upper level and graduate courses. You'll still have the project and practical aspects too, of course.

You may also want to consider taking pure math electives to complement your engineering. Depending on the classes, they can be more directly applicable to your engineering courses, and they can give you a more theoretical grounding. This will be especially important for grad school. Extra differential equations, probability, and numerical analysis are some applicable math courses (among others).
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FAQ: Physics major vs. mechanical engineer undergrad degree to become an engineer

1. What is the main difference between a Physics major and a Mechanical Engineering undergraduate degree?

The main difference between a Physics major and a Mechanical Engineering undergraduate degree is their focus and curriculum. A Physics major focuses on the fundamental principles and theories of physics, while a Mechanical Engineering degree focuses on the application of those principles to design, develop, and analyze mechanical systems.

2. Which degree would be more beneficial for a career in engineering?

Both degrees can lead to a career in engineering, but a Mechanical Engineering undergraduate degree is more directly related to the field. It provides a more comprehensive understanding of mechanical systems and the skills necessary for designing and creating them, making it more beneficial for a career in engineering.

3. Is a Physics major a good foundation for pursuing a career in engineering?

A Physics major can provide a solid foundation for pursuing a career in engineering, as it covers many of the fundamental principles and theories that are applicable to various fields of engineering. However, it may require additional courses or experience to gain the practical skills and knowledge needed for a specific engineering career.

4. Will a Mechanical Engineering degree limit my options for graduate school?

No, a Mechanical Engineering degree will not limit your options for graduate school. In fact, it can open up opportunities for various graduate programs in engineering, as well as related fields such as materials science, aerospace engineering, and biomedical engineering.

5. Can I switch from a Physics major to a Mechanical Engineering major during my undergraduate studies?

It is possible to switch from a Physics major to a Mechanical Engineering major during your undergraduate studies, but it may require additional coursework and time. It is important to consult with an academic advisor to determine the best path for your individual situation.

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