Solving Riccatti Equation: 2nd Order Diff. Eq.

  • Thread starter yoyo
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In summary: One reason is that when you try to solve them you often get into some kind of "doubling-back" problem where you have to solve two equations at the same time and then somehow use the results of one to solve the other. In linear equations, this is usually not a problem because the two equations are always linearly related.
  • #1
Consider the following Riccatti equation:

dy/dx= -y^2+ a(x)y + b(x) (Eq. 2)

Here a(x) and b(x) are arbitrary functions.

1. Set y(x)= u'(x)/ u(x) where u(x) is a function to be determined. Use (Eq. 2) to show that u(x) satisfies a linear differential equation of second order.

2. Set a=0 and b=1. Solve (Eq. 2) by separating variables using y(0)=0 as the initial condition.

3. Find the function u(x) corresponding to the case a=0, b=1 and y(0)=0. When solving the second order equation for u(x) assume that u'(0)= y(0) and u(0)= 1. Compare the solution of (Eq. 2) from Part 2 with u'(x)/u(x).

4. Eplain why it is nice to replace a non-linear first order differential equation with a linear second order one.
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for part 1 here is what i have substituting y=u'/u

(dy/dx)= -(u'/u)^2+a(x)(u'/u)+b(x)

multiply everything by u to get:


So am i done here or is there more? (I have a really lousy professor who
just barely got his phD and can't really teach. therefore i am having a lot of diffuculty understanding the matrial. i feel like i am teaching myself please help)
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  • #3
yoyo said:
multiply everything by u to get:


So am i done here or is there more? (I have a really lousy professor who
just barely got his phD and can't really teach. therefore i am having a lot of diffuculty understanding the matrial. i feel like i am teaching myself please help)

No, wish to rid the equation of y and just have u's. First, just treat a(x) and b(x) as a and b with the understanding that they are functions of x ok. Then we have:


Letting [itex]y=\frac{u^{'}}{u}[/itex] and substituting this into the ODE, we get:

[tex]\frac{uu^{''}-(u^{'})^2}{u^2}=-\frac{(u^{'})^2}{u^2}+\frac{au^'}{u}+b [/tex]

You understand this part right?

Now, multiplying throghout by [itex]u^2[/itex] and noting that there is a [itex]-(u^{'})^2 [/itex] on both sides which cancel, we have:


Divide out the u and place in standard form:

[tex]u^{''}-au^{'}-bu=0 [/tex]

That's a good start and it's important to understand this before going further. I assume you'll look at mine, then attempt to go through the steps on your own on paper. Next, do a similar substitution with the following more general form of the Riccati equation:


Using the substitution:


With Q,R, and P functions of X so when you're differentiating y remember to differentiate R as well.
  • #4
Oh and we're not done here: either you or me should/could write a final report on this with at least one plot. Would be better for you if you're taking this in school but if I don't see any follow-up postings by Sun. night, I'll do so (I'm patient).
  • #5
thanks for the help salty, it really pointed me in the right direction. After some calculus I was able to get u''-au'-bu=0 . however, I still can't figure out number 3, which I've written again below:

Find the function u(x) corresponding to the case a=0, b=1 and y(0)=0. When solving the second order equation for u(x) assume that u'(0)= y(0) and u(0)= 1. Compare the solution of (Eq. 2) from Part 2 with u'(x)/u(x).

I got u''-1=0, and then rewrote it as d^y/dx^2 =1 . From here though I'm stuck.

Also, what is your opinion on number 4? is it because of the properties of a linear equation?

  • #6
yoyo said:
Find the function u(x) corresponding to the case a=0, b=1 and y(0)=0. When solving the second order equation for u(x) assume that u'(0)= y(0) and u(0)= 1. Compare the solution of (Eq. 2) from Part 2 with u'(x)/u(x).

I got u''-1=0, and then rewrote it as d^y/dx^2 =1 . From here though I'm stuck.

Also, what is your opinion on number 4? is it because of the properties of a linear equation?


Well, if b=1 then the second order eq. in u(x) becomes:


Solving this the usual way, you know how to right, gets:

Now, you can plug in u'(0)=u(0)=1 into this and its derivative, get two equations, two unknowns, find [itex]c_1[/itex] and [itex]c_2[/itex].

Also, #4: non-linear equations are much harder to solve than linear equations.

FAQ: Solving Riccatti Equation: 2nd Order Diff. Eq.

1. What is a Riccatti equation?

A Riccatti equation is a type of second order differential equation that has the form y'' = f(x, y, y') where y' and y'' represent first and second order derivatives of y with respect to x. This type of equation is commonly used in mathematical modeling and has many real-world applications.

2. How do you solve a Riccatti equation?

There are a few different methods for solving a Riccatti equation, depending on the specific form of the equation. One common method is to use a substitution to transform the equation into a linear differential equation, which can then be solved using standard techniques. Another approach is to use a series solution, where the solution is expressed as a power series in terms of the independent variable.

3. What is the importance of solving Riccatti equations?

Solving Riccatti equations allows us to model and understand complex systems in physics, engineering, and other fields. They also have applications in control theory, where they are used to analyze and design feedback control systems. Furthermore, solutions to Riccatti equations often have important implications for stability and optimization problems.

4. Are there any specific techniques for solving Riccatti equations?

Yes, there are several specific techniques that can be used to solve Riccatti equations. These include the substitution method, series solutions, the reduction of order method, and the use of special functions such as the Lambert W function. The appropriate technique will depend on the specific form of the equation and the desired solution.

5. Can Riccatti equations be solved analytically?

In general, Riccatti equations do not have closed-form solutions that can be expressed in terms of elementary functions. However, for certain special cases, such as when the coefficient function f(x, y, y') is a constant or a polynomial, analytical solutions may be possible. In most cases, however, numerical methods are needed to obtain an approximate solution.
