How Does Mass Affect Acceleration in a Trolley Experiment?

In summary, the aim of the experiment was to examine the relationship between net force, mass, and acceleration in a system. The method involved using an electronic scale to measure the mass of a trolley, setting up the trolley with a 1kg mass hanging over the edge and a string connecting them on a pulley, and timing how long it takes for the trolley to fall. This was repeated with additional masses of 1kg, 2kg, and 3kg. The results showed that as the mass of the system increased, the time for the trolley to fall also increased, indicating a relationship between mass and acceleration. However, the exact equation to determine the net force of the system in terms of acceleration, mass
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Matt 20 1
1. Aim: To examine the relationship between the net force acting on a system, the mass of the system and its acceleration.

1. Use an electronic scale to measure the mass of a trolley.
2. Set up the trolley as shown below and measure the length that the trolley travels before dropping. (Trolley on table connected to a 1kg mass hanging over the edge. String connecting the two on a pulley).
3. Time how long it takes for the trolley to fall. Do this three times. (0.62m)
4. Place a 1kg mass on the trolley and time how long it takes to fall
5. Repeat, using a 2kg mass, and then a 3kg massMass (kg) Time (sec)
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average
0.780 0.25 0.29 0.30 0.28

1.780 0.36 0.40 0.40 0.39

2.780 0.43 0.43 0.51 0.46

3.780 0.59 0.66 0.49 0.57

I'm really not sure of any equations or how to find a solution. What I need help to learn is how to figure out the force of the system
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(net force) in terms of the acceleration, mass and time. I understand that the force is equal to the mass times the acceleration, but I'm not sure how to use this information to get a result. Any help would be much appreciated.

FAQ: How Does Mass Affect Acceleration in a Trolley Experiment?

What is force?

Force is a physical quantity that can cause an object to accelerate or change its motion.

What is mass?

Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object.

What is acceleration?

Acceleration is the rate at which an object's velocity changes over time.

How are force, mass, and acceleration related?

According to Newton's Second Law of Motion, force is equal to the mass of an object multiplied by its acceleration. This means that the greater the mass of an object, the more force is needed to accelerate it at a given rate.

What is the formula for calculating force?

The formula for calculating force is F=ma, where F is force, m is mass, and a is acceleration. This equation can be rearranged to find any of these variables, depending on the information given.
